hmmmm....looks like i did another mia last week. what happened during that week? what was i going to blog about? doesn't really matter now, does it? i'm sick. again. sigh. it's not fun being sick. infact, it's tiring being sick. not like i seeked out the virus and begged to be infected. not like i was running around naked in someone's huge cold room. don't know when, don't know how, the damn thing just sneaked up on me. probably exhaustion, probably stress, probably a change in routine. i shouldn't whine about boring routines so much, it seems to be preserving my life. a little tweak and a little tension from the change in routine and i'm down.
it's no fun being sick when you're an adult. no schools to skip, no tests to miss. and most of all, no one really gives a damn. ohhhh, you're sick? poor thing, by the way, when can i have that report? and hey! heard you are sick. turning away inconspicuously so that your germ doesn't skip-a-doo over. got to runnnnnn. that is, if anybody noticed in the first place. unless you've got a wad of tissue stuffed up your nostril, or you sound like you just had a fight with a polar bear, no one's going to realise your throat hurts as hell and no one's going to see your pathetic skin pallor. for those observant few who realise you look like a replica of the zombie from michael jackson's thriller music video, please refer to the sample conversation at the start of this paragraphy for reaction.
no warm honey lemon from dotting mother who touch your forehead every few hours to check if you are hot. no soothing concerned voice to pamper you and hover around. no one to visit with gifts of colourful story books and soft cuddly toys. no comforting warm bed to snuggle in and laze for the whole day. when you are an adult, lazing around in bed the whole day, sick or not, makes you feel guilty. for not being more productive, for not making better use of the time. a little running nose, some clogged up brain and general fatigue is not enough excuse to be unproductive. harsher than running an army camp. but the saddest part is, you are your own worst tyrannical army officer. running a fever? ok, you may be excused to the bed...but you have to read something and not make it a total waste of time. fit enough to sit for a few hours? put in a blog entry then, you lazy bum.
i'm sick. and i'm an adult. but i want to be pampered too. *pout*
Monday, June 30, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
bargaining up
over the weekend, i brought my kids out to buy some things that they have been desiring for the longest time. there was this shop that sold them the cheapest, i was told. what things? errrr.....not exactly the most law-abiding stuffs so let's just ignore what material items they are.
the kids went goo-goo-ga-ga over the wide selection that was available. i want this! i want that! i want this and that! seeing that it was cheaper there than anywhere else, i gave in to their whims. how much, i asked the man hovering nearby. $12 per piece. sureeeee! my source told me that i can get it for $10 here, so i wasn't too convinced that it was the fixed price. buy 6 free 2, he later added. the kids chose their favourites with wanton abandonment, seeing that mummy dearest was so agreeable today. came up to 10 pieces.
i asked the nice man if i could have them for $10 each. that man must have been wondering what was wrong with me. didn't even realise my oversight until much much later. he was offering them at $9 per piece, after taking into account the buy 6 free 2. i was bargaining them up to $10 per piece. ?!??@@>@ what's wrong with me??!! if ever there was an idiot contest, i will qualify as the champion hands down!
the kids then chose an extra one and out of whim, and laziness to fish out another $10 note, i told them to give it to me for free. which they agreed. unconsciously, i've saved myself from a very silly oversight and that brought the price down to $9.09 per piece at least, but still 9 sen more than what they were offering me in the first place!!
hubby says i'm the first ever person to bargain UP!
*hits head against wall*
the kids went goo-goo-ga-ga over the wide selection that was available. i want this! i want that! i want this and that! seeing that it was cheaper there than anywhere else, i gave in to their whims. how much, i asked the man hovering nearby. $12 per piece. sureeeee! my source told me that i can get it for $10 here, so i wasn't too convinced that it was the fixed price. buy 6 free 2, he later added. the kids chose their favourites with wanton abandonment, seeing that mummy dearest was so agreeable today. came up to 10 pieces.
i asked the nice man if i could have them for $10 each. that man must have been wondering what was wrong with me. didn't even realise my oversight until much much later. he was offering them at $9 per piece, after taking into account the buy 6 free 2. i was bargaining them up to $10 per piece. ?!??@@>@ what's wrong with me??!! if ever there was an idiot contest, i will qualify as the champion hands down!
the kids then chose an extra one and out of whim, and laziness to fish out another $10 note, i told them to give it to me for free. which they agreed. unconsciously, i've saved myself from a very silly oversight and that brought the price down to $9.09 per piece at least, but still 9 sen more than what they were offering me in the first place!!
hubby says i'm the first ever person to bargain UP!
