Monday, May 07, 2007

what goes around comes around

do you believe in what goes around comes around?

can't say i did. all those karma stuff doesn't wash with me. i've seen lots of evil people go free and young innocent ones condemned. life just isn't fair.

recently, we bought some tickets to catch "the phantom of the opera" musical in singapore. don't get me wrong, i'm not artsy fartsy, just pretending to be. *grins* we thought it was such an irony that we didn't catch any musicals when we were studying in we decided to see for ourselves what all the hoo-hahs are all about.

muffling the screaming pain of our wallets, we got four tickets for the family. which we ended up not being able to see, because of the recent 'exhilarating' episodes within the family. gave the tickets to my cousin and her family, who came back with excellent reviews of the musical. *pout* excellent costumes, songs, bla, bla, bla.....yes, thank you. i wanted to know that so much! it was a pity we couldn't go but it can't be help, considering the circumstances. we can go again now....but the enthusiasm is not quite there to murder my wallet again.

in a twist of fate, yesterday someone offered me free tickets to the 'my fair lady' musical in k.l.! eight tickets too! *gasp*

is someone up there looking out for me?

thank you....


doc said...

since you need only 4 tickets, can i have the other 4?

good karma should be shared, you know. heh heh.

zewt said...

i have done a few things that i am not proud off... hope it wont come around...

Jonzz said...

Ooo, tickets from the sky... now you can fly... (Sorry, sleepy... can only give brain-less comments)

Annie said...

Ooooooooooooo I LOVE these kinds of stories. I TOTALLY believe in karma, which is why I'm an angel at heart. LOL! No, really, truly... I don't hurt people intentionally; but if backed into a wall, I will fight back and put you in your place by telling you the truth of what I see in you. If that's disturbing, you can believe it or not. So far, karma has been good to me. You are blessed. You were very kind ME. Reap the good fortune. You deserve it fellow Mom.

Las montañas said...

my fair lady... I watched that recently in the esplanade theatre. Phantom? no way, I can't afford it.

Wuching said...

i'm your bestest friend! u take me hor!

Unknown said...

Woohooo! Double or nothing! :-)

You're listed as one of my thinking blogs!

me said...

dear doc: hehe. if i say no, is it rude? the other 4 has been taken :-) i share my other good karma with you...ooooommmm

dear zewt: hmmm...i'm curious to know what they are...actually kaypo is more the word for it. i won't be surprised if it does come around though....quick quick, go do more charity...:-p

dear jonzz: hehe. silly. but good for a smile, nonetheless :-)

dear annie: i like hanging around you *grins* n i do believe truly that you r an angel in your heart.

dear monty: gasp! really? so, quick tell, is it good or should i bring my pillow and pyjamas??

dear wuching: if i take you, you will pay for the air-tickets yourself horrrrrr....

dear bernard: if only that was the lottery. hahaha. i'm already so honoured that you choose to continue reading my blog. don't meet me in the real world though, i'm an airhead. hehe :-p

doc said...

thks. good enough for me.

hope you enjoy the show!

Anonymous said...

Can I be counted in?

Annie said...

ME is an airhead?


*pokes a pin in her hair*



King's wife said...

So many? I only got 2. Premier night?

me said...

dear doc: *grins* free woh...sure will enjoy. hehe

dear licky: counted in for what leh?

dear annie: murdered me!!!!! not to mention my beautiful hairdo!

dear kw:'s on 17th. shucks! would have been nice to bump into you there.

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...