i was standing there talking to her relatives. she just arrived. a quick hello, a fast greeting, followed by, 'hey, let me see your bag. turn it around'. to catch the label, for those that missed the point. i don't really care if my bag is not exhibiting it's famous brand for all to see. but obviously, for some, it's vital information.
another day.
another venue.
same person.
i walked in and she was sitting there, talking to others. i didn't pay much attention to where her eyes strayed whilst i greeted everyone. she said, 'i love kamiseta too'. ????? took me a second to remember that my tiny shirt label was sewed on the outside, at an obscure bottom corner. then she reached for my dangling earrings and examined them. the ones that look like jade but is a cheap china-made product. i don't really care if it's an expensive jewellery or a fashion accessory. someone gives them to me, it matches my clothes, i wear them. however, it seems, what i wear is important to some people. perhaps i should charge royalty. to see, that is. i could be rich.
i've mentioned previously, i dislike it when people give me the lookover, up down up down, slowly, as if they are undressing you with their eyes. it's usually the women. i don't know which is worse, men or women, but the women are more thorough. as if they are checking your worth in their mind, a sum to categorise your social standing. i don't really care but it's a little ackward standing there, waiting for you to finish, pretending that i don't see your blatantly rude action. what exactly am i suppose to do, standing there waiting for you to finish? examine the cobwebs on the ceiling? count the pimples on your face? it's not like they are doing a split-second x-ray scan, they take minutes (from my viewpoint, it feels more like hours), scanning cells for cells. i should probably ask when they are done, 'so, do i have any tumour?'.
people argue that women dress for men, or at the very least, for other women. i can't say that's true. i definitely didn't dress for the drooling, eyes-googling dirty-minded leery men hanging around by the sidewalk waiting to catch some ladies accidentally 'expose' themselves. or some critical, calculative women trying to sum you up in one minute by what you wear. i wear what i wear to make myself look good, and feel good.
so, stop staring. your eyes are getting bloodshot!

I like to watch *breathe heavily*
so it's better to get man up-down you than a woman eh?
dear wuchy: *closes wuchy's eyes* see what? see somemore, poke your eyes out!
dear zewt: didn't say that. don't know which is worse. but with mr zewt, i know it's not going to be a pleasurable experience either. so, stop staring!!
If you ask me its the really insecure that do such things. To them, to have made it, you must wear the expensive stuff. They are label conscious and probably expect you to reciprocate by saying, "Wah! You carrying a fendi bag" or somthing like that. As for me, I cant be bothered. I dress for comfort! Branded or not it does not matter. Most impt is that I like it and its comfortable.
ai yah. if you're pretty, let people stare lor....see only what...never even touch!
but seriously, you can't avoid all that scrutiny. just live & let live lah!
dear sahm: ahhh, a girl after my own heart. i'll probably like being around you.
dear e: if not pretty....? can touch or not? hahahahaha. ya, i take it all in stride. doesn't mean i have to like it. *grins*
I can totally relate. Sometimes, I am pressured to not carry something or not wear something, just because I know that all eyes would zoom into me and I can't stand that kind of attention. It isn't fair, is it? And then sometimes, people only talk to you or not talk to you depending on how you dress! It's bloody ridiculous!
dear big p: bear in mind that the opinion of these people is not important and has absolutely no bearing on your self worth and you'll feel better. if idiots think you're good, you're in big trouble.
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