perhaps this black dress?
or maybe this long sleeve?
i spend a lot of time in my closet (yes, it's a walk in, so you people can just go ahead and be envious), trying to decide what i shall put on for the day. not as long as the normal average woman...but maybe 5 minutes more than the average male.
it's not a simple matter of plucking the item of clothing that is nearest to my hand. there are many factors to be taken into account, like my mood for the day, the weather, my schedules, whom i will be meeting and where i will be going, do i look fat in that dress (i can only claim temporary lapse of sanity when i purchased it)...among a zillion of other variables. so, you see, after taking into account all those questions that only a rocket scientist will be able to answer, i'm really not taking a very long time to come to my decision.
most men are under the mistaken impression that women dress to please them, or at the very least, for the pleasure of their eyes. it's normal for them to arrive at this conceited opinion and perhaps it may very well be true in the case of some silly, uninformed women; i don't know, i've never held a survey to find out what the womenfolk think.
i know for a fact that men do not notice what women wear. what they don't wear perhaps, but definitely not what they do wear. how many generations of countless men have got themselves in trouble by not knowing the difference between aqua and green, whether the straight cut or the a-line looks better or whether the first outfit is more flattering than the second? i'm sorry to say that the 'you look good in everything, darling' reply after the umpteenth outfit fashion display only works for the dim-witted ones. i do not delude myself into believing that men will care about the finer details of how i dress. how much cleavage i show will definitely be of more concern to them.
so, if it is not for the men, for who else then?
the ladies? perhaps. women have a very sharp eye when it comes to what other women are wearing. i have lost count of the times that i would have liked to dig out the eyes of ladies (is this word even appropriate?) who dared stood right in front of me and gave me the slow sweep with their eyes, from the top right down to my feet and all the way back up again.
the other day, i walked into the lift and bumped into this lady who lives on the same floor. she totally ignored me when i gave her a smile of acknowledgement. when she finally realised that i was getting off on the same floor, her pathetic excuse was that she "couldn't recognise you because you were always wearing pants". ?!?!?!?! since when do you recognise someone from the clothes they wear? and i most certainly do wear skirts, frequently too...maybe i just never bump into her whenever i do. it goes to show that she noticed my clothes more than my face, or me.
actually, i believe that i wear to please my own eyes most of all. to indulge in my own confidence and comfort. when i think i look good, i feel good. to me, that is what matters the most.

Oooo, controversial controversial! Don don generalize... Play with fire leh...
I think guys don't comment on ladies' clothes cos it's dangerous ground to thread but doesn't mean they don't. And if they do the 'sweep', i think it might send out the wrong signals, non?
Gua ha ha ha
men probably do notice what women wear, though perhaps not in such detail in comparison to how a woman scrutinises the dressing of another (I know I do!).
much as I love chic fashion, I don't carry it well on myself. so I'm stuck with the more casual fashion sense, and something I can walk to the office without worrying about a sore foot (because of bad yet trendy shoes), or how I sit on the bus... ;)
may is right... we do. only in ppl who we are attracted to perhaps.
anyway... i know girls take notice of what we men wear too. i remember being told "why you wear this tie again?, you wore it last thursday"... gee... even i didnt know i wore it last thursday.
unzdear jonzz: reallyyyyy....? ok, quick, what did your mum wear the last time you saw her?! what colour was it? or that aunty in your church that you saw last sunday?
maybe you noticed the lady walking down the street, with the long hair and the sexy curves...the one that you are physically attracted to...but not on a general basis, not those that you see everyday and are close to. still wrong?
anyway, as with all generalisations, there are always exceptions. *grins*
dear may: only to those that they are physically attracted. when they are checking you out, perhaps. when they are with you for what seems like forever, no man will remember. it's a given.
i know what u mean. if i go for those fashion stuffs, i feel soooo strange. not quite like myself.
kakakaka. how u sit on the bus? that's an interesting topic to blog..keke
dear zewt: sureeeeee, you remember what jules wear now....but later, five years down the road, you won't even notice if she doesn't change clothes everyday. *grins*
you guys only notice those that u r physically attracted to....and even then, not in finer the cut of the clothes, the quality, the exact colour...then again, i'm just assuming...correct me if i am wrong.
tell me....what did the receptionist wear yesterday? u must hv passed her on your way in...
dear jonzz: sorry, there was a typo before your salutation :"-)
Other factors to consider when choosing clothes is if you've turned on the lights when choosing and if your short body can "reach" wanted clothes. kakakakaka
Men don't notice SQUAT
My husband can tell you what I've worn. I have 12 black Hanes t-shirts and 501 levi's. I wear those everyday. I just change the shirts to a clean one. LOL! I'm a easy
LOL, I can remember what my mum wore. Basically I'm quite visual person.
The problem is if it's not a person I'm close to, i wouldn't really bother to scrutinize the person cos I feel that it's rude.
But basically I notice what's out of place with a person quite fast. It's a very subjective question.
ur lift neighbor only recognise u from waist down maybe..
dear annie: finally! another person who sees it like it really is! *hugs annie* i can always count on you. those other ppl are just lying to themselves. tsk tsk tsk. *shaking head*
there is a reason those clothes are beyond reach in the first place....perhaps u don't really like it but is reluctant to get rid of it, hence they are banished to the sphere of the 'unreachable'? *grins*
i'll know how to recognise you when i bump into u in the your black Hanes tees and 501s.
dear jonzz: wow! u r one of the exception. nobody notices what their mothers wear...not even me!
dear sengkor:*scratching head* i wonder whyyyyyy......
i dunno... cos i go straight to my floor... and the receptionist is on another floor... there are a few receptionist actually... my company has got 10 floors... :P
dear zewt: for a minute there, i tot u were telling me u don't know cos jules' clothes go straight to the floor and the receptionist's clothes are on another floor! wohhh, too much info there...then it struck me, you were talking about yr receptionist's dressing. were evading the about the lady sitting opposite you, or one of your other colleagues, or the lady you spoke to. admit it, you didn't notice...
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