You have always longed for tenderness, love and a sensitivity of feeling into which you would like to blend. You are a very gentle warm person and responsive to 'All things bright and beautiful'. This personifies a caring person, a person who 'needs' and indeed 'needs to be needed'.
In the past there have been - and maybe there still are - many things that you have had to do without. You have now decided to set your sights on a position or situation that could give you greater prestige and which will afford you considerable self esteem.
You are prepared to establish a particular relationship that is being made available to you at this time. It could be a satisfactory liaison but there could be a certain amount of conflict involved -try to avoid direct confrontation at all costs.
You are feeling trapped by the situation as it stands at this time and what is more, you feel powerless to remedy it. You are stressful, angry and disgruntled. You feel that everything that you try to do to change the situation is thwarted and your hopes and aspirations all seem to be receding into the ever distant future. You have reached the state where you now doubt whether your dreams will ever be achieved and this is not only causing mental stress but heartache. You need to get away from it all - you need to have time to think, to recuperate, to be able to make your own decisions.
You wish to be left in peace... no more conflict and no more differences of opinion. In fact you just don't want to be involved in arguments of any shape or form. All you want is for 'them' to get on with it - and to leave you alone.
all this is a little too revealing....

I did the test too. Kind of revealing isn't it. And just with eight color cubes. Sweat!
Cool rite? If I did get your set of results, it wouldn't apply to me.
dear jonzz: what did yours say, pray tell? something to enlighten your present state of unrest and discontentment?
dear pooh: it's so cool, it's unbelievable. i'm waiting for someone to tell me they did it and it's not applicable to you think there's a chance?
ok.. I'm throwing a rock into your rainbows. All those statements are true for ANYbody. Don't you think? Seriously.
Who doesn't "long for tenderness and love." You wouldn't be human.
Unless you're a billionaire, there are always things in "our past we have had to do without."
Unless you're Tarzan living in the jungle, "any relationship can be made available" if you interact with another human being.
"Powerless".. We all feel powerless. "Stressful?" that describes Jonzz, Pooh and everybody else who breathes.
What it tells me is that ME is human and if Monty took the test, it'll prove he is an alien.
okay. I'm running before you all hurt me.
dear annie: one part of me suspected that much to be's a little like those fortune tellers..they tell it in such a way that it will apply to everybody. but some of the words are things that have been haunting me for a long pooh, if i had her readings, it won't apply to me.....
that's me, gullible. i like being's the only way to catch a little magic.
go do the test and let us know how it applied to you....
tried it. I agree with some, but not with all. I guess it's also because the colours weren't exactly all that nice to begin with, lol! but good insights nevertheless.
dear may: hahaha. i think if may was to device the test, we'll have 360 colours to choose from....from mauve to aquamarine..kakakaka.
I chose all the pretty colors first:
dear annie: nooooo. u're suppose to tell me what the reading is after u chose those colours...!!!!
MY! I know! I know!
You're a goober!
I'm not SHARING THAT! because half of it wasn't really true... but If I think real hard, I'm sure I could make it *fit*..LOL! I thought I'd just tell you my colors.
What? You not want?
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