*hits head against wall*
Friday, June 20, 2008
matter of opinion, really
nobody actually listens to your opinions. that's the sad fact of life. unless the suggestions are along the line of what that person was thinking of and validates their judgements.
it's actually quite frustrating all these pointless asking and talking when the conclusion has been formed even before the conversation has begun. people's minds are basically made up the very minute they have come to a conclusion and any subsequent efforts to change it, whether based on passive outsider observation or out of goodwill, is ill-fated. should i do this? no, no. because so, so and so........... but they won't take heed of the opinion because it contradicts what they believe in, their behaviour, their norm, their very essence of being. theoretically, a person will end up doing exactly what they are doing, because it's the way they are built, the way their mind works, their accepted boundaries, their non-accepted perimeters. given another chance, another attempt, people will still make the same decision, same choices. therefore, opinions of others, valuable as they are sometimes, bothersome and uncalled for at others, are totally irrelevant. a total waste of breath. better used to warm the stomach, the canto-dialect people will say.
the question then is why ask? only to seek further validation and similar-minded evaluations. which shows insecurity actually; that you are not totally confident with what you have decided and will like more people to have their butts on the line with you. or perhaps it's just a matter of the more the merrier.
bosses, mine included, always ask for opinions. for topics that he has not formed his opinions on, he'll gladly be swayed by the passionate discussions in progress. but for those that he has already made up his mind, wild horses couldn't disuade him. even at the risk of being told that he'll be losing monetary gains, he'll still push forward. such confidence, such strength, why bother to ask for opinions then? my theory is he's testing to see who is the idiot and who is the astute genius. which is why i put my head down and continually stuff food in my mouth when i have meals with him, so that i won't put my foot in it.
actually, i believe we are all the same. i'm guilty of asking hubby which dress looks better and not picking his choice but i attribute that to his bad taste. :-)
then again, a person who is easily swayed by other people's opinions will be called fickle and indecisive, wouldn't they?
it's actually quite frustrating all these pointless asking and talking when the conclusion has been formed even before the conversation has begun. people's minds are basically made up the very minute they have come to a conclusion and any subsequent efforts to change it, whether based on passive outsider observation or out of goodwill, is ill-fated. should i do this? no, no. because so, so and so........... but they won't take heed of the opinion because it contradicts what they believe in, their behaviour, their norm, their very essence of being. theoretically, a person will end up doing exactly what they are doing, because it's the way they are built, the way their mind works, their accepted boundaries, their non-accepted perimeters. given another chance, another attempt, people will still make the same decision, same choices. therefore, opinions of others, valuable as they are sometimes, bothersome and uncalled for at others, are totally irrelevant. a total waste of breath. better used to warm the stomach, the canto-dialect people will say.
the question then is why ask? only to seek further validation and similar-minded evaluations. which shows insecurity actually; that you are not totally confident with what you have decided and will like more people to have their butts on the line with you. or perhaps it's just a matter of the more the merrier.
bosses, mine included, always ask for opinions. for topics that he has not formed his opinions on, he'll gladly be swayed by the passionate discussions in progress. but for those that he has already made up his mind, wild horses couldn't disuade him. even at the risk of being told that he'll be losing monetary gains, he'll still push forward. such confidence, such strength, why bother to ask for opinions then? my theory is he's testing to see who is the idiot and who is the astute genius. which is why i put my head down and continually stuff food in my mouth when i have meals with him, so that i won't put my foot in it.
actually, i believe we are all the same. i'm guilty of asking hubby which dress looks better and not picking his choice but i attribute that to his bad taste. :-)
then again, a person who is easily swayed by other people's opinions will be called fickle and indecisive, wouldn't they?
