Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Anonymous said...

Ya, I think you should and have a nice one too.

zewt said...

i dont recall you asking for permission...

Admin said...

going for an egg hunt?

me said...

dear licky: thank you. i'm sure i will have.

dear zewt:

attention: mr zewt,

re: application for leave

this serves as my application for leave from my designation as blogger for an undefined limited period. all consideration and understanding given will be deeply obliged.

thank you.

yours sincerely,

dear ah pek: why? you missing some eggs?

Las montañas said...

whew!, the chatterbox girl on the phone is gone.

Jonzz said...

Oh please let me join you. ZZZZZZZ

me said...

dear monty: yes, we can all stop puking now.

dear jonzz: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz *high 5* zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Annie said...

This is soooooooooo strange. I feel like I'm in some locked down unit with padded walls and white every where. Is this your journal type background? I'm sure it's good for therapy. LOL

except for the pencil break. We must work on that. More pills for Mrs. ME!

me said...

dear annie: it's starting to feel very strange for me too. *shivers* but i've spent all my energy changing it...must recharge first before i venture out and look for another new one. *sigh*

the pencil break is so not me.

Las montañas said...

Day 9 on ME's break. Wonder how she's coping? Do you guys know?

me said...

dear monty: monty's counting....but why are you talking abt me in the third party?? i'm here, you know. *sigh* i'm fine. once the mouth stops talking, it takes a little more to get it to start again. any idea?

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...