Tuesday, July 11, 2006

happiness is...

note: i wrote this sometime back in april but didn't feel like posting it. today, i don't feel like using that grey matter, so i bring you........


what is happiness to you?

happiness is..........

.......sitting outside, sipping a cup of tea, after the rain has stopped and smelling the sweet damp air.

.......seeing the note on the table left by your partner telling you about the most trivial things.

.......when a friend turns up in your darkest hour.

.......when a mouthful of food awakens your tastebuds........... and memories.

.......when your child gives you a card that she has been making the whole day, with the words "i love you very much mummy" on the front.

.......when you see that your loved ones are healthy and happy.

.......when a friend gives you used stamps from their letters because they know you are a collector.

.......when you say you want to eat your favourite food and your friend offers to buy and bring it to you.

.......when you smell the fresh scent of lemon.

.......driving with the windows down and stereo blasting.

.......watching the sun rise to a new day.

.......when you snuggle against your partner after a long hard day and breathe in that familiar scent.

.......when your favourite author publishes a new book.

.......when you find a long lost friend.

.......when you receive a letter from a friend.

.......when the food that you desire so badly is nicely sitting in your tummy. burrrrppp!

happiness is what you make it.

have you made your happiness today?


lickoholic said...

My happiest moment was when I achieved an ace(hole-in-one)last year.

Ianfluenza said...

My happiest moment is that my boss haven't screw me up yet. The moment he does, that shall be my darkest moment. Hahah!

Joking lah... It's only Tuesday and I'm already looking forward to the weekends.

Fantasy "Sticky" Flier said...

My happiest moment is.... wait a sec, gotta get back to ya on this...

me said...

dear licky: wahhhhhhhhhh. got prize or not? pure luck, not skill yah? hahahaha

dear ian: steadyyyyyy, you're getting there. mon, tues, fri, sat, sun. poor ian, work stressing you out so much now....still you find time to visit people's blog :-p

dear ff: heyyy, if you got to ponder over it, can't be too memorable yah? :-p

Helen said...

Yes, I made my happy day when I read your post. Your post reminded me to be thankful for the simple things in life that I sometimes took for granted!! lol

seefei said...

happiness is ...
hanging out with fren to watch the world cup like we were kids in school.

HappySurfer said...

Happiness is knowing that things could have been worse. Anything else is a bonus. Nice post.

Wuching said...

no i haven't..make me happy!

titoki said...

My happiest moment is like NOW when my boss is not around and I can surf and blog like no tomorrow and no yesterday. LOL.

may said...

... when I wake up in the morning without a single ache in my body. I haven't had that feeling in a long, long time...

Min said...

Happiness is when my children tell me "I'm the best mama in the whole wide world" and my daughter tells me she "loves me more than her heart".

me said...

dear helen: awwwwwww, that is so sweet. thank you, thank you.

dear fei: hey, you're back. that must mean you had a very good time back home. i agree with you that it would be very nice indeed

dear happysurfer: thank you. very optimistic indeed.

dear wuching: okayyyyyyy......go look at terese.

dear titoki: very easy to make you happy then...pass your cold to him and you can make him disappear for some time

dear may: :-o what happened to you? too much strenous activities recently? *wink*

dear min: *grins* spoken like the true devoted mother that you are.

Cocka Doodle said...

Happiness is not having one's kkc caught in the zip!!

me said...

dear cocka: yahhhh, you would know. hahahahaha. next time, wear underwear lah. lol

Ronnie Ng said...

happiness is the pursuit of the pursuit of happiness

me said...

dear ronnie: or eternal misery...people who pursue happiness fail miserably. it's inside of you.

Las montañas said...

happiness is, when you are at peace with yourself.

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...