the sky is dark and the clouds have gathered overhead, ready to pour its heavy content to wash away the annoying haze. the cool breeze caressed my face, taking away with it all the heaviness that was sitting in my heart. i love dark gloomy days like this.
for some, the ideal day may be when the sky is clear and the sun is shining brightly overhead. but not for me. i think i belong to the romantic category and i don't like the harshness that the glaring sun brings. i prefer the soft shaded and cool light that comes before the rain. i think it also evokes the melancholy side of me.
so, today is a beautiful day. i dropped everything immediately and headed to my neighbourhood coffee bean, with my laptop in hand, of course. and that is where i am sitting now, with a cup of hot tea sitting warmly between my palms. ahhhhhhh! for those who are busy slaving away in the cold air-conditioned office, or cooped up somewhere hot and smelly, be envious of me. hahaha. for i have seized the day.

i love the smell of the sweet damp air and i absolutely adore the way the breeze is playing with my hair. i look up from the screen and my eyes are soothed by the greeneries surrounding me.
do you know that after the rain, there are positive ions all around ? and by merely sitting here,taking in all these free energies, i am re-charging and filling my 'happy box'. my soul is contented.
come join me for this little break.
That coffeebean looks familiar... somewhere along jalan bukit bintang izzit?
aiyoh, you are the dark dark melancholic type! not too much lah, wait kena SAD! (Seasonal Affective Disorder). :P
dear lm: har har...wrong guess. stop trying to figure out where i am. sometimes i may be melancholic but i'm not sad now mah. i'm enjoying myself very much. i'm very happy. something wrong with my writings ah? didn't manage to put that across to you in my descriptions meh?
me: you know, I actually don't even know where you are. KL, Ipoh, Penang. All are good. (but somehow hor, I am biased towards the non-KL folks)
dear lm: why? because they are nicer, less defensive and more trusting? i guess i do like those out of town people more, but i am born and mostly bred here, right in the city. that's why i have no kampung to go back to come festivities. *sob sob*
surprise surprise...very few outdoor seating places here...sigh...what a shame
me: I agree with you on the cloudy, non sunny days... Almost everyone dodge the sun like mad in Malaysia due to the scorching heat. But seriously, when you really come over to Melbourne, I hope you can experience what I have experienced: When the weather's so cold and foggy, suddenly the clouds clear and the sun emerges, spreading warm rays everywhere. That was the first time ever I've loved the sun. And I hope you do too.
las montanas: Yeah. Ipoh people very nice one. Hahaha! *kembang* Wait, doesn't kembang means dilate? *giggles*
dear ff: prob because it's so freaking cold there. nobody wants to be frozen to death :-)
dear ian: experienced that when i was studying in uk. that's different, of course. the cold air negates the unpleasantness of the hot sun and only leaves the nice warmth and brightness. that i like. makes you cheery and full of energy too.
you seem to be giggling a lot infront of lm.....??? *looking at lm, turn to look at ian, look at lm again......* i'm not even going to ask what the dilating thing is.
wahlao! why look at me. *shrugs* .. Eh, sudah makan ubat kepala?
dear lm: ya mah. he only seems to be giggling infront of you, don't look at you, look at who ah?
ubat kepala? why? i'm not the one who gets the headache after reading my blog mah. *looking innocently*
It's been raining since this morning in Ipoh. As usual, we call them 'lou poh tin.' (wife day) Good day to snuggle in bed with your wife. LOL
eh, why u no wait for me? i got there but u were gone!
aiyak... a little late... and I have to work liao!! sigh... really didn't wanna wake up this morning...
these are the days lor.. i always late for work becos of such weather..
worry not. there's no sexual innuendos or what not going on around here. I giggle when I make dirty jokes... And that is for pure humour.. Sheeessh!
dear helen: unfortunately, low kung must go to work. i like the low poh tin name though.
dear wuching: i waited until neck also long, but no one came. the rain also didn't come in the end, so i went for lunch :-)
dear may: yes, but sitting there enjoying the breeze was even better than lying in bed :-)
dear sengkor: next time when boss nagging you, record the voice down using your hp and set as alarm reminder. sure to get you jumping out of your bed when it rings :-p
dear ian: yes dear, was just teasing you lah. sometimes i wonder, you must be quite a serious person. but cannot be mah, you giggle at lm. heehee. ok, ok. i'll stop it *looking out for flying slippers*
i think my writings may not drive away the readers, but sooner or later, my weird replies to commentors will :-p sorry, folks.
i only like gloomy weather when i know i don't have to open shop for 1 whole week, can snuggle in and sleep late and there is a warm voluptuous boby beside me.
other that that, i hate it.
once the sky turns dark and gloomy, no more custumers for me.
Ianfluenza said...
worry not. there's no sexual innuendos or what not going on around here. I giggle when I ...
oh no! *look down and check for split*
anyway TGIF!!!!!!!!
dear ah pek: the first scenario has nothing to do with dark weather what. good or bad weather, as long as you don't have to open shop, can sleep in with warm body next to you, you already shiok.
for us poor folks running around in the scorching heat everyday, very lor meng lah. but for you, raining no customers also very lor meng hor :-)
dear lm: come to think of it, he said no sexual innuendos but he makes dirty jokes. waitaminit, mr ian, aren't they the same thing? you trying to pull the wool over my eyes ah?
lm, haiyoh, cannot be all your pants also split one mah. freaked you out pretty bad huh? ok, i be pyschotherapist. lie down on this comfy couch and tell me all about it.....but before you begin, i must let you know that i charge $100 per half-hour. ok, you may begin...
You have had everything on that beautiful day except a handsome hunk?
dear licky: hmmmmm....handsome hunk ah? usually handsome guys are very empty inside one wor. i prefer to enjoy it with a good friend :-)
no sun cannot work no money! like ah pek i like warm sunny weather!
reading outside in tropical climate is not many ppl idea of enjoying a good day. but glad it worked for you. Happy HAPPY day!
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