Thursday, November 30, 2006
don't make it my business
his wife called me to find out the whereabouts of her husband.
do i look like a husband-locator device? or a private dick? (as in private detective, okaaayyy?) *rolls eye*
i used to be nonchalant about men having action on the go, whilst having the marital ring around his finger, physical or otherwise. well, it was never my business, why did i care? if he wants to dip his stick in another's pot, and his wife tolerates that, who am i to add any comment?
recently however, i seem to have lost my tolerance for this category of husbands, which is on the rise. they seem to be responsible for a whole range of spousal medical problems, ranging from delirium, transformation into shrewness, delusions, hallucinations, suspicions and all in all, mental breakdown. they turn a perfectly good woman into a demented, frightened, delusional tigress. which is all fine still if it's none of my business, but once it trespasses on my peace of mind, it makes me agitated.
i hate husbands who give their wives reasons for such suspicions, or rather, i look down on them. i lose my respect for them. i try to live my life by not judging other people, try being the key word here. i believe that everybody has their own reasons for doing something and we will never understand unless we have walked a mile in their shoes. however, in the pursuit of your own happiness, if you trample on another being's self-respect and dignity, it just doesn't quite jive. if you don't love her anymore or if you are hungering over another piece of meat, let her go.
i know that there is fallacy in my sense of reasoning but it just seems like mental abuse to me. i don't know, maybe i have never been the type to sit, cross my hands and just whine. i have to be pro-active in the things i want or like. i can't wait for it to come to me. so, it frustrates me to see someone be subjected to a situation where they seem powerless and are constantly hounded by it. for me, the answer will be simple; give that jerk the boot! then again, things are never that easy.
men argue that they are not meant to be monogamous. fine really, so stick with your wild crowd of orgies. don't marry a decent woman and hurt her after she has given you a few good years. human beings have sexual longings, it's the natural order of life to ensure procreation. when you are only answerable to yourself, go hump away all night and day. no one cares. however, when you have promised to love only that one (and who asked you to be stupid enough to say 'i do' that faithful day?!), then you should at least have the decency to refrain yourself from your instincts, even if it means putting your little dicky bird under locks and chains or having cold shower every night and day.
and another thing; an orgasm is an orgasm, is it not? with this woman or with another woman. is there such a thing as orgasm with a rating of 1 to 10? i don't know, i'm not experienced enough to tell from a man's point of view. so, if an orgasm is an orgasm, why should it matter if you have it with your spouse or that cute sexy chick walking down the road? she gets you hot and fired up? rush home and look for the one waiting for you at home.
ok, as i've said, i know my naive point of view has many shortfalls and i'm ready for your onslaught of attacking comments. *shrugs* just my point of view, if you may.
then again, it's none of my business, why do i care?
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
such perceptiveness is rare, scary even. it should be refreshing to have another person understand your emotions so well, perhaps better than yourself. however, in this cold harsh world, we are so used to hiding everything within our inner core, where access is only by invitation and a key. to have someone be able to see through the windows of your soul, merely by looking into your eyes, is unnerving to say the least.
i have never believed in the phrase 'our eyes are the windows to our soul'. my eyes do not tell tales of the past. when you stare deep inside, all you will see is a dark black (or is it dark brown?) pool of ...retina? you may even be able to see your own reflection but definitely no stories. peeling off my layers like an onion with one look, i don't want.
i'm going to have to close my eyes now.
Monday, November 27, 2006
am i a mushroom or what?
i wish people will stop feeding me freaking bullshit!
it is most frustrating - to look someone in the eye and pretend to accept what they say at face value, whilst deep down you know that it is nothing but crap. you have to mute your conscience and fix a gullible stare in your eyes. all the while, you only want to shout and scream at them for being so stupid, so careless.
i don't know how long i can keep up this facade of naivety. my job scope entails that i know a lot about other people's skeletons in their closet and my usually blur look misleads people into believing so. i do not profess otherwise either.
i am often a good listener...and so people like to tell me things. things which, upon comparison, conflict with other people's version of the story.
sigh! from these various routes comes my knowledge of the thruth. it is how i know they are lying straight to my face. still, i stand there and listen, while they feed me heaps after heapful of bullshit. i sometimes wonder why is it that it is i who cannot look at them in the eye, when it should be the other way around. perhaps it is the fact that i know the thruth and i am purposely (?) misleading them with my silence and because of that, i am also guilty of lying.
