Friday, June 29, 2007

in agreement

it's not easy staying married for so many years. as two individual beings with very different lines of taste and preferences, it's unavoidable that there are clashes and confrontations. we find ourselves disagreeing on all types of things....he likes sports, i like lounging around like a pig. he is tidy, i'm messy..again like my zodiac..a pig. he likes to be a hermit, i like to mix with friends. he hates writing, writing takes away my maniac homicidal tendencies. he likes his instant noodles soggy and soft (bleaugh!), i like mine with a little bite.

however, there is one thing that we both agree on.

one thing that we are of the same opinion.

the only thing that we are on common ground.









and that is........











the fact that i'm perfect!

loosen up!! it's friday!

time to go crazy!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey, you're in jovial mood, aren't you.

Have a great weekend.

Jonzz said...

*poke* *poke* Wah your skin so thick and perfect hor... LOL!

OK, I've done my homework, Miss Contagion

Anonymous said...

lol good one there.

Have a great weekend tho.

Las montañas said...

alamak! slap head. how can be perfect when you are messy (and he is tidier than thou)

Wuching said...

yeah he likes to be on top & u prefer bottom, perfect!

Anonymous said...

I concur with lickoholic. Are you on ecstacy?

Anway, it's therapeutic to feel good about oneself. Hope it lasts because that's how I'd like to remember you.

Admin said...

you mean your are purrrrrrrffeeectt???

me said...

dear licky: let's just hope it lasts....*popping another magic mushroom*

dear jonzz: hey! be careful where you poke. don't make a mark on my perfect skin!! hahahahaa!

dear hijackqueen: hi! you dropped in just as i was going looney. becareful where you step....if you see any loose screws on the floor, it will be mine.

dear monty: let's examine your rationale here....who is the one that defined that messy is not a good thing and neatness is a virtue? it's just someone's definition; an individual's guideline. why does everybody have to follow this rule? besides the fact that neatness enables people to locate things easier (and this is not necessarily foolproof), it's just merely an apple and orange situation. who's to say apple is better than orange? to each their own. some like oranges, some like apples. in my chaos, i'm organised. in my messiness, i'm neat. so, dear monty, messiness need not be imperfection, depending on how you view it.

dear wuching: you've got camera installed in my bedroom ahhhh? *checking all the ventilations*

dear e: if so, my head will be bobbing up and down even as we speak. *grins*

don't remember me as depressed, cos i'm not always so. don't remember me as happy, cos laughters evade me. remember me as i am, with whims of craziness and sensibility all picked in one.

dear ah pek: miaoooooooo *scratching the air*

Las montañas said...

ok. perfect messiness. i concur.

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...