Monday, March 02, 2009

not unaffected

sometimes you walk through life not knowing who will touch you....until ultimately you come to the crossroad. who will you miss when they are gone? who will make your throat tight and your heart heavy, your mood down and your sleep devoid? who will occupy your thoughts and your mind? the uncle whom you have not seen for the last few years and have never had much to talk about? or the aunty that you see every so often but have nothing in common to expand on?

life's funny. you think that just because you are not close to them, that in the final event that they do leave this world, that you will be a silent bystander, observing others in their grieve, grim in your mood but unaffected on the whole.

apparently not.


Anonymous said...

It's difficult to escape the realities of life.

But then again, do we have to explain or scream our thoughts and mind?

The first step out of each phase along life's path, is definitely not easy.

Take it easy, my dear.

zewt said...

your uncle eh?

me said...

dear licky: would be easier if i could scream my thoughts and mind....but i can't. so i write.

one step at a time.

dear zewt: that was yesterday's news.

Jonzz said...

I think when familiar things change or people disappear, we will definitely miss them even thought we do not know them.

me said...

yes, agreed jonzzy, unfortunately.

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...