Wednesday, February 07, 2007

where did all the good times go?

each generation always look back on the past and thinks that it is better than the present.

that's what i am doing now.

maybe not better. different.

i remember the thrills of wearing new clothes for the chinese new year.

i remember being told off by my mother for using unsuitable vocab and playing with the broom on the first day of the new year.

i remember opening the angpows with excitement to count how much i have received for that year.

i remember dipping my hand into the ice-cold water of the cooler to look for my favourite soft drink....and it was in a glass bottle.

i remember constantly refilling the goodies container so that our visitors will always have something to nibble on.

i remember the laughters, the kuachi, the children running around and the angpows.

i remember groups huddling in their own corners, playing with whatever strikes their fancy.

i remember the horrible chinese new year songs playing in the background.

of course, new year was never complete without the groanings at the man who brought along his entire extended clan (and probably the neighbour of his wife's brother's girlfriend)

in its place is quietness. solemness.

a desire to hide from it all by leaving the country.

nobody will be around.

nobody visits anymore.

who is there to see the decorations that they have hung up?

where's my chinese new year?


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may said...

I know what you're going through. I felt the same last year. and this year... I won't even be home to see what other things have changed for CNY...

Jonzz said...

Nowadays, celebrations seem so much quieter than before. Don't seem to look forward to any of them any more. LOL, is this part of getting older?

me said...

dear may: sigh! *lightbulb lights up* maybe u can use webcam to catch up with cny celebrations. hmmm...then again, it may just spark off the blues. :-(

dear jonzz: growing older shouldn't mean having to grow more jaded, should it? if u manage to find the old new year, send me a copy of the map.

Anonymous said...

Yea........same here..

Las montañas said...

aiyah.. miss one year of CNY celebrations is nothing lah.. but this is your year hor.. so maybe diffferent lor

me said...

dear ah pek: is it us? are we growing too old to be excited about new year?

dear monty: what one year?!?! where did u get the idea it was one year? my new years have been like that for quite some time. increasingly so. not so much miss the celebration but nothing to celebrate n no one to celebrate. the whole new year thing is DEAD! yes, pig year SHLD be different. i'm going to make it going to get new underwears!!!! hahaha!

Ianfluenza said...

New Year doesn't sound as fun as before to me too. Sigh! And oh, sorry for the tardy visit. Hehehe!

me said...

dear ian: you're excused cos you're suffering from a disappearance episode. :-p kakaka. darn! stop being so harsh, naughty girl.

Cocka Doodle said...

Now that you're married, you've gotta hand out angpows to those visiting kids.
So stingy! thinking of getting out of the country summore!

me said...

dear cocka: like that also want to 'kick open' me meh? haha. actually, it's compulsory for me. i must spend cny with my in-laws mah.

Unknown said...

I'm learning the meaning of CNY traditions... come and join me... share some tips.... and let's get the mood going!

... where are you going for CNY? My grand-aunt is going to Dubai, can you believe that?

me said...

dear bernard: going to in-laws in hk for cny. at least nothing is closed in dubai for the new year, but i heard everything's so expensive there.

tip no. 1 for the new year: get new items of clothing, like when u were a kid. from outside to inside, all new. it helps bring out the excitement for the new year. when you stop bothering, you stop living.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the tip. You're right.

Your trip to to family's home... that's great for CNY, not just a holiday.

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