when you fall asleep on the sofa, do you have someone who quietly walks up to you, and cover you with a blanket?
do you have someone who rather eat a little less and be a little hungry, so that you can have that last two pieces of your favourite chicken wing?
is there someone in your life who loves you unconditionally, even when you compromise on your principles and do something that you are not very proud of?
someone who gives so selflessly and puts you above themselves?
when you have been working hard at work, do you come back to a delicious meal, prepared by someone who has spent the whole day sloughing over the hot stove so that you will at least have a decent meal?
it's such a pity that not many knows how to appreciate until it is too late, and not even then. people the whole world over scramble in their race, for what not many knows. something materialistic? wealth, power, status? only until they have reached their goal will they realise that it is never enough, never satisfying, that the emotional void in their heart is still empty, yearning. but what glory is there in a lesson that is learnt too late?
we know there is something else in life that we want, but come down to it, none of us can pinpoint exactly what we are looking for. perhaps the problem lies in our nearsightedness, to those that love us. will the promotion that you are shooting for bring you warmth? will a million dollars bring you love? will that red sports car bring you a smile that glows from the heart? not to say that one shouldn't strive for these, but do you remember the last time you slighted someone who loves you, just so you can take another step closer to your goal? that time that you looked at her, but you did not see, because your eyes were blinded by material things?
to my two children, i am that person who wakes up in the middle of the night to check whether they have kicked off their blanket.
i am the one who monitors whether they have enough to eat, taken too much or too little.
i am there to kiss off their cuts and pains, to hold them when they fall.
i am the one who looks into every aspect of their well-being.......
yet, don't get me wrong. i am not someone great, someone kind nor someone marvellous....i am just their mother.
mothers everywhere in the world love their children every single second of every day, without asking for recognition or reward. to them, it's just another fact of life, as sure as the sun rising from the east. it's not something admirable, it's not something enviable. it's just love.... plain and simple.
for me, i have someone who knows with a glance that i have lost weight, even when not a single soul in the whole wide world notices.
someone who knows for a fact that my hands are rougher from all those dishwashing liquids, even without having to touch it.
someone who slothers the cream on my hand, even when i couldn't even bother to spare a minute to think about it.
i have someone whose life centered around asking me, amongst others, what i would like to have for the next meal and spend the afternoon making it, day after day.
a person who trudged up six flights of stairs on two bad knees, just to bring me food and companionship during confinement.
she's not perfect. there was more i wanted when i was growing up..... a hug, a kiss...but then you understand, it's not what you want, it's how you appreciate what has been given. everybody loves in different ways....it's up to us to recognise it for what it is....love.
knowing that someone loves us as we are, no need for promotions, increase bonus, perkier bums, thicker wallets or facial surgery, isn't that enough? even your partner, who declared for better or worse, cannot offer the same magnitude of love. that handsome man who was crooning lovely words in your ear, would he be there for you when you are old? will his love still shine when you are gray? did he noticed when you coughed last night? did he ask whether you have eaten? did he love without asking for anything in return?
a person who has a mother's love is perhaps the luckiest person on earth. why then is it still not enough? why then are some still blind to their fortune?
note: re-reading this post, i feel it's so corny i can die. still, it's emotions evoked after reading another blogger's post.