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
top of the pesky meter
i think i've talked about it one time too many here. about the one who keeps calling and sending text messages requesting for a meeting. over the stretch of a year and more, articles about him or merely references to his irritating, insistent and pesky intrusion must have popped up a gazillion times. maybe not a gazillion times, but let's not forget those times that he was being pesky and i didn't even bother to write about. even i am bored of the countless unimaginative reports of him but still he bugs me, and he earns yet another mention in this blog of mine. the last, i hope.
hubby says it's because he is not handsome that i am not exactly climbing over chairs to see him. i think that's hardly the reason. he can be tom cruise and i won't want to see his face again. he is not exactly ugly. but definitely very irritating, by virtue of his persistence. we are merely business acquaintances so i hardly see the reason of meeting up every other month, especially when there is no agenda on the table. acquaintances do become friends, i admit, and over time a rapport is build. but not all acquaintances. not people that you don't click with in the first place.
he asks for meetings more often than those that i have serious dealings with, and perhaps it's because of this unfavourable position that he is seeking to reverse. however, he should learn when to leave a person alone. ask the theoretical master of attraction, step back three steps, leave the girl alone and she will come running, though not necessary applicable in my case or in this case either, but any dumb old theory to get him to move three steps back, a thousand steps if he doesn't mind will be accepted with gratitude.
such persistence, such stamina. tell him no, and he asks again, tell him no again, and he asks yet another time.
pest: i'll be in kl from 17th to 19th. will you be free?
me: no, busy
next week, pest: i'll get in one day earlier, 16th. will you be free?
me: have meeting.
week after that, pest: i'll be leaving on 20th. so friday morning will be good, if you can make it.
me: i'll be busy for the whole two weeks. i can't make it.
he just can't get a hint. sometimes, subtlety is not the way to deal with tenacious people like this. perhaps i shouldn't have given in to his continuous bombings previously, giving him false confidence that he can wear me down with repetition and insistence. but in all frustration that was building up all this while, i finally said to him, ' i can't meet up with you that often. i have many things to do.' perhaps it was said with a little roughness but all the more to push my point across. there. all laid on the table. short of please don't call me again, that was as hard as i could go. still, perhaps he didn't get the blatant in-your-face reply either. i'll catch up with you next time then.
hubby says it's because he is not handsome that i am not exactly climbing over chairs to see him. i think that's hardly the reason. he can be tom cruise and i won't want to see his face again. he is not exactly ugly. but definitely very irritating, by virtue of his persistence. we are merely business acquaintances so i hardly see the reason of meeting up every other month, especially when there is no agenda on the table. acquaintances do become friends, i admit, and over time a rapport is build. but not all acquaintances. not people that you don't click with in the first place.
he asks for meetings more often than those that i have serious dealings with, and perhaps it's because of this unfavourable position that he is seeking to reverse. however, he should learn when to leave a person alone. ask the theoretical master of attraction, step back three steps, leave the girl alone and she will come running, though not necessary applicable in my case or in this case either, but any dumb old theory to get him to move three steps back, a thousand steps if he doesn't mind will be accepted with gratitude.
such persistence, such stamina. tell him no, and he asks again, tell him no again, and he asks yet another time.
pest: i'll be in kl from 17th to 19th. will you be free?
me: no, busy
next week, pest: i'll get in one day earlier, 16th. will you be free?
me: have meeting.
week after that, pest: i'll be leaving on 20th. so friday morning will be good, if you can make it.
me: i'll be busy for the whole two weeks. i can't make it.
he just can't get a hint. sometimes, subtlety is not the way to deal with tenacious people like this. perhaps i shouldn't have given in to his continuous bombings previously, giving him false confidence that he can wear me down with repetition and insistence. but in all frustration that was building up all this while, i finally said to him, ' i can't meet up with you that often. i have many things to do.' perhaps it was said with a little roughness but all the more to push my point across. there. all laid on the table. short of please don't call me again, that was as hard as i could go. still, perhaps he didn't get the blatant in-your-face reply either. i'll catch up with you next time then.