i hate lies. lies with good intention and lies of all sorts. i react to a person based on what i know, what i see, what i hear and what i believe. if you say bad things about me, i will be angry. if you are nice to me, i will be happy. it should be a simple equation. imagine if all that is just a farce. what you see is not what you get, what you hear is not the thruth, how then do you react? if everything is not what it seems, how can you form a genuine reaction? even with all good intention, a lie is a lie. if i ask 'am i fat?' and you reply 'no', i may be tempted to wear that short mini-skirt or eat another piece of cake. all the while though, your mind is comparing me to the elephant you saw in the national geographic channel. isn't that betrayal of some sort? perhaps some women like to hear beautiful lies. as i always say, i don't mind hearing lies but never ever let me even have an inkling of the thruth. as it is, the thruth is hard to keep away and so, i rather hear the cold hard thruth.
many readers don't like it when i am serious like this. however, i thought i should at least be true to myself. if this is how i am feeling, this is what i will be writing. nobody will be forever happy, the vice versa also rings true. if i am agitated, you will probably read a rambling post like this. the good thing is .....i feel much better after leaving it all here.
*grins* bear with me.
Friday, November 24, 2006
heart strings
things are never simple. nor easy. whilst i cannot wait to see her again, my heart is heavy with dread. perhaps i fear what i will see or perhaps i fear the death of my hopes. it should be so straight-forward but maybe i am just a complicated person.
all this may sound senseless to a reading bystander; consider it as ramblings of a person who needs to be at peace. i have forgotten how pain in the heart can be so physically hurting and how the mere act of shopping for her daughter can dig up so much painful memories. memories that was once shared by her and me.
when something goes wrong and you have no way of changing it, your mind blocks out its presence. you pretend it never happened. that is the only way of coping, the only way of continuing. somehow, sometime, however you will be brought back to reality. you will then have to learn the way to cope momentarily with all the sadness..until you can once again shove it back into the closet and close your eyes and mind to the memories.
is this the way to live? is this the way to cope? i don't know, i don't have all the answers. i just do it the way i know how.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
it's up!
my christmas tree is up! it takes so much hassle to put it up every year, so i thought i'll put it up earlier this time so that i can enjoy looking at it longer before i have to tear it down again.

at the moment, the bottom of the tree looks quite bare. presents for me, anyone?

christmas carols, big dinners, drunk santas, leery party-makers, long list of presents to buy....sigh! it's what the season is all about.

the two little ones are going to be santa helpers at a nearby shopping centre this year and they seem to be pretty excited about it.
it's so hot and sunny here that many people don't feel it's christmassy....but i think christmas is in the heart.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
a piece of my thoughts
i've been fairly quiet recently, i know. i haven't even had time to make my usual rounds to other blogger's site. *gasp!* thousand apologies! i just haven't been in the right mood to write recently, or to boot up the computer for that matter. i just can't seem to find a minute to sit down quietly and pen my thoughts, what with school holiday, spring cleaning and a thousand other chores on hand.
the in-laws are coming! *double gasp!* plus, they will be staying for one month this time round! *triple gasp!* while they are the best in-laws anybody can wish for, i have never had the opportunity to stay with them under one roof for more than 14 days during my entire 11 years of marriage. whilst it is fairly easy to play the part of an obedient, sub-servient, sweet daughter-in-law for short periods of time, it's going to be a challenge for me to be on my best behaviour for an extended period.
"no problem lah!", says the man who smacks his buttocks and leave for work every morning, leaving everything in my hands until he returns at the end of the day. sigh! i do adore having his parents around, but it's undeniably still a challenge for me to keep two elderly people and two whiny demanding kids entertained. it is after all school holiday and the kids have a mountainful of activites all lined up for them. i can't very well leave my in-laws locked at home, staring at each other for hours and go gallivanting, or so it will seem to their eyes, with the kids. before the end of the week, they will start holding picket signs objecting to the mental abuse. nevermind, i will jump that hurdle when i come across it.
