Friday, June 20, 2008

matter of opinion, really

nobody actually listens to your opinions. that's the sad fact of life. unless the suggestions are along the line of what that person was thinking of and validates their judgements.

it's actually quite frustrating all these pointless asking and talking when the conclusion has been formed even before the conversation has begun. people's minds are basically made up the very minute they have come to a conclusion and any subsequent efforts to change it, whether based on passive outsider observation or out of goodwill, is ill-fated. should i do this? no, no. because so, so and so........... but they won't take heed of the opinion because it contradicts what they believe in, their behaviour, their norm, their very essence of being. theoretically, a person will end up doing exactly what they are doing, because it's the way they are built, the way their mind works, their accepted boundaries, their non-accepted perimeters. given another chance, another attempt, people will still make the same decision, same choices. therefore, opinions of others, valuable as they are sometimes, bothersome and uncalled for at others, are totally irrelevant. a total waste of breath. better used to warm the stomach, the canto-dialect people will say.

the question then is why ask? only to seek further validation and similar-minded evaluations. which shows insecurity actually; that you are not totally confident with what you have decided and will like more people to have their butts on the line with you. or perhaps it's just a matter of the more the merrier.

bosses, mine included, always ask for opinions. for topics that he has not formed his opinions on, he'll gladly be swayed by the passionate discussions in progress. but for those that he has already made up his mind, wild horses couldn't disuade him. even at the risk of being told that he'll be losing monetary gains, he'll still push forward. such confidence, such strength, why bother to ask for opinions then? my theory is he's testing to see who is the idiot and who is the astute genius. which is why i put my head down and continually stuff food in my mouth when i have meals with him, so that i won't put my foot in it.

actually, i believe we are all the same. i'm guilty of asking hubby which dress looks better and not picking his choice but i attribute that to his bad taste. :-)

then again, a person who is easily swayed by other people's opinions will be called fickle and indecisive, wouldn't they?


Anonymous said...

so do you think my jean makes my bums big onot jek?

zewt said...

yup... it's about getting validation and getting approval... and it's a good feeling when someone agrees with you, dont u think?

me said...

dear wuchy: u post big big photo of your bum in jeans, ok? then i'll let u know. along with all your other readers. kakakaka.

dear zewt: superficial, the good feeling, don't u think? u're just setting yourself up for the fall when people don't approve and disagree. you'll feel crushed, u'll sulk, u'll feel disappointed, u'll doubt yourself. why give others such power and control over your state of mind?

Admin said...

A person who ask for opinions but stubbornly stick to the one that he already have in mind even though the new opinion is better than his is an arsehole.

He is only waiting for someone to agree with him and carry his wrinkled sags of meatballs.

me said...

dear ah pek: u bring the wrinkled sag of meatballs from your blog to mine ah? smelly lah.

u'll be surprised how many *bleep*holes there are out there. esp those getting old. old *bleep*holes are even harder to clean. they think they eat a lot of salt. high blood pressure lah.

Anonymous said...

you wanna know why no one uses the chatbox? coz we can't find thebox to write in! al least I can't coz I'm too dumb..where is it?!

me said...

dear wuchy: haiyoh! must put on your old man specs lah, somemore want to pretend to be young. seeee....under the chatbox, where there is the word 'name'.....there lah!!

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