Friday, October 20, 2006

you should be so lucky!

before i start today's post, i just need to say this...some of you may have realised that i have been seriously lacking behind in commenting on your posts lately. i always seem to be late.

sigh! in the morning, i have to juggle my never-ending work and bring you the latest updates in my blog. in the afternoon, i am stuck with a non-existent internet connection, which makes logging in hardly worthwhile. in this day and age, who else in this entire blogosphere logs in at a mere 4800kbps, hands up please? snail mail is faster, believe me! if i didn't manage to sneak into your blog before the bewitching clock strikes 12, i have to wait until the next day again. i'm cinderella-of-the-blogosphere. often times, i do crawllllllll in when i have some time to spare but the connection makes commenting in your post seem like a mountainous task. until i have a decent lifeline to the world wide web again, please bear with me.

on with today's post....

i have a butt fettish. i like butts and when i see them i like to pat, pinch and bite them. grrrrrrrr! however, i am most picky about my choice of butts. it's not the size that matters nor the shape. round ones, shapely ones, perky ones, i don't give them a second glance.

it's not the sex of the owner either. i don't quite mind if it's a he or a she. rather, my criteria is based on person whose butt is attached. you should be so lucky if your choice of butt is of my liking, for i am most choosy. i don't go for any tom, dick and harry's behind. if i like your butt, it means i love you :-) so, you should be thanking your lucky stars if i pinch your butt! ha! my teeth are itchy again! grrrr...!

bet you didn't think i will post that here, did you? wakakakaka. to more serious stuff....

i'm running away again. i've accepted another undercover mission and will be missing for the entire next week. i know my faithful readers will find this period hard to pass (barf bag anyone?) but for my sake, bear with it for a little while, ok? i understand; life will seem meaningless, the sun will shine less brightly (hey, that's the haze's problem, not mine, ok?) and the days will pass slower.....but i will be back, i promise.

i'll bring photos of this country i'm infiltrating and bagfuls of fresh air as souveniers.

in the meantime, hold your breath until i'm back!


Paula said...

hum..dee..dumming.. *psst* I foresee a possible BLOG party at ME's blog next week. Who's in?
*innocent whistle*

Wuching said...

annie i'm game..lets party hard & trash the place b4 she comes back!

Elaine said...

ME: Where u going? Set up a Cbox before u go can? heeeheee....

Annie: Yes, count me in. What's the theme? :)

may said...

better late than never! always appreciate your comments, and fashionably late is always excusable... ;)

butts are oh so lovely too look at, especially the ones that are smooth... succulent... pattable... pinchable... oooohhhh...

enjoy your hols!

Paula said...

Theme.. mmm.... I'll take suggestions.. but I'll start with Disco. Ya? or we can do a Star Wars theme - Jonzz can be Yoda or Jabba.

Jonzz said...

Annie is of course Darth Vader... the infamous Annie-kin Skystalker. Poohbearee, as usual, can be the Princess Alibaba or is that Amidala, hmm, i can never remember... (evil laugh)

Jonzz said...

ME: where are you going??????? you cannot go so long.... Annie will bring the Death Star and destroy your blog...

Paula said...

*rubbing palms together* Muha ha ha..

*smacking Jonzz upside the head* I swear, no loyalty - don't tell her anything.

seefei said...

lu like belakang mali one! no? ic! u only like to pinch2 only lah. then it is ok, you can have mine...

*burung pipit flying closer to lenglui ME!*

Las montañas said...

We can go with an early halloween party at ME's place. She's the one with the ghostly looks and I'm sure she'll be flattered to know that there are goblins and ghouls like us around here giving warmth to her blog.

sengkor said...

oh, u likey sifatt one..

holiday again? some people got all the luck..

Anonymous said...

enjoy ur holiday!!! oops i meant undercover MISSION. =)

lickoholic said...

Enjoy your holidays and don't forget something for ME.

ian said...

Here's a lame haiku to send you off:

A butt fetish ME has
Pinch Bite Pat Gnaw Smack Lick Kiss
ME LOVES butts

Happy MIA-ing...

Kenny Ng said...

Happy holiday to u... I like butts too :P

Fantasy "Sticky" Flier said...

how come you so lucky wan so many undercover missions
bring back yummies for us ya

me said...

dear annie: ah hah! caught you. i'm not gone yet! next week, remember?! the mastermind will have added years to their jail sentence, be forewarned!

dear wuching: hey!!! my beautiful place! pls put everything back in its place, and clean up before i'm back! and watch out for that precious vase!

dear poochy: i'll show u when i get back and u can guess. cbox? anything for poochy, it's up!

dear may: :-) you're so kind, as always. babies butt are the cutest! see you.

dear annie, again: hey, put back that light tube, it's not the light saber! *praying* please, oh please let this place be intact when i'm back.

dear jonzz: there'll be a guessing game about where i went to once i'm back. stay tuned. but i'll b gone the whole week, so hld yr breath. so, what will jonzz come as to this star wars crash-my-blog thing?

dear annie, yet again: there is no loyalty among perpetrators.

dear fei: you should be so lucky?

dear monty: it's ok, since i don't have any prized orchids lying around, you see?

sengkor: would bring you along, but your jaw still painful, remember? you also got your phuket a-go-go mah, so fast forgot already ahh?

ah pek said...

sooo goood.. just oni came back from HK, now go another country...

btw, my butt a little itchy, care for a bite before you go?

Paula said...

*You make me feel like dancing, yeah, dancin' yeah..* *smirk*

Who me? *innocent whistle*

May the force be with you.

Jonzz said...

jonzz will come as ....
Ta da....

me said...

dear serendipity:'re blowing my cover!

dear licky: for me, for ME or for you?? now, you're getting me confused!

dear ian: sheesh, that was lame! kakakaka.

dear kenny ng: *high 5* but i'm sure you like boobs and other parts too *wink wink*

dear ff: eh, you just came back from an extended trip yourself, leh. with all those beautiful sceneries. sighhh! regular trips keep my insanity intact. you wouldn't want a boring, sane and normal ms. ME, would you?

dear ah pek: ya, i very good one. nevermind, i bring back fresh air as souvenier for you, ok? your butt itchy, all the more reason i don't want to bite. don know got what disease!

dear annie, yet yet again: comeon, i really need that light tube back. stop fooling around with it. and it doesn't glow when you take it out from the socket, so stop trying to find the on/off button.

dear jonzz: mahhhhhhhhhh! so scarrrryyyyyyyyyyy! *runs away*

Kenny Ng said...

no wor... i love butts then only follow by boobs :P

Cocka Doodle said...

You like eating kai seefatt anot? Deep-fried bishop's nose?

What undercover mission? Checking out on hubs' frolic in neighboring north is it?

Las montañas said...

wow! kenny's a bottoms u person! :P

me said...

dear kenny: errrr...okay. you want to give me a list of everything that you like, in the order of preference? *grins*

dear cocka: that one smelly, i don wan. kakakaka. i keep my hubby happy and satisfied and he never goes north :-D

dear monty: the details we get to know about a person from my blog! wow! so, what secrets do you want to share with me?

dear all: most of you prob thought i was cuckoo to share that little detail with you. it was all kinda part of a dare from some fresh mouth, so take it all in good humour. and don't come pinching my cheeks when i see you!!

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...