Friday, June 13, 2008
the pjs issue
i need to get out of my pyjamas.
these days, i stay in my pyjamas until 12pm. that is, at least until it's time to go out for lunch. used to be i'll change out of my pjs immediately after breakfast, into something fresh and perky for a bright start to the day. but these days, i'm lounging in my sleepwear, for as long as i can, not that they are the most comfortable piece of attire. so, why? because i can. simply because i can.
i walk five steps from my breakfast table into my office and i start hammering away at the keyboard until the tummy rumbles for lunch. or a phone call reminding me that lunch time is way overdue. so, technically, there is no need for any outside interaction until the sun is straight above the head. i can be dressed in rags, ball gowns or even a towel and the world will not blink an eye, as long as i get my work done. that is the beauty of working from home.
i think it's the rebellious side of me acting up again. rebelling against norm behaviour and routines. going against what i normally do, for the sake of breaking out of the same predictable pattern, for the subconscious motive of wanting to be different. when am i going to change? when will i ever tame down? never, i hope. punk hair style, hard rock, graffiti, scratching cars, those are not for me. little changes, subtle ways. to show i am different. and to never assume you already know me.
these days, i stay in my pyjamas until 12pm. that is, at least until it's time to go out for lunch. used to be i'll change out of my pjs immediately after breakfast, into something fresh and perky for a bright start to the day. but these days, i'm lounging in my sleepwear, for as long as i can, not that they are the most comfortable piece of attire. so, why? because i can. simply because i can.
i walk five steps from my breakfast table into my office and i start hammering away at the keyboard until the tummy rumbles for lunch. or a phone call reminding me that lunch time is way overdue. so, technically, there is no need for any outside interaction until the sun is straight above the head. i can be dressed in rags, ball gowns or even a towel and the world will not blink an eye, as long as i get my work done. that is the beauty of working from home.
i think it's the rebellious side of me acting up again. rebelling against norm behaviour and routines. going against what i normally do, for the sake of breaking out of the same predictable pattern, for the subconscious motive of wanting to be different. when am i going to change? when will i ever tame down? never, i hope. punk hair style, hard rock, graffiti, scratching cars, those are not for me. little changes, subtle ways. to show i am different. and to never assume you already know me.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
the little one
the little one has a blog. a blog! this 9yo who doesn't have much social life besides going to school, coming back to do homework and playing with her cousins. she started a blog recently, probably due to peer pressure and it's seemed as happening to have one. it's good writing practice, i suppose but it still tickles me that she's an official blogger now. plus she has her own facebook identity. whatever happened to barbie dolls and make believe cooking and tea-time?
i'm at my wits' end at the moment. she's having panic attacks in the middle of the night, right when i'm sleepiest and craving for my warm bed. she believes robbers are capable of scaling 23 floors up in order to enter our apartment. for what purpose, i have no idea. it's not like we have millions stashed in the house, my dear, i tell her. it's not worth the risk of losing his grip and falling to his death. but she won't hear of it. i tell her that it'll be more worth their while to go rob a bank or something. but nooooo, she says the bank is heavily guarded, so they won't want to risk that. such acute analysis from a little girl freaking out.
i think it's the news. and the fictional plot of movies. they are scaring her to death, making her believe that she will fall into misfortune any minute of the day. it doesn't help that there are constant reminders by everybody to hang on to your children tightly when you go out. or crazed teachers who deem it fit to go into details with children about the deaths and sufferings of the people in sichuan, china and the tsunami ghosts. the gory details, the sufferings, the sadness, these aren't things you should go into depth with a child. once told, it's hard to untell the story. you can explain to her that we don't have earthquake and floods here, that it's one of the safest place to stay but i don't think her inner reasoning will accept that. especially not when she thinks people will go through many levels of securities and scale 23 floors to rob her measly few dollars.
it's hard to be a responsible parent. on one hand, you can't shield her from the reality of life forever, and a little reasonable dosage to tell her the other side of the world is necessary, so that she can be on the alert, to be conscious, to be aware that bad people do exists, that bad things may happen. but on the other hand, too many will just plainly freak her out. knowing how sensitive she is, i don't tell her the unhappy things in life but it's hard to stop others from telling her. plus movies nowadays always have to center on somebody dying. without fail. used to be that the actors and actresses have to hold a cigarette in their hands, but now they have to die to make the plot more attractive. them or somebody close to them anyway. what's with that, hollywood? stop freaking my kid out. some people get to live to ripe old ages you know.
she can be said to be so mature, too mature for her age. but she can also be said to be so innocent, and so pampered. my kid. what do i do with her?
