Tuesday, July 31, 2007

relatively speaking

the only good thing about having relatives, who poke their nose into your business when you don't need it and talks about your life behind your back, who keeps prodding you on to the next stage no matter if it is marriage or childbirth, is that you are still qualified to receive angpow from them no matter how old you are and regardless of your marital status.


6 months down the road, i'm feeling rather poor and i decide to open my new year angpow packets, and i finally discover the point of having relatives after all.


Las montañas said...

you no feel shame meh? still getting angpows from the elders? ;P

Anonymous said...

LM: Am sure u still get also :P
Can i receive one from you nx year?

ME: Why did u keep the angpows for 6 mths???

Wuching said...

what? u still get angpows? i dun get any leh!

Cocka Doodle said...

Got enuf to buy me dinner? *wink*

zewt said...

hmmm... will u be giving one to me next year? kakakaka....

me said...

dear monty: shame? shame is worth how much money leh? keke. i don't mind receiving till i'm 100 if you are willing to give :-p

dear pooh: hehe, i feel angpows are very auspicious....like my lucky money. wanted to keep it for as long as i can. :-)

dear wuching: hmmmmm....maybe you've not been good? hehe

dear cocka: depends on whether you eat caviar or roti canai for dinner.....you should be considering the reverse....it's always a privilege to be able to buy me dinner. :-p

dear zewt: i think you will be giving my kids one next year...! thank you ah, uncle zewt.

Jonzz said...

Wah ang pows! Next time create an ang pow account. And at least six months down the road, you have interest. HA HA!

Admin said...

You still gets ang pow??

me said...

dear jonzz: *punching calculator buttons*.....at the rate i'm getting...not quite worth it. now, if i was single....that's a different story! i actually keep one for my kids *grins*

dear ah pek: why? you want to give me ah? i don't mind. kekeke.

if your parents are still around...won't they give you? some of my relatives still do.

me said...

dear zewt: hahahaha. so blur. don't worry, i accept credit cards and cheques...gift vouchers also 'chiu sat'

Anonymous said...

relatively speaking?

Woo-hoo! After 2 wks of MIA, you definitely still got it!

You left me eating off your fingers!

Glad you are back. Sort of.

me said...

what 'sort of'?!?!? yes means yes lah! miss me means miss me lah! show some conviction, man!! show some passion. kakakaka. *takes a bow* thank you, sir.

Anonymous said...

Therein lies the irony!!

When I'm blatantly forward, you think I'm bold & brazen.

But now, I'm trying to be non-committal, you think I should show conviction.

But you already do know deep inside you, right? That I do so very much want to marry you!! Ahem, would you like to have my babies?? *on bended knee*

me said...

dear e: i was just teasing! mummmmmmmmmmyyyy! there's a looney in my blog!! :-p kakakaka.

Annie said...


is that like rice cakes?

me said...

dear annie: rice cakes? are you very hungry at the moment?! they prob won't be so tasty after six months if i keep them that long!!

angpows mean red packets literally. it's our tradition for elders and married couples to give these red packets during our the chinese new year...and it contains money $$$$. ka ching!! *grins* from the miserly $1 *(anything lower will be cursed upon) to the glorious $1,000 (hehe. that doesn't happen in reality)

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...