Tuesday, April 14, 2009

more lies

i don't mind if you lie, really i don't. just don't make me follow your lead. actually, i do, but if you're not lying to me, it's really none of my business. i don't get why humans like to complicate simple things, to fabricate normal matters into a web of deceits, until i don't know what to believe anymore. but it's really when i'm forced to go along that it really irks me. i can't even keep track of the truth, how to keep track of all the lies i'm suppose to be conjuring up. really. it affects my credibility to be spewing forth such pathetic lies. one minute she supposedly went to the market. the next, she has flown off to destination unknown. sigh. destination unknown? how am i going to get away with that. what's wrong with telling the truth? sorry, she is not here, she has gone overseas. deal with it!

people has the most pathetic reasons for lying. i find myself blogging about the same topic over and over again, like a broken record. but why oh why is a person who hates lying so much being forced to lie? why is her world surrounded by countless webs of deceit? apparently her family members know nothing about her personality, and cares nothing about her peeves. and apparently telling the truth is the hardest thing to do for some. and so, here i am, lying to an old lady. sheesh!


zewt said...

geee... who is this?

me said...

the who, where, why is not so important. it's a story of the what.

zewt said...

then... what?

me said...

the what is the story lah *khocks zewt's head for not paying attention in class*

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...