Friday, April 13, 2007

what's cooking?

a moment by myself, before i'm off to prepare for dinner again...

after what seems like thousands of secretly placed phone-calls to my mother for last-minute tips on cooking, she volunteered that someone over at her place cook and send the dishes to me. that really tickled me pink. i can just imagine the scenario like some scene from a classic sit-com where the delivery boy passes packets of chinese take-away through the back kitchen door, and the lady of the house hurriedly pours them into her own plates, trying to pass them off as her own cooking. only problem is.....i stay in a condo; there is no back door. hahahahaha. yes, i'm hysterical from the absurdity of the suggestion...and the fact that everybody i know is repeating the same suggestion! everbody seems to be convinced of my inadequacy *rolls eyes*

it's so corny.....and i was horrified. i'm not the greatest cook, but doing that would be like acknowledging my own shortcoming. no wayyyyyy, people in this house will be eating the food i cook with my own hands, whether they like it or not.....*evil laughter ringing in the empty kitchen*

she thinks it's too hard on me.....sigh, the love of a mother. after being married for 11 years, only now i'm starting to act like a housewife. i hardly think that's tough on me. plus, cooking for my in-laws can only be regarded as a privilege, not a chore. i also have the added benefit of having life guinea pigs for my love of cooking *grins*....yes, i do like cooking...when it's not so stressful and i don't feel like i have to win the favour of people.

as i was cooking, it amused me to reflect the contrast of my situation with zewt's. a lot of firsts. first thing i'm deboning the damn fish (how i wish i was sylvester the cat, dumping it into my mouth and pulling out the skeleton with the flourish of the hand), first time i'm actually cooking dishes that i have eaten all the time and only theoretically know how, first time i've prepared all 3 square meals of the day, from start to finish....just as long as nobody sees the messy and unappropriate *rolls eyes* preparation process, i think i'm doing fine. *grins*


may said...

yerrrrr, looking at your spread, I jeles! all I'm eating now is a plate of rice from one of those instant meals, and they don't taste anything like your pictures... *sigh*

Wuching said...

aiya! why u start new blog no invite me for blog warming party wan?! u no lafu me liao ah?!

zewt said...

the fish ends up in which dish???? oh, the one on the top right corner looks really good, those are hams right?

so now, cooking just remind ppl of me eh? indeed, i think it's a privilege to cook for people, not just in laws... to be able to feed ppl is a good feeling... to me at least.

Annie said...

OUCH! I just bumped my head into my computer monitor. It looks so life like.

I hate cooking for others. I'm always afraid they won't like it. My mom is the ultimate cook. I can follow a recipe but the art of good cooking really is practice and practice and more practice and playing with spices until you get the taste that fits you.

Cooking can be therapeutic. With some fun music on, it's can be fun. As long as the kids are not in the kitchen throwing stuff at you and whining that they want you to play with them.

Nice dishes!!! thanks for sharing. I expect some in a ziplock bag and mailed to me.

Jonzz said...

Wow, those are some pretty impressive looking dishes. So much color!

me said...

dear may: the pictures are nice to look at..but not necessarily good to eat...a bit like those pictures on the face of the instant meals u bought :-p heehee.

dear wuching: aiiiii? i tot u've been here?! i seem to remember u paid me a visit some time back...*scratching head* i tot u too busy to lafu me only mahhhhhh...

dear zewt: fishy is in the top right one...that's a combi of fish fillet, ham and mushroom slices. they looks nice...but don't be fooled.

that's sweet...i think u're a born chef..maybe cooking can give you the peace and therapy that u need at the moment.

dear annie: haha, u're just like me. i feel the exact same way...not that i don't like cooking, i'm afraid it's not good enough for others. usually, with mothers as good cook as ours, we get this feeling. *rolls eyes* it's hard to live up to the expectation..

don't understand why *scratching head* but if you like rotting, fungus-filled stuff, i'll ziplock my leftovers to u immediately. may not pass yr customs and immigration though *shrugs*

dear jonzz: it only looks's not really that yummy. *barf*

zewt said...

yeah, i think if i have the time, i will cook everyday. but cooking is easy... it's the preparation that kills...

me said...

dear zewt: yes...but it's the quiet times during preparation that you can sit and reflect, whilst keeping yr hands busy. it's almost peaceful..some ppl like to do it with a glass of wine..sounds almost romantic. *grins* when you cut and slice, it's when u r closest to yr mum, as u picture her sitting opposite u, watching u. when u r busy frying, stirring and making a mess, she'll get out of that smoky kitchen! heehee.

Las montañas said...

If your cooking is not good enough, then you must surely strive to improve it! A woman must therefore feel good when her cooking is being appreciated. Good food from a wife is the way to a man's heart. (and a shame if the man could cook better than the wife; actually if the man is a prof chef hahaha then can't be helped)

me said...

dear monty: do i sense an air of chauvinism? *raise eyebrow* can't the reverse be applied, ie. the man cook for the woman?

cooking is food so delicious that it can be sold in an eatery (which a lot of us are used to since it's so easy to eat outside nowadays)is not. perhaps the man's appreciation should come from the hard work and effort the woman puts into the meal, and not how good the meal is?

zewt said...

no, i know she wont... she will just take over from me... cos i kept doing it wrong...

me said...

dear zewt: hahahaha. she's probably laughing at your 'chicken hand, duck feet'.

in the name of friendship

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