Tuesday, February 20, 2007

chinese new year is......

chinese new year is.........

.....when you see smart-looking teenage relatives dressed in their fineries,

whom you still remember vividly as giggling, hyperactive and adorable kids, high on an overdose of sweets, jumping around on your bed not very long ago.

then you remember.....

....that you are growing older.


Ianfluenza said...

Yeah... My younger cousins morphed from toddlers to teenagers. Eerily quiet...

Meanwhile, I grow eerily fatter in my elder relatives' eyes...

me said...

dear ian: hahahaha. u must hv been a bamboo as a kid cos u didn't look all that fat to me. i think it's a matter of perspective. they must have shrunk in their old age.....heehee, so wicked of me.

u shld hear the noise in this place!! i can't even hear myself think.....all thinking must stop. 9 kids! that's not counting those who are still a kid in the mind.....like me!

Las montañas said...

Just slap a vacuum over each of their mouths.

me said...

dear monty: eeee, so violent one lah u.

zewt said...

it simply means gong hey fatt choy la..... *yawn*

me said...

dear zewt: i believe that you seriously lack oxygen supply to the brain because you are yawning as you speak. :-p perhaps some exercise will do you good? gong hei fatt choy goes hand in hand with 'lai see tau loi'....where's mine?!

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...