i don't know why he does it, keep tagging me i mean. if you hop over to his blogroll, you'll notice that he is contending for the guiness' longest blogroll record. if he gets paid a dollar for each link, he'll be filthy rich by now. which brings me to the point that i don't know why he keeps tagging me, among his endless list of readers. one thing for sure, it's definitely an honor to be tagged once again by the almighty; it means i'm in his thoughts - constantly :-p *rolls eyes*
if i thought his last tag was difficult, this one is rocket scientist stuff. why can't he give me easy tags like the 70 questions one, or my favourite things.
this tag is ...my last post. what will i post about if i'm dying tomorrow or if the world ends tomorrow.
i've thought about it for days, for some witty topic to blog about...but if the truth be told, i don't think i'll want to spend my last hours blogging. infact, i won't even be switching on the computer. if i could, i would gather all my readers and meet them for the first and last time. as a closure to that chapter of my life, to finally see what all of you look like. all this anonymity thing wouldn't matter heck if tomorrow ends, would it? who's going to care?
i will spend my last hours with the people i love, the people that matters. if it was just me, and not the world, ending i'll be spending a part of that time getting gifts and writing notes for them to open when i'm not around. i want them to smile even in my absence. i want their memory of me to be happy, not sad.
if only life was so easy..if only we all know when we will leave, be given the time for closure and goodbyes...then it won't hurt as much....and maybe it will be a little more like saying 'till we meet again'....
so, my answer to the tag is not really an answer.....but i believe that's what i would have done in that position.
on to the tagging....it's not compulsory, i'm not too crazy about this tag but i'll still do my bit and tag another 5. i won't deny them the chance to earn the $1 linkback to the originator of the tag. me? i don't hear of the almighty receiving his $1, so i choose not to link back to mr creator.
and the list of the taggees are........drum roll please.....
1. wuching..who says i don't lafu him anymore.
2. annie...who doesn't have her own connection at the moment.
3. poohbearie...who's in training.
4. las montanas...who has gone into the background, for reasons i can't fathom.
5. jonzz...'cos his mood has improved.

I draw picture must draw out the intestine meh?
why i keep tagging you. Can't you take a hint when you see one?
If I am not going to be in this world tomorrow, the last thing i'll do is blog the day before.
Sorrie...I can't do this tag...hahahaha
awww....u still lafu me!
if it was my last day on earth, I'd rather not know it's my last day, because then I'd regret so much for not doing a lot of things in life. and funny how we always say live life like it was your "last day", yet isn't that a little too extreme sometimes, to expect to die all of a sudden so we have to do everything kaw-kaw, every day? LOL! *ponders...*
dear ah pek: sorry lah, u r talking to the most blur person ever. cannot hint to me one, i'll not get it. draw picture,m ust draw intestine, bone, muscle, blood, skin, everything...for me at least lah. :-p
dear pooh: hahaha. same answer for me...but still i do the tag mahhhhhh. no give face also. hmmph. *grins*
dear wuching: yessssss...so go do the tag!!! haha.
dear may: yes, if i was to live life like it was my last day, i'll really die one of those days...too much for the system to take on an extended basis. *grins* you should be living some of those dreams, instead of stashing them in your dream box...what r u waiting for? the right time? the time will never be right.
i've said it before i will say it again... if it's my last day on earth... i certainly wont be blogging...
nah..i've done your tag liao! thankz for lafuing me!
dear zewt: *grins* u n everybody else....
dear wuching: goooood boy.
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