annie may find the next paragraph a little bewildering, what with our foreign cultures and all but bear with me. it's nearly the end of the year and many fortune tellers have come out with their horoscope for next year. i must admit that i am not a total disbeliever but my usual absent-mindedness stops me from latching any serious implications to it. it goes in one ear and out the next, as with all things that are repeated to me. i have been told that next year, the year of the boar, is not such a good one for me. i take all that with a pinch of salt, although i will still visit the temple to do the annual rituals, which i do every year anyway, come good or bad. perhaps what is more troubling is the forecast for those born under the year of the dragons; my mother. sigh! it's time like this that i become aware of how i can't shield my loved ones from potential harm, no matter how much i will like to. i will prefer all the bad forecasts to be directed to the boars which perhaps are not entirely fair to the other boars. all types of ugly scenarios flash through this over-active virgo's imagination and i must constantly remind myself not to panic. breathe, breathe. sheesh! what a drama-queen. seriously though, i worry but i act nonchalant so as not to frighten my mother further. this year has already been the worst of my life and i hope that this year will still hold that record when i look back at the end of next year. i don't think i'm ready for more grown up responsibilities yet. i don't quite know how to deal with the heartache yet.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
black thursday
my deep slumber was roughly awakened by somebody informing me that my daughter's ride to school today will not be available. stupid people. they don't know the perils of interrupting a lady dragon in her beauty sleep. *scorchhhh!*
so, i became designated driver today. halfway through the trip, i realised that the car is running dangerously low on fuel and i have a long way to go. whizzing around at 110kmh is hardly the time to suddenly run out of petrol. plus my handphone is blinking 'recharge, recharge'. sighhhhh! it is not a good start to an early morning. still, i ignored the needle as it continued to inch downwards. i seem to have a surreal sense of security that i will not be stranded on the highway as i stubbornly chose to plough on.
amazingly, i survived the trip to school and back, with the car and myself intact (a pose with a sign of victory is appropriate here). however, the mighty powers above decided to test my patience a little wee bit more. the entire morning, i bumped into every table corner, scraped my knee, stubbed my toe and knocked against things like a drunken fool. each time, i took a deeper breath. i'm not quite ready to explode yet.
during my second chauffer round this morning, i ventured into the nearest petrol station, only to realise that i have forgotten the pin number for the petrol card. i know you are listening up there. i think i have enough for today, thank you. i tried a couple of number combinations that were floating around in that grey space but as my luck will have it today, it was rejected. rolling my eyes, sighing as loud as i possibly can, i fished out some cold hard cash to put enough petrol so that the car will behave - for today, at least. i had to go back for my receipt, which i forgot due to the present condition of my mind. if the man behind the glass window had uttered a single remark of discontent, there would have been a massacre there and then! luckily some people know when to keep their mouth shut.
scooting my son off to school, i made a quick detour to the nearest shopping centre to pick up some stuffs. yes, yes. it was written in my destiny today. for some quirky reasons, the road to the shopping centre, and no where else, was jammed pack with cars, crawling mind you, not even moving. by the time the car was able to reach the shopping centre, i had 30 mins before i had to hop on again and take my son home from school! what day is it today anyway?! black thursday the 16th?!
fast forward 3 hours later (thank goodness my house did not collapse during that time or my car explode!) and it's time to pick up daughter again. this time, i realise that my touch-n-go (toll reload card) was bankrupt and i had no other choice but to join the very long queue to refill the card as i pass the toll. just when i was pressing for time, someone must have heard my prayers and decided to amuse themselve at my expense.
i'm barely holding it together at the moment. any possible thing may trigger an explosion of frustration that i have been trying so hard to contain today. i sighed and i sighed. when will this day end?
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
all things magical
i am attempting to post a new entry here but the lack of sustenance and nutrients to my brain may make all efforts seem incoherent. nevertheless, try to follow along and pretend you understand what i am talking about.
it's so difficult to be a good mother to children nowadays, especially when they are so clever and intuitive. i like my children to believe in magic, tooth-fairy, santa claus and all that hogwash. it's delusion and manipulation at its best but i feel that it's a happier childhood. to be able to believe that good things do come true and that there is a little magic in the world; it's like looking at the world with rose-tinted glasses - so dreamy and beautiful. therefore, whilst i still can, i will like to preserve the image of a beautiful world for them.
so, my children grew up believing that the toothfairy will pay them money for their teeth, and they look forward to christmas when santa will bring them an extra present, if they are good. even when forgetful ms. toothfairy forgot to collect the tooth under the pillow one time, my daughter held on strong to her faith.