i'm at my wits' end at the moment. she's having panic attacks in the middle of the night, right when i'm sleepiest and craving for my warm bed. she believes robbers are capable of scaling 23 floors up in order to enter our apartment. for what purpose, i have no idea. it's not like we have millions stashed in the house, my dear, i tell her. it's not worth the risk of losing his grip and falling to his death. but she won't hear of it. i tell her that it'll be more worth their while to go rob a bank or something. but nooooo, she says the bank is heavily guarded, so they won't want to risk that. such acute analysis from a little girl freaking out.
i think it's the news. and the fictional plot of movies. they are scaring her to death, making her believe that she will fall into misfortune any minute of the day. it doesn't help that there are constant reminders by everybody to hang on to your children tightly when you go out. or crazed teachers who deem it fit to go into details with children about the deaths and sufferings of the people in sichuan, china and the tsunami ghosts. the gory details, the sufferings, the sadness, these aren't things you should go into depth with a child. once told, it's hard to untell the story. you can explain to her that we don't have earthquake and floods here, that it's one of the safest place to stay but i don't think her inner reasoning will accept that. especially not when she thinks people will go through many levels of securities and scale 23 floors to rob her measly few dollars.
it's hard to be a responsible parent. on one hand, you can't shield her from the reality of life forever, and a little reasonable dosage to tell her the other side of the world is necessary, so that she can be on the alert, to be conscious, to be aware that bad people do exists, that bad things may happen. but on the other hand, too many will just plainly freak her out. knowing how sensitive she is, i don't tell her the unhappy things in life but it's hard to stop others from telling her. plus movies nowadays always have to center on somebody dying. without fail. used to be that the actors and actresses have to hold a cigarette in their hands, but now they have to die to make the plot more attractive. them or somebody close to them anyway. what's with that, hollywood? stop freaking my kid out. some people get to live to ripe old ages you know.
she can be said to be so mature, too mature for her age. but she can also be said to be so innocent, and so pampered. my kid. what do i do with her?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
owned? never!
i think i'm tech savvy.
at least i thought i was tech savvy. hey look, i have a blog. how progressive, right? keeping with the times. i picked up facebook, msn, flickr and all that stuff in the blink of an eye. l8r, gtg, rofl, brb....all easy peasy for me. anything i don't know, i google; my newest best friend.
what i don't seem to get is this new facebook thing; owned. what is that about anyway? overnight, someone placed a price on my head. i am somebody's for a certain amount of money. hello? my husband paid a dowry for me the day we got married. i already belong to someone, although i keep telling him that his measly dowry has expired a very long time ago, seeing that i have improved with time, much like vintage wine. suddenly, overnight, i have offers from people i have not even heard of. no, not offers, i don't get the luxury of accepting or rejecting, i'm just a passive observer whilst bids are placed on me right left and center.
at the moment i seem to have 3 people bidding on me. why would you bid on people you have never met, much less know existed? from $1 (gasp! $1? and by my cousin, no less. how can she value me so cheaply!) to $160,026 in two days!! i seem to have people from all walks of life and all corners of the world bidding on me, and all those other people on facebook. what happens when they own me? do i have to be their slave? do i have to get on my feet and be at their beck and call? i feel almost violated. but i can't wait till i reach $1,000,000. a human walking talking van gogh painting, i feel like.
what's more, if i buy and sell people, i get more money?? human trafficking, this is! and someone actually gave me someone else as a present. someone i don't know. would be nice if a proper introduction was made before that person is thrusted into my lap. what am i suppose to do with that person, kindly enlighten me, gurus of the facebooksophere. sell him? can i tickle him and sell him to the slave trade? or make him do cartwheels and dance with a pole?
another poor fella actually left a comment asking me to make a bid on him, or his photo, i am not sure. errrr....the idea of owning you is not very appealing, sorry. i rather part with good money, imaginary as it is, for something more practical.
i don't get it. throwing sheeps, sending tiffany necklaces, giving sex gifts, i totally get. buying and selling people for no reason whatsoever, people that i don't even know...?
at least i thought i was tech savvy. hey look, i have a blog. how progressive, right? keeping with the times. i picked up facebook, msn, flickr and all that stuff in the blink of an eye. l8r, gtg, rofl, brb....all easy peasy for me. anything i don't know, i google; my newest best friend.
