Tuesday, October 03, 2006


i nearly had the time to post an entry.

but now i have to run. i have to go play with the little master, who is sitting on the floor, whining and crying.


Las montañas said...

arrrw! i nearly completed writing a comment ab..............................................

may said...

'nearly is near enough! or is 'almost' closer?

seefei said...

lidat also can? quick2 come back and finish your post!!

me said...

dear lm: and i nearly answered your comment :-p

dear may: wahhhh! so complicated keh? nearly is 89.57%, almost is 91.46%. *grins*

dear fei: why cannot? everybody complain i so long-winded mah, now finally a short and concise post! hehe

dear sengkor: kekeke. ya lor, comment cannot be nearly one. this is one post i bet you finished reading.

ah pek said...

i vote this to be the bestest post ever.

Wuching said...

its ok! more fun running after little master, quality time!

immomsdaughter said...

Ha ha..short & sweet. Come back & play with us soon :)

me said...

dear ah pek: if like that, next time i keep my post to less than 20 words loh. but how to talk about anything?!

dear wuching: ya, i figured it's better to choose a loud, noisy, crying and whining boy over a quiet, no reaction, inactive computer. save my ear drums.

dear imd: hmmmmm....a lot of people seem to be liking this short post. you guys trying to tell me something about my long-winded post, issit?

Immomsdaughter said...

Ha ha ha I like the way you think *wink wink*

Cocka Doodle said...

Wow! Finally this is not a chiong hei post. Lenglui, are you all right ah? Mou fatt siew ler mah??

me said...

dear imd: ahhhh! you shattered my heart! :-) but that still won't keep my long-windedness away. sorry :-p

dear cocka: if i not cheong hei a bit, how can you know me better? *grins* fatt siew chau mou lah, chee chee tei yau siu siu.

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...