i came back to a silly non-functioning lockset that likes to ridicule me by failing to perform its duties at non-appropriate times. i can almost hear its evil laughter as once again, i am unable to open the door into my place. it has tortured me mercilessly over the course of one year as it selectively chooses to ignore my pleas to work.
this morning, the iron grille played 'follow the leader' and imitated its sibling, trapping me in my own prison for the better half of the morning. seeing that it was so much fun, the electrical department decided to join in the party. the phone rang continuously for no apparent reason with no caller on the other side. this spooked the internet connection, which also decided to follow the labour strike. bah wahhhhh! i am putting out so much fire that i am beginning to feel the heat.
office work is piling up so high that it is fast becoming a close match to malaysia's twin tower. on the personal side, it seems that my name is on everybody's lips. the phone is ringing non-stop with people pulling me apart with their demands for my attention. and as usual, all things cannot wait. my shoulders are tighter than before the holidays and i am ready to collapse.
this serves as my temporary therapy.
now i must go and continue putting out the fires before it envelops me.

see you around.
aiyoh... got so many fires all around still got time to blog an entry huh? :P
and please don't send any smoke from your fires down south hor.
We need some rain badly to wash off the dirt and cleanse the air for us. ;)
egads your house...haunted? like the haunting?....
jom, let's go dip into the blue pool... lol
you need another holiday! ok ok... maybe an nice cool ice-cream to help douse that flame... *hugs*
dar lm: hehe. addicted to blogging, like you said :-p but i feel it's kind of therapeutic to be able to shout it out and rant about it. *puff puff as hard as i can* so you can make smoke signal mah.
dear titoki: just as i am reading your comment, the sky has decided to give us some reprieve. it's pouring outside now :-D
dear ff: i'm beginning to think so. esp since i saw a very scary "49days" (cantonese movie last night. *shivers and checking behind doors*
dear helen: :-) *putting toe in* ahhhhhhhhh.
dear may: the holiday and the ice-cream sounds delicious! i think we both need it :-)
Putting out fire is tough job.. drink cold water.
Breathe Breathe Breathe..
and dun hyperventilate..
if Not try meditation.
**cocka passing bucket of water to lenglui to put out fire**
Bucket system more nostalgic mah. LOL
dear robin: *breathe breathe* ummmmmmmmmmmmm......... :-)
dear cocka: :-) heehee, nowadays cocka not so humsup with his comments when he come here keh? mellow down in your old age ah? bucket system is nice, but one bucket not enuf leh.
Never mind lah. Tommorrow holiday already.
It is fairly normal for you to feel the aftershock when you return from a holiday... You'll pick up soon I suppose? Freaky events do not seem to strike you alone wer... me too! Flickering lights in the shower at night...
whoah, tomorrow is holiday? is it for Siti's wedding?
That's always the case when we return to work from a vacation. Good luck!
wah, so hectic and busy one? more terror than our PM wei..
take some eno!
hello! anyone at home today?
cocka trying to get into your good book mah...
fight fire with bigger fire... tell your boss you lost that all-important file and through some IT skill of yours you manage to retrieve one week later. in the meantime can go lepak and catch some fresh air...
dear ah pek: yes, the holiday did good for me but not for my work :-( the pile is still there
dear ian: haha! all the more ambience for you, kiddo. disco lighting? you can boogie whilst you scrub. :-p
dear lm: i guess you prob would have known the answer by now; the holiday is because of merdeka lah, anak malaysia. what happened to your patriotism?! siti - you remember!
dear imd: :-) thanks. i think that's true. hopefully everything will settle down soon.
dear sengkor: that one considered political statement or not? *looking around for isa police* my backside not ready for lockup lah.
dear wuching: eno? can put out fire one meh?
dear lm again: singapore not holiday, malaysia holiday mah. my blogging days follow malaysia's public holiday punya. labour laws lah.
dear fei: heehee. the old cocka also very fun leh.
unfortunately my boss is the type who is not interested in excuses or stories. he doesn't care about the who, how, where, when and what, just the results. so, you can tell stories until you are blue in the face, his final reply is 'when can i have it? 1 hour later can or not?'. and 15mins later, he will call again and ask whether it's ready yet. :-p
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