what i don't seem to get is this new facebook thing; owned. what is that about anyway? overnight, someone placed a price on my head. i am somebody's for a certain amount of money. hello? my husband paid a dowry for me the day we got married. i already belong to someone, although i keep telling him that his measly dowry has expired a very long time ago, seeing that i have improved with time, much like vintage wine. suddenly, overnight, i have offers from people i have not even heard of. no, not offers, i don't get the luxury of accepting or rejecting, i'm just a passive observer whilst bids are placed on me right left and center.
at the moment i seem to have 3 people bidding on me. why would you bid on people you have never met, much less know existed? from $1 (gasp! $1? and by my cousin, no less. how can she value me so cheaply!) to $160,026 in two days!! i seem to have people from all walks of life and all corners of the world bidding on me, and all those other people on facebook. what happens when they own me? do i have to be their slave? do i have to get on my feet and be at their beck and call? i feel almost violated. but i can't wait till i reach $1,000,000. a human walking talking van gogh painting, i feel like.
what's more, if i buy and sell people, i get more money?? human trafficking, this is! and someone actually gave me someone else as a present. someone i don't know. would be nice if a proper introduction was made before that person is thrusted into my lap. what am i suppose to do with that person, kindly enlighten me, gurus of the facebooksophere. sell him? can i tickle him and sell him to the slave trade? or make him do cartwheels and dance with a pole?
another poor fella actually left a comment asking me to make a bid on him, or his photo, i am not sure. errrr....the idea of owning you is not very appealing, sorry. i rather part with good money, imaginary as it is, for something more practical.
i don't get it. throwing sheeps, sending tiffany necklaces, giving sex gifts, i totally get. buying and selling people for no reason whatsoever, people that i don't even know...?
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
rants of a failed amateur photographer
lugging the extra 5 kilos of deadweight everywhere, aiming the lens here and there in a pathetic attempt to freeze the moment and capture the beauty, i looked every inch the professional photographer. it wasn't easy though, with one kid hanging on each hand and literally tugging down hard on it, trying for some unfathomable reason to make my hands stretch to the floor. not the easiest task, juggling two deadweights around your hands and one around the neck, not to mention my own deadweight too. the group seems to always be in a hurry. to where, i have no idea since we are supposed to be on vacation. wow! beautiful scenary. aim, zoom, click......look around, they have disappeared, leaving me gasping for breath as i hurry to catch up with them. this is not turning out to be as romantic as i pictured it. no leisure stroll, admiring the beauty as we go along, stopping once in a while to capture all that is beautiful. kneel on the floor, bend right a little, maneuvering for the best possible angle; the satisfaction of being able to bring away a piece of something that is so beautiful. what i am getting is gasping, rushing, frustration, muscle exercises and sore shoulders.
it doesn't seem like i'm doing a very good job with this phototaking thing either. muddling it up as i go along. changed the aperture or iso for a certain environment and forgot about it when i moved on, leaving unusually dark photos on bright sunny days. maybe i don't have the right frame of mind with the two young ones going 'mummy, mummy' like a broken record.
the joke perhaps is on the passerbys who thought i looked very professional with my telezoom lens and big camera, stopping me every now and then to take a shot for them. with the misleading stylo equipment, i was targeted more than the rest of the group. maybe i looked like i knew what i was doing. i only hope they won't be too displeased to go home and find photos of themselves, blurred and off-centre. ahhhh, the artistic version, i will say.

it doesn't seem like i'm doing a very good job with this phototaking thing either. muddling it up as i go along. changed the aperture or iso for a certain environment and forgot about it when i moved on, leaving unusually dark photos on bright sunny days. maybe i don't have the right frame of mind with the two young ones going 'mummy, mummy' like a broken record.
the joke perhaps is on the passerbys who thought i looked very professional with my telezoom lens and big camera, stopping me every now and then to take a shot for them. with the misleading stylo equipment, i was targeted more than the rest of the group. maybe i looked like i knew what i was doing. i only hope they won't be too displeased to go home and find photos of themselves, blurred and off-centre. ahhhh, the artistic version, i will say.

