Sunday, May 13, 2007

annie's tag

what did you do on saturday?

some of us will be out roaming the shopping malls in the city, for lack of a better activity to pass time. others will be having lunch with family members and friends, catching up on socialising during the weekends. we did both, wandering around like zombies, not too crazy about the idea of returning to an empty home. however, both activities felt hollow and empty; tired and defeated we decided to retreat.

back home, with my cut-off shorts and sleeveless t, i found that home is still where the heart is. i felt the peace and calm that have been eluding me in recent weeks. my bed beckons but i ignore its calls.

instead, i think i'll attack annie's tag; the things that i will and won't settle for. perhaps it's my mental state of mind in recent days; i find each and every tag that comes my way a little too heavy too handle. i actually had to google for my answers!

things that i won't settle for:
1. lack of air
2. lack of food
3. lack of water

things that i will settle for:
1. lousy air
2. lousy food
3. lousy water

ok, tag slain. thank you, annie.

yes, and you will probably never see or hear from me again after annie is done with me...if i answer the tag as above, that is.

seriously, things i will not settle for.....

1. taking a clue from annie, i have to agree that i will never settle for an abusive relationship; mentally or physically. i can spot an a**hole when i see one, but perhaps it takes me a couple of months...or years to recognise one *grins*

2. anybody harming my kids. they will have to deal with me first!

3. hubby having an affair. many women will be able to close one eye and continue the marriage, for the sake of the children. i know i am not one of them, and i will never be. if his heart loves another, i don't think i want his torture or donate to science, maybe..

4. a man who expects to be waited on hand and foot. *rolls eyes* you'll be surprised, in this day and age, that there are many cavemen that survived the ice age. then again, you would have thought they have evolved all these time...but they didn't.

5. shallow pretentious friends. i rather have none. enough said.

things i will settle for:

wow. this list is non-exhaustive, i think. lousy food, lousy air, lousy pollution....

1. mediocracy. most people want good, or even great. so do i. but i know i'm not and never will be, in most things. so, i'm willing to be lousy. hey, it's a lousy job, baby, but somebody's got to be it.

2. lousy service. this ticks me off each and everytime and i wish i can shove it up their a##. still, i hold it in and accept that it's all part and package of this stupid country.

3. not being able to find the time, or energy, to keep everything neat and tidy. in my heart, i'm a perfectionist. i prefer everything to be compartmentalised, labelled and in alphabetical order. in reality, i just chuck it aside. *grins*

4. not being able to fulfill all my dreams. we don't live in this world exclusively. sometimes, we have to take into consideration the circumstances and the feelings of others. we make sacrifices. sometimes we are filled with regrets....but this is the road that was chosen, and given another chance, i will still make the same decisions.

for now, this is it. i'll come back and add to the list when inspiration strikes.


Admin said...

would you settle for a 50 plus year old man with a big beer belly?

Wuching said...

me! me! settle for me!

zewt said...

Haha, so you wouldn’t want your husband’s body if he is unfaithful. Now that he is faithful (he is right)… you only want his body huh? Hmmmm

Las montañas said...

Hey, I suspect you make the decisions of the house sometimes! Pity your poor hubby.

Anonymous said...

You reminded of the tag i hv not done :P

Jonzz said...

Aiyo this Annie, give that tag. I'm still racking my head over it... Argh!

me said...

dear ah pek: in another time maybe....when i'm 78 years old, a 50yr old man with big beer belly will be just what i'm looking for! haha!

dear wuching: haha, tereseeeeeeeeeeee..where r u?

dear zewt: haha. trust men to have only one track mind.

dear monty: on the contrary, because i'm too wishy washy, i need him to make decisions most of the time. or at least to second my opinions. hehe.

dear pooh: you can't keep annie waiting...she pokes and jabs people :-)

dear jonzz: haha. look how fast monty got it over and done with

zewt said...

it's been like that before the dawn of human civilisation... and civilisation didnt quite change that too... hah!

me said...

dear zewt: that trait is to preserve the continued population of humanity. *grins* thanks to men's one track mind, mankind has not become extinct. thank u, zewt, thank you to all the men... for being so humsup. kakakaka

zewt said...

i didnt say anything about being humsup...

me said...

dear zewt: yessssss....but men's one track mind seldom think of anything else. kakakaka.

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