Tuesday, September 26, 2006


i was invited to cher-cher’s ballet practice yesterday to review her work for the whole year. as with all young children, she was very excited and has reminded me over and over again that morning to attend and be punctual. it is quite sobering to have your daughter nag you about the importance of being on time.

so, i made an extra effort on monday morning to be there exactly on the dot, if not slightly earlier. it has never crossed my mind that my action may have any bearing on other 7-years-old. however, my presence triggered off something akin to hysteria in the ballet studio. eeeek!

the little kiddies started whining upon seeing that i am the first and only mother to turn up. yikes! five minutes down the line and a whole row of empty chairs, they degenerated to tears and uncooperativeness. looking left and right nervously, i didn’t quite know where to hide my face or my entire body for that matter. my good gesture to my daughter has caused other children to face their insecurities, making me feel like public enemy no. 1. pretty soon, i can imagine some of them giving me dagger-stares and boycotting my daughter. overactive imagination aside, mothers started rolling in 15minutes after the appointed time. phew! if only mothers knew the heartache they are capable of causing their children, i wish they had made more of an effort to be there at the appropriate time. i guess that is the problem with malaysians; bad time management. they will be late even for their own funeral!

having a kid is quite a blessing. all through life, there will always be people who want to change you. from what you are to what they like you to be. starting from homebase with your parents, who are forever nagging you to pick up your things, behave properly, eat the correct food and a whole other mountainload of requests - to be the best that you can be. your friends also wish you were more. more open, more giving, more time to spend with them, more fashionable. employers will like you to be more efficient, to contribute more to the money-making process and to be more punctual. your partner will be the worst. in the initial stage, they will want to erase all your bad habits and change you totally into someone else. everywhere, everyone. they have some requests of their own, trying to influence you to be more like what they want you to be.

only in a child's eye will you be perfect. beautiful despite the many imperfections on your physical attributes. melodious regardless of the fact that you are tone-deaf. wonderful eventhough you have lost your temper with them a few minutes ago.

it is humbling to receive so much love from someone else. love for you exactly as you are.

i read a quote somewhere: when a child realises that his parents are imperfect; he becomes an adolescent. when he forgives them for it, he becomes an adult.


me said...

dear lm: i am beginning to suspect that you have printed out a poster-size photo of my ghost face and put it up in your bedroom wall. you betul betul kena mesmerised by my hantu face ah? kakakaka.

Anonymous said...

I'm also thinking of sending my girl to ballet classes. When did your girl started? My girl is very rough one, dunno suitable or not hor. Btw, talk about timing, I'm 99% early for appointments, very Un-Malaysian but proud of the record. So, wanna meet up with me ah?

may said...

I like your quote.

I've always wanted to learn ballet as a kid, but I got piano lessons instead. oh well, one extra curricular activity is better than none, yea? ;)

Las montañas said...

yeah.. me, its in the row of portraits that say "the ghosts of blogsphere"

Malaysians like to be late meh? I thought its because of the distance they have to travel...

ian said...

I don't get why they feel insecured. Anyways, I never took up ballet anyways. Hahaha!

Nice quote. I like it...

me said...

dear imd: meeting up will be nice. but must make mental note to be on time for you. heehee.

my daughter started quite a number of years ago, with jazz first cos she was too young to follow the disciplined moves. she was very bad at socialising so i pushed her to do it. and also she was like a little elephant. she changed to ballet i think when she was 4? or 5.

dear may: i liked the quote too. at least you did piano. i didn't do ballet cos the costume was too expensive and mum believed i have a tendency to quit. i did one grade for piano...that's not even counted as piano! a few lessons of organ but stopped when i saw a classmate who swallowed her runny nose phlemy thingy becos her hands were too busy. yuck!!! i sure don't want to follow suit.

dear lm: nothing to do with distance. even when it is next door, they like to come late. to avoid waiting, i guess, or wsating their precious time. you should see malaysian weddings. invitations say 7:00pm, people will come 9:00pm! that's like when we finish eating, for goodness sake!

dear ian: you don't understand ah? that's because you are a big boy already and don't need your mummy anymore :-p kids are like that. don't know if you ever had pta where your parents never turn up n you feel lost n disappointed? of course, provided you didn't flunk your studies and misbehave, in which case you will be shouting with joy when they don't come. anyway, i'm glad you didn't take up ballet.........with your hairy legs and all. kakakakaka. one more cheap shot! heehee.

Anonymous said...

Children nowadays sooo blessed. During my times, kindergarden oso never hear before.

me said...

dear ah pek: why you use anonymous? don't want people to know you very old ah? are you from the ancient dinosaur age? :-) heehee. yes, i guess it's true but i can't help feel that children from the earlier generations were happier and more carefree & more satisfaction.

Wuching said...

how many kids u have?

me said...

dear wuching: whyyyyyyy? from a regular reader like you, i would have thought you had picked up that information from my contents long ago :-)

in the name of friendship

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