Monday, June 09, 2008
i am back....but am i back?
back behind my old desk, in this sweltering heat and bright scorching sky once more.
am a little sleepy and a little tired, but all for the better.
going to london, or rather the united kingdom, has always brought to me a feeling of returning home. to my favourite gloomy skies and warm cuppa teas, to romantic backdrops and rich histories, to cooling weather and do as i please.
i know i'm going to miss looking out of the window on a cold morning, with a hot cup of pg tips in my hands. walking in the cool refreshing air, getting more legwork done in a day than i do here in a month. running for trains, figuring out the shortest route for the tube, stuffing sandwiches with walker crisps, watching green trees sway outside the windows and the fields of yellow fly past train windows. catching up with dear old friends, separated only by physical distance. perhaps what i loved the most was their endless choices of theatres. i caught phantom of the opera and fell in love with it immediately, despite the fact that i was sitting so high up in the balcony i risked nose bleed, or the sight of the ceiling so near to my reach frightening the pants of my shaking legs. i only wish i could have the time to catch more of their rich, beautiful, exciting plays. how about les miserables? or sounds of music? lord of the rings, chicago, the lion king, wicked, we will rock you? mamma mia? next time. i don't know why i never went to a play in london, despite the many years i was there, or the many visits i have made. somehow, it's different, going to one here. seeing the lady sitted in front lean forward throughout the entire play, to catch a better view of the stage, in anticipation, in excitement, it was fuel enough for my own. to see the faces of contentment and listen to the claps of appreciation, it was what going to a theatre should be, not rude whispers or ringing handphones. not blatant apathy and cool disregard.
not everything was perfect though. i can't stand the disgusting tap water, nor the endless arrays of sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner, their western equivalent of long grain rice in the local supermarkets barely make the cut as our unpolished rice, and if i see one more fish and chips, i will simply scream. but still, i like london. london is so ..... me.
now, sitting behind my desk, that brief chapter of my life seems so long ago, like a different time, a different person altogether, so foreign and detached from this that i know. i didn't even get a chance to sit in hyde park and simply bask in the cool breeze. i didn't get a chance to revisit familiar places. i didn't get a chance to visit wales, ireland or scotland. i didn't get a chance to stay in the many cottages surrounding the lake district. there are so many things i didn't get to do. next time. but how long before i can summon the courage to sit cramped in that tiny seat for 13 hours?
am a little sleepy and a little tired, but all for the better.
going to london, or rather the united kingdom, has always brought to me a feeling of returning home. to my favourite gloomy skies and warm cuppa teas, to romantic backdrops and rich histories, to cooling weather and do as i please.
i know i'm going to miss looking out of the window on a cold morning, with a hot cup of pg tips in my hands. walking in the cool refreshing air, getting more legwork done in a day than i do here in a month. running for trains, figuring out the shortest route for the tube, stuffing sandwiches with walker crisps, watching green trees sway outside the windows and the fields of yellow fly past train windows. catching up with dear old friends, separated only by physical distance. perhaps what i loved the most was their endless choices of theatres. i caught phantom of the opera and fell in love with it immediately, despite the fact that i was sitting so high up in the balcony i risked nose bleed, or the sight of the ceiling so near to my reach frightening the pants of my shaking legs. i only wish i could have the time to catch more of their rich, beautiful, exciting plays. how about les miserables? or sounds of music? lord of the rings, chicago, the lion king, wicked, we will rock you? mamma mia? next time. i don't know why i never went to a play in london, despite the many years i was there, or the many visits i have made. somehow, it's different, going to one here. seeing the lady sitted in front lean forward throughout the entire play, to catch a better view of the stage, in anticipation, in excitement, it was fuel enough for my own. to see the faces of contentment and listen to the claps of appreciation, it was what going to a theatre should be, not rude whispers or ringing handphones. not blatant apathy and cool disregard.
not everything was perfect though. i can't stand the disgusting tap water, nor the endless arrays of sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner, their western equivalent of long grain rice in the local supermarkets barely make the cut as our unpolished rice, and if i see one more fish and chips, i will simply scream. but still, i like london. london is so ..... me.
now, sitting behind my desk, that brief chapter of my life seems so long ago, like a different time, a different person altogether, so foreign and detached from this that i know. i didn't even get a chance to sit in hyde park and simply bask in the cool breeze. i didn't get a chance to revisit familiar places. i didn't get a chance to visit wales, ireland or scotland. i didn't get a chance to stay in the many cottages surrounding the lake district. there are so many things i didn't get to do. next time. but how long before i can summon the courage to sit cramped in that tiny seat for 13 hours?
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