that was then. she's 7 now and the cynical side of her is growing, displacing the innocence. after numerous tooth-falling and cashing in on tooth fairy's deal, she came to me one day with "mummy, tell me the thruth, is tooth fairy real?". being cornered like that, i couldn't lie to her straight in the face. so, i told her what every other mother in my situation would, "go ask your father". men, being men, will never have qualm about breaking a child's bubble. with his answer, my daughter now knows that it is her parents who have been sneaking into her room at night and replacing the tooth with a note. she has been harboring a suspicion for some time now so i guess it is hardly shocking news to her. looking at her cherubic face, i couldn't tell if she was disappointed with the answer.
from now on, there will be nothing magical about dropping a tooth. sigh! i am disappointed. i don't want to let go of my illusions just yet. give me back the tooth fairy! well, at least the 5yo doesn't know about the conspiracy yet, so he'll still look forward to exchanging his milk teeth for cold hard cash.
the 7 yo hasn't ask for the thruth about santa claus yet. if she's a clever little girl, she'll know that she better keep her mouth shut, unless she is ready to give up that extra present.
Monday, November 13, 2006
dying with a 't'
lately i have been putting on too many pounds, too quickly. initially, when the numbers on the scale started inching higher i gave it a little leaway. nah, it’s just water retention. a little extra weight won’t hurt. it’ll come down in no time, don’t you worry your pretty little head over it. however, when the numbers kept going up, like my age, it’s now time to declare war – on my fats. hey, it’s definitely not muscle that i’m packing in!
today is the first day of my diet! my body is extremely intuitive. mention the word diet, and it screams that it is hungry, even if you have just sat down for a wonderful three-course meal. this nice blogger has already turned into a snarling growling vicious hungry little lady. sob! at 10.30 this morning, i have resorted to eating my lunch. at 1pm, i needed something more; a post-lunch lunch. and now, at 4:00pm, i don’t have any energy left to punch the keyboards. is it time for dinner yet?
why is it that you gain 1kilogram from a 500 grams cheeseburger? where does the weight come from?!! why doesn’t it work like a piggy bank; how much you put in is how much you get? all those complicated calorie counts and carbohydrate theories! it doesn’t make sense! it’s illogical. if you add 100 grams to a box that weighs 10g, it will now be 110gms, right? there’s no calorie or metabolism crap. if my theory was true, everybody will be eating candy floss!! yummmmmy!
shit! this is no way to start a diet – with more talk of food! over the weekend, i have pre-cooked and pre-planned my meals for the week. they are all sitting nicely in my lock-n-lock boxes in the freezer, ready in the press of a button. sounds like wonderful planning, doesn't it? well, there is one huge flaw in all that..and it seems like it's going to be the downfall of my diet. i underestimated the portion size!! darn! two chicken wings for lunch?! bah, i can eat the whole chicken!!wait a minute! i keep coming back to the topic of food!
i need something to channel all my energy into. excuse me while i flip through my magazines (and slash those pictures of super-thin sexy models with my cutter.)
Friday, November 10, 2006
slow dance
Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask
How are you?
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done!
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You'd better slow down
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
Ever told your child,
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say,"Hi"
You'd better slow down. D
on't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.
When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift....
Thrown away.
Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.
this poem was written by a young girl stricken with terminal cancer and a limited extension to her life. the words are beautiful, the message strong. what jars me the most is how relevant it is to my life right now, as if the words are written for my eyes. this came as one of those chain-letter mail and being the cynic that i have always been, i take the story with an ounce of salt. however, the thruth in the story is irrelevant here, perhaps most important is the gentle reminder for me to slow down.
this year has been most troublesome for me, as some of you know. i have lost something very dear and irreplaceable, something that i never knew mean so much to me, something that i never appreciated before it was gone. the regret. the sadness. the frustration. the anger. the hopelessness. a multitude of feelings that i have never had to experience. you will never be able to truly grasp my feeling unless you have gone through it personally.
without knowing, the scarring experience has subconsciously pushed me to live everyday harder; to play harder, to work harder and to live life a little harder. deep down there is this nagging feeling that i may be skimming over life, but it is so hard to resist this natural tendency. it's hard to slow down once the wagon has started.
i am guilty of all the things she said. i cannot remember the countless times i've told my kids 'we'll do it tomorrow', only to forget about it. running through next day's schedule just as i am retiring for the night seems like second nature to me now and the last time i remember sitting idly watching kids play was more than a decade back. i always seem to be rushing through today's event in anticipation of tomorrow's.
