Thursday, March 13, 2008

reason no. 2453 on why being a mother is the most difficult job in the world

mothers are suppose to be loving, to guide their children in right and wrong, in good and bad. mothers are supose to provide discipline and guidance, love and warmth. mothers are the mould that shape our futures on who, and what, we become in the world.

but what of a mother who fixates on computer games as much as her children? who fights with them for whose turn to play the nds? who gives in to the temptation to buy a wii, eventhough she doesn't want to spoil her children with unnecessary materialistic possessions, because she wants to play it even more? who spends hours infront of her computer, when she advises them otherwise? who is extremely unmotivated to stand on the threadmill but has to threaten her son to put in some hours of exercise in between the non-stop television addiction? such hypocrisy. such mockery. how do you teach discipline when you are not disciplined?

i am a mother. but foremost, i am a person. i did not become righteous overnight, just because i became a mother. i am still what i am. how do i become a mother then?


Las montañas said...

yes,petter do what you preach mother!

Anonymous said...

Why use no. 2453 and not others? Maybe I should run to the 4D outlet to try my luck on this combination, and who knows, it may ring a bell.

Anonymous said...

I have a good excuse for that; grown ups can do all those things children cannot so ngek ngek ngek!

zewt said...

psst... which games la?

Cocka Doodle said...

Pssst! Your neighbourhood pharmacist told me you've just bought another bathroom weighing scale.
Must be the 4th one broken this month huh? ;)

me said...

dear monty: but that will be going against the very core of who i am!!! a person, then a mother.

dear anon: finally, a comment that is not accusing. your heart is getting softer. *grins* why 2453? consider it fate, consider it luck. better roll in the date of the post, the no. of comments, the time (which is not shown) and my blogger id in the 4D....though i can't guarantee u'll even recover the cost with so many combinations. :-p

dear wuchy: but children oso can do so many things (fun things) that adult cannot; like jump in the muddle, roll in the mud, eat ice-cream for lunch, say 'i don't friend you' to people we don't like. etc.

dear zewt: welcome home, friend. so many lah. wii games, nds games, computer games. u name it, i pun addicted. but not those wargame kind of thing. i prefer mystery, puzzle, stimulation types. errrr.....why must whisper ah?

dear cocka: what is this thing with psst? u psst, zewt psst. i no name meh? call lah, the beautiful sexy cute wonderful adorable ms. me. ahem! ya lor, it's about time u reimburse me for the other 3 you broken leh!!! lousy friend, borrow saja break ppl's things.

seefei said...

life is nvr easy no matter what role you play. enjoy the journey!

i just got a wii as gift from my broadband supplier. very addictive initially but have grown out of it once i started playing hard core game. finding enemy to shoot and clue to the different levels is a lot of hard work. no fun!

Admin said...

Solution no. 2454 to solve problem no. 2453 -

Let Ah Pek give the mother a good smack on her big fat butt.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with your accusation that my comments are accusing.
My heart has always been soft towards you.

me said...

dear fei: wahhhh! yr broadband supplier so good!! there must be something wrong with our broadband supplier here!!! we play very simple stupid games, no need brain power. hahaha.

dear ah pek: ooooo, ah pek wants to play some games, issit??! *wink* my buttock made of gold punya, cannot anyhow smack.

dear anon: yr softness is hard to glean over the blogowaves.

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...