Friday, June 08, 2007

miss me?

ok. call off the hound dogs, the armies and the hovering helicopters. i am back.

today marks the last day of my two weeks of servitude (:-p). fourteen days of cutting, marinating, boiling, slicing, cooking, steaming, peeling, frying, toasting ....and then there were those things outside of the kitchen (mention that and some cheeky fellow's mind will immediately jump to the bedroom! sighhhh!)

it does not quite constitute as a holiday....eventhough i managed to find time to do the things that other tourists visit the zoo (yes, i know, how cliche! but i've got kids to keep happy, you knowwwwwww!) and the singapore discovery centre (if i had known that, true to its' name, the place was all about discovering singapore, i wouldn't have gone there, believe me!!). maybe the mood was wrong...maybe the wasn't the 'i'm on holiday', beachy type of feeling. the pressure was immense, the mood grim....

there was plenty of opportunity to blog.....but the damn thing (the computer) didn't call my name. it sat there, looking lazily at me whilst my fingers floated above the keyboard. blogging is very much a mental state of mind, i now learn. even with all the time on my hands, a computer at my beck and call, the ambience has to be just right. to open up my heart and listen to my brain....the latter of which i believed i had accidentally cleaned and neatly zip-locked into the freezer after one of my frequent trips to the supermarket for grocery shopping.

....and therein lies the story of why i went missing for the last two weeks. i accidentally froze my brain.


may said...

welcome back! and where's that frozen brain of yours? time to pop it into the microwave for a quick reheat!

Anonymous said...

wat about the cycling part? LOL

me said...

dear may: what a warm welcome! *grins* pop into a microwave?! heavens no! it'll explode! my brains will spill all over the microwave, hot, dripping, slimy grey materials. hahaha.

dear pooh: would you believe it? i managed to do it only on the very last day!..blame it on the procrastination of the man of the house.

Anonymous said...

Ya, I really miss you.

Annie said...

I need a few lessons on how to ziplock my brain and sticking it into the freezer. That sounds like bliss! Utter absolute bliss!

About time you got back.

Jonzz said...

Accidently froze your brain? Join the club. WA HA HA HA HA HA

me said...

dear licky: *sob* it's nice to be missed.

dear zewt: you itchy for my flying kick ah? *grins*

dear annie: that lesson cannot be learnt in a day or two. to detach your brain and freeze it, yet not suffer any permanent irreversible damage, except for ocassional babbling like i am doing now, is a very precise skill.

dear jonzz: you mean you accidentally froze your brain in one of your pizza escapades too?! let's toast to a couple of popsicle brains!

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...