let this be my wake-up alarm for today.
let this remind me to slow down and enjoy life as it pass.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
that b****
i dream of finding the time to sit in a nearby cafe, sipping hot steamy aromatic coffee whilst i take a walk inside my mind and ponder on my thoughts, clicking on the keys as i go along. what luxury! as it is, my ideas and thoughts die a natural death in their womb that is my brain, even before they are fully formed. cause of death: incessant chatter of children whining for attention.
there is this girl that i know whom i absolutely detest. if it is not for her, i will probably be lounging at the pool, with a tall glass of ice tea in my hand, basking in the hot sun. or i could be in the north pole, going after my dream of seeing the aurora borealis.
instead, she sends me here and there, running on my feet like a dog. even when i am typing out this post, she orders me to the kitchen to multi-task a soup somewhere between these lines. she is quite the demanding freak, like melinda priestly in devils wear prada. nothing is ever good enough, nothing is ever right. sigh!
when someone is in need of hospital attention, that b**** volunteers my attention. sheesh! it's easy for her to say! all it takes is a few words from her golden mouth and i'll be tired to the bones, running around to handle the errands. for once, i sure will like to see her handle it all by herself, instead of plain talk.
during school holidays, which is around the corner again, she dreams of countless activities for the kids and guess who is the poor 'dahling' that has to execute them? i will like to 'execute' her! she is probably the creation of the devil, to keep me on my toes.
if at any point in time i fail to deliver, you can bet that i will sure get hell from her. the never-ending guilt trips, the sarcasm and the 'elbow in your ribs' remark. i am only but one person, cool it, will you?
anybody knows how to drown a CONSCIENCE?
hello, people?! this is the key word! you don't read this, you won't understand the entire post!! it's my conscience, get it?
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
and this little pig ran all the way home

this is a screw.
no, it's not the real thing.
it's just a picture of a screw.
the definition of a screw is a shaft with a helical groove or thread formed on its surface. Its main uses are as a threaded fastener used to hold objects together, and as a simple machine used to translate into linear force. It can also be defined as an inclined plane wrapped around a shaft (a word of thanks to the contribution of wikipedia. those who were thinking of a more warped translation, please enroll yourself in a brain-purifying course.)
so, when you see a screw here, it means that it is loose.
there is something, somewhere with a hole in it that doesn't have a screw to hold the things in place.
the fact is....this little ms piggy has a screw loose in her brain today.

oink! oink!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
what happened to cinderella?
the continuation of the story.....
cinderella and prince charming moved into the castle and started their marriage shortly after the beautiful wedding. alas! who was to know that shortly after, a financial crisis loomed and the royal family was thrown out of the palace by a coup. the dashing prince charming was forced to look for work, like any other commoner on the streets. they were poor, but they were in love and they still had each other.
for years and years, they struggled and worked their fingers to the bone to provide a comfortable life for themselves and their five children. cinderella, who had been through a rough life before she became a princess, was used to the hard life and so she continued to persevere, balancing housekeeping with any work that she can find, to earn that extra dime.
prince charming, on the other hand, who was used to all the luxuries in the palace, worked very hard to provide a living too... initially. however, as days passed, the grime of everyday living and the unrewarding efforts disillusioned him. very soon, he turned to wine and gambling, which to his royal form spelt certain doom and so it was that he met his maker shortly before he turned 40.
poor cinderella. she was left all alone to bring up her 5 children. as good as they all were, it was exhausting for a woman to handle. still, she toiled and she hung on.
fast forward to 40 years later....her children are all grown up. there was a lawyer, a teacher, a businessman, all very successful in their lives. finally, all the sacrifices that she had to make have not gone wasted. she was very proud of each and every of them. cinderella is now an old shaky woman, contented to reap the rewards of her toils. unfortunately, as luck will have it, cinderella met with an accident. not one serious enough to claim her life, she should be so lucky, but enough to make her lose the use of her limbs. poor thing!
not to worry, it's time for her to wind down, relax and enjoy the love of her children anyway, i hear you say. it's time that they repay her love and the gratitude of bringing them up. sigh! cinderella has had a very hard life but unfortunately, it doesn't end there.
