Tuesday, November 14, 2006

all things magical

for those of you thinking of coming in here and tempting me with talks about food again, be warned! food deprivation has transformed me into a raving dangerous lunatic. step on the topic at the risk of your own life!

i am attempting to post a new entry here but the lack of sustenance and nutrients to my brain may make all efforts seem incoherent. nevertheless, try to follow along and pretend you understand what i am talking about.

it's so difficult to be a good mother to children nowadays, especially when they are so clever and intuitive. i like my children to believe in magic, tooth-fairy, santa claus and all that hogwash. it's delusion and manipulation at its best but i feel that it's a happier childhood. to be able to believe that good things do come true and that there is a little magic in the world; it's like looking at the world with rose-tinted glasses - so dreamy and beautiful. therefore, whilst i still can, i will like to preserve the image of a beautiful world for them.

so, my children grew up believing that the toothfairy will pay them money for their teeth, and they look forward to christmas when santa will bring them an extra present, if they are good. even when forgetful ms. toothfairy forgot to collect the tooth under the pillow one time, my daughter held on strong to her faith.

that was then. she's 7 now and the cynical side of her is growing, displacing the innocence. after numerous tooth-falling and cashing in on tooth fairy's deal, she came to me one day with "mummy, tell me the thruth, is tooth fairy real?". being cornered like that, i couldn't lie to her straight in the face. so, i told her what every other mother in my situation would, "go ask your father". men, being men, will never have qualm about breaking a child's bubble. with his answer, my daughter now knows that it is her parents who have been sneaking into her room at night and replacing the tooth with a note. she has been harboring a suspicion for some time now so i guess it is hardly shocking news to her. looking at her cherubic face, i couldn't tell if she was disappointed with the answer.

from now on, there will be nothing magical about dropping a tooth. sigh! i am disappointed. i don't want to let go of my illusions just yet. give me back the tooth fairy! well, at least the 5yo doesn't know about the conspiracy yet, so he'll still look forward to exchanging his milk teeth for cold hard cash.

the 7 yo hasn't ask for the thruth about santa claus yet. if she's a clever little girl, she'll know that she better keep her mouth shut, unless she is ready to give up that extra present.


Las montañas said...

aiyoh, this mother! I bet she'll make the children believe she was snow white at one time! :P

may said...

funny how I was a pretty cynical child who refused to believe in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, and the likes. yet I still day dream and maybe have more imaginary friends than a 5-year-old. hmmmm... ok, I think I need to go see a shrink! LOL!

sengkor said...

wha...?? u mean there is no tooth fairy? now dun u start on the santa claus..

me said...

dear monty: kakaka. if my skin was as white as snow, and lips as red as apple, i would have! then again, after watching ian's version of snow white....forget it!

dear may: really? didn't think that there would be kids who didn't want to believe in those magical creatures. usually it's the other way round. you still have imaginary friends now?? maybe it's your split personality trying to get out?! LOL

dear sengkor: ohmygawd! i've broken another kid's dream. darn! sorry, little boy.

dear indiana jonzz: kakaka. it's a little like tai chi. push the problem to the right and left and you will feel better *grins*

Anonymous said...

well i guess it's time ur kids shld learn about The Truth. :P

after all, that's all about growing up right? learning about the truth from every aspect of life..... the truth about the working world, the truth about God, the truth about....Santa Claus.

Wuching said...

i still believe! i still believe!

sooi2 said...

ur kids must be very ang-moh-sai to believe in tooth fairies, hahah...what do u call em in canton? nga-san-sin? and how much did u pay per tooth???

when i was tiny, i wasn't so sure abt santa claus (tot he din visit me coz i din celebrate x'mas) but i knew for sure tooth fairies exist only in enid blyton's books!

Anonymous said...

My son still believes in the tooth fairy too. I added some spice and told him tooth fairy does not want to pay for ugly looking teeth, so he has to make sure that his teeth are nice ;)

Anonymous said...

It's high time that we tell the kids that all the princes in the world look like Shrek and all the princesses look like urrmmm... Shrek's wife, Fiona. *wink wink*

me said...

dear serendipity: the thruth is so cold and harsh. i prefer them to live in the dream world for a little bit longer. they'll have plenty of time for the coldness of the real world after that and hopefully they'll find the strength from their happy childhood to face them straight on.

dear wuching: did santa bring you presents last christmas? or have you been naughty?

dear sooi2: you must have a very practical kid. my uncles used to bring me presents and pretended that they were left by santa. eventhough it was that one time only, the memories stayed till now. i tot it's sweet to have a warm memory like this, so i feed my kids' minds with rubbish like this. haha. nowadays, tooth fairy also face inflation. coin sudah tak cukup, must have notes!

dear imd: kakaka. yes, very useful tool to frighten children into behaving. i also tell mine the same when he doesn't want to brush teeth at night. *grins* such naughty mothers we are. heehee.

dear titoki: Shrek perhaps is not the accurate picture. for men are beautiful on the outside, esp when they are going after you...but not so nice on the inside when they are bored with you.

Bernard said...

Nowadays there's Disney Channel magic and Cartoon Network magic besides the good ole fairy tales. I think choosing the "right" sort of magic for my boy is still required from me as a dad.

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