the minute hand of the clock crawls past so slowly, like an injured soldier on his final breath, crawling to the line of safety.
when you are married for the longest time (since the time of creation, it will feel like :-p) you tend to take the company of each other for granted. you wake up and....well, basically, he's the one who woke you up with his noisy morning routines. fast forward to the end of the day and he'll dutifully appear at the doorway at the magical hour. you don't feel the need to seek him out during the day nor have any pressing need to talk to him.
well, life goes on...but something seems missing. nevertheless, knowing that he is well taken care of at the moment helps to take my mind off him.
a friend from my secondary school days called me up a few days ago. two minutes into the 'hello', 'where are you?' conversation, he proclaimed that he cannot stand to talk to me because i have already become too jaded. ??? how does one respond to something like that, short of kicking him in the butt which i cannot do over the phone? granted, i do feel that i have become too jaded as i have grown older..but for him to discover that in 2 minutes??!! is he trying out for the guiness book of records or something? perhaps he was expecting a more enthusiastic response from me upon hearing his voice, which was not forthcoming. dream on, fella......
countdown to the kids' party is down to the hours. someone just told me that we have 41+16 kids attending. ??? what is the 16? half-kids, half-adults? wouldn't it be clearer to just add them up and give me a total figure? i sure will like to know what criteria separates the two figures. i definitely do not look forward to having 57 little beings shouting in my ear. then again, it may help keep my mind of other things. i'll bring ear plugs, just in case.
i went looking for little goodies to add to the pinata yesterday and was searching high and low for this shop that i frequent but has since shifted. it was a relief when i could locate it but was disappointed to discover that they have not finish unpacking their goods. is there a point to this story? yes, wait for it. what i really can't believe is that the shop's sewer line broke and basically, the back part of the shop was swimming in faeces and god knows what kind of water. the amazing part is we (yes, there was another person as dumb as me) continued to loiter in the shop for what seems like eternity, hoping to find something that i can use. i seriously wonder if my brain is working. see faeces doing backstrokes in filthy water = get the hell out of there, somehow that did not equate in my brain. sigh! there must be something really wrong with my senses these days.