the lawyer took her in and nursed her back to health. however, the minute that she turned to be naggy and whiny, he gave her the boot! it didn't make a difference to him that all old people are naggy and whiny, he has forgotten all her sacrifices in the blink of an eye. the teacher, upon hearing that the old lady was kicked out of the house, quickly locked his house and drew all the curtains, pretending that his entire family has gone away for an extended holiday. the businessman didn't mind taking her in, after all, he has hundreds of empty rooms and thousands of servants. unfortunately, a quick check with his feng shui master confirmed that cinderella's signs clashed with him and there was a major dark star in her horoscope, spelling certain doom for her in the near future. no, no! death is not good for the family feng shui. so, instead of taking her in her most crucial time of need, he turned a deaf ear too. another son didn't even bother to ask about her condition from the onstart, much less offer his assistance now. the last, but not the youngest, balked at the idea of spending more money on that old lady. after all, she already has one leg in the grave.
what is poor cinderella to do? with a broken heart, she travelled by her loneself to her old dilapidated shack where she spend the rest of her days.
is it me or is there something wrong with this story?
Monday, November 06, 2006
how did you know if you have married the right person?
i have ten reasons (let's hope i do, i haven't start counting them yet. i'm squeezing the brain cells as we go along) why i know i married the right man:
1. he gives me the very last piece of that juicy bite, if i practice the 'poor hungry saliva-drooping' look jussssst right.
2. he walks 10 miles to do an errand for me so that i don't have to move one step. when i'm too tired to pick-up after the kids, he will (provided there is no other soul around). he knows i'm lazy and he takes it as part and parcel of this wonderful package :-)
3. he not only loves me but he loves my immediate family members too. not one of those fake 'uh huh, i like you too' kind of thing.....unless he is a damn good actor, but i think he really cares about them.....hmmm, well, maybe some of them!
4. he will fight to do the things that he thinks i don't want to do; like driving. or maybe he just can't stand my driving skills......!!!
5. he will prepare breakfast for me....if he doesn't sense any initiative on my part that morning. if i look like i'm up on my toes and moving about in the kitchen, then he'll plod back on his bum and read the newspaper :-) what a good team we are!
6. he has no qualms about spending money on me! and i have no objection to him reaching for his wallet to pay for all my meals. :-D
7. when questioned with 'if your mother and i fall into the sea together, who will you rescue?', he replies my mother, of course. what do you think i am? crazy? i can never love anyone who will give up their old mother for a young and able-bodied wife!
8. okay, i'm racking my brains a little. hmmm....he makes me laugh. the first thing that attracted me and one of the things i appreciate in him. what's life without laughter?
9. when i feel unwell, he takes care of the kids and keep them out of my hair. for a few hours at least, until he sense that i have enough rest...then he'll lower the drawbridge and let the vikings in again.
10. finally. he was and will always be by my side. through thick and thin. through good and bad. through happiness and sadness. get the idea.
previous years, it was all about what he should get me to mark that special occasion. i'll name the thing, or he would venture an adventurous and often not very intuitive guess, and i'll get whatever it was. however, looking back, the gifts didn't bring me a sense of fulfilment or elation.
we spent the whole of yesterday a lot like any other weekend. a little sports in the morning, shopping and movie in the afternoon and roaming around a carnival in the evening. it was no different, yet i felt contented. i feel lucky to be able to spend just another simple day with the people i love and i look forward to the many more to come. corny, huh?
happy anniversary, my dear.
Friday, November 03, 2006
ever wonder?
.....if the blog background that you choose reflects on your personality?
i've taken a test long long ago about which toilet cubicles we choose to occupy reflect subconsciously on our character. don't ask me which is what though as the wind has blown that one out of my mind. since it applied to the toilet cubicles, i'm sure our choice for the blog background will also reflect something about us. the question is what? (by the way, those are circles in my background, not nuts, ok?) perhaps in ah pek's case, it shows that he is adventurous and has somewhat of a problem with his rear end being itchy?
.....why men have nipples?
this one i know as i have bought the book! since men don't breastfeed i guess their nipples are redundant and according to the law of evolution, it should slowly shrink and disappear! pretty much like the tail, i suppose. watch out, men! hold on tight to those nipples of yours!
....what is sand made of?
sigh! i don't know the answer to this one and i needed to...because the children were asking...and i couldn't answer. i actually looked it up...but as usual, the wind came and took it all away from my mind.
....why delicious and scrumptious food are always unhealthy for our body?
vice versa, those that are extremely good taste yucky. like tofu for instance. in its' purest white form, it taste bland and boring, which is good for your health. you can deep-fry it to make it taste better, but that much oil is not good. no no. ice-cream is fattening and clog atteries, coffee is too stimulating and a thick juicy steak may be deadly! is god trying to tell us something? that we shouldn't be enjoying ourselves so much, perhaps?
....why the yong chau fried rice in yong chau doesn't taste like ours?
or so i have been told. and singapore fried bee hoon isn't quite the same over there. neither does a whole list of other dishes that bear a place's name but which doesn't quite taste the same there. even worse, they don't even have that dish there!
....what goes on in my head to come up with all these crappy questions?
if you lean real close and put your ear beside my head, you will hear a whoosh whoosh sound inside. the sound of air circulating in the empty cranial hemisphere. knock! knock! sorry, nobody's home.
enough questions! i am racking my head too damn hard to come up with all these questions.
have a good weekend.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
of death and dying
everybody is afraid of death. those that say they aren’t are merely putting up a brave front. it is scary….to face the inevitable, the point of no turning back. i guess what is most frightening about it is the fact we don’t know with certainty anything about the beyond. i read somewhere that life is calm, death is peaceful but it is the transition in between that is most upsetting. so true.
from since i was a wee girl, not older than any double digit figure, i remember being afraid of dying. not so much of myself passing on, since i still had a long journey to go back then, but more of my nearest and dearest leaving me all alone in this world. i would cross my fingers before i sleep and wish for eternal life, for me and everybody else around.
having children have had a great impact on these fears. without realization, i no longer deliberate so much on this phobia as i derive an unspeakable satisfaction from watching them grow, day by day. the fear of leaving everything behind for that bright light that comes down from the sky is not as great as my days, and nights, are filled to the brim. almost like i don’t need to look back or regret as i have done all that i should be doing. of course, there are bound to be bad days where i have a relapse and fall back to the old sickness of petrifying fear but they come and go quickly and are seldom and rare in between now.
recently, however, my 7 year old was crying one night, after she turned and tossed and found herself unable to sleep. i had no idea what was troubling her until she said, ‘mummy, i don’t want you to die’.
it is most sobering when a child says that. she has always been told of the reality of death and has even looked death in the face when her great-grandmother passed away many years ago. she took it all in good stride then and i had no reason to suspect otherwise. i was most wary when i recently realize that most movies or tv programmes touch on the topic of death. there is always somebody dying! either by suicide, killed by some goons or by some kind of sickness. it is quite jarring to keep explaining to your child the reasons why so and so’s character has been cut short. a strong desire rise up to simply state that the producer was simply too cheap to pay the actor for a couple more shots, which in long chinese serials are sometimes the case.
i worry about her, such a precocious little mind on such a small body. how i wish i can take away her uneasiness and her fear. but how can i when death is something that we cannot predict and is as certain as taxes?
then i remember i was also once like that and i think it’s just a normal part of growing up.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
all about having fun
most malaysians do not celebrate halloween. it's neither part of our custom nor tradition. however, when do we need custom to have fun?
yesterday night was all about that - having fun. who cares what the occasion marks or what it is suppose to represent. to this big kid, it was just another excuse to dress up, let my hair down and go crazy a little. true, i could have let the kids dress up in their halloween costumes and just act the part of chaperon, but where is my share of the fun? what is the point of life if we don't have fun along the way?
the place was right.
the time was right.
we had little spiders, firemen, witches, ghosts, draculas.....anything that rocks your imagination. one mother came in her bathrobe, complete with the towel around her hair! it was a hoot!
the children ran from door to door, ringing on bells for their treats. watching them light up with excitement and happiness, i was grateful to be a part of it - the energy, the silliness, the variation from our daily routine.
i have been celebrating halloween for many years now, from the days when the neighbourhood has yet to hear of such a celebration locally, to now, where it's rampant in most expatriate housing areas. all i had to do .....was gate-crash :-)
for those of you logging in here to catch a glimpse of how i look like.... here. the close-up wasn't satisfactory, blame it on the photographer, so i can't share it with you
how often do you get supergirl, cleopatra, queen amidala and the local neighbourhood ghost posing together for a photo?
i'm all ready for the onslaught of all those 'ghost face' comments you guys were saving your bullets for. hey, you were the one who gave me the idea for my costume!
in the name of friendship
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