Tuesday, October 30, 2007

thick-headed rhino

warning: people who can't take my dry acerbic wit will find this rude.

some people just can't take a hint, can they?

he texted me on the 15th to say he'll be coming over for a visit at the end of the month and will i be around? i ignored the first text. fair enough, he texted me again. i don't quite fancy my handphone beeping me every other hour, so i replied with a 'sorry i won't. overseas at the moment'. overseas for half a month?? well, that has been known to happen to more fortunate people, of which i do not belong. that in itself is a very subtle hint, don't you think?

ok, call him thick, but i did mention 'sorry, i won't'. as you can guess, the story is not ending there. he texted back with a 'when will you be back?'. that's plain rude, in my opinion if nothing else. this business acquaintance is turning into a stalker. i was really put off with that brusque intrusion into my personal life. i thought the topic is closed with 'sorry, i won't'?! did he need to know when i will be back so that he can adjust his time-table to further stalk me? by the way, he's not discussing multi-million dollar business with me nor fundings to put food on his table for his crying 2 year old. i just met up with him to touch base one month ago!

being the subtle princess that i am, i ignored his message. hullo? get it? i'm not answering. obviously, he didn't. he texted me again today. end of the month, remember? said he is in kl and am i back from my trip? nope, i'm still gallivanting about for half a month, i am so blessed! looks like this thick-headed boy has forgotten the 'sorry, i won't'. was it not obvious enough? should i have typed 'sorry, i won't be in kl when you are there, whatever the date'. or perhaps a more subtle 'i'm lost at the moment. will call you back when i find out which country i am in. estimate to be lost for a few months. huge desert they have around here'. how are you suppose to tell a person you don't want to meet up with them, because you have just met up with them not long ago and really don't see the need to, short of actually using the sentences i just mentioned? usually a 'will be in a meeting / seminar' lie will be enough for business acquaintances, don't you think? should they follow up with a 'when will you be out of the seminar?' or 'i'm still here, are you out of your seminar yet?'. that's plain crazy. and unprofessional.

before any of you wise-cracked intuitive people start to suggest that he is very keen on pursuing a friendship, i will prefer to think that there are just some plain dumb, persistent, bored, friendly people out there who has nothing better to do and believe that a old working-from-home mother has more social connections and strengths than reality, rather than attribute all underlying motives to attraction. puhlease, i'm not so egoistic as to believe that all business acquaintances who want to meet up with their clients are eager to get into their pants. then again, for the horny unselective male species, that could very well be true, you know! (what's wrong with men, anyway?) whatever. let's not debate his motive, it doesn't make a difference to me either way. perhaps i should show him the book where i have neatly compartmentalise him as 'business acquaintance with no prospect of friendship'. i don't mix business with pleasure.

ending of the story? ms. subtleness ignored his text once again. i'm so rude, aren't i? would you rather have me text 'i told you i'm not around, didn't i? what are you getting at? too much credit in your handphone ah?'. it goes with the illusion i'm creating, really it does. i'm still lost in the big great outback. there's no signal in the desert, right?


Cocka Doodle said...

oops~! I meant 'thick-heaed.' ;p

me said...

dear thick-headed chicken: my panties are electrified. trespassers will be prosecuted. :-p

Las montaƱas said...

why you always get tangled with young boys?

me said...

dear monty: cos the whole world is younger than me!!! need to remind me?? grrrrr...

Mamapumpkin said...

haha! I used to get that a lot when I was working. Just ignore, ignore, ignore....

me said...

dear big pumpkin: can i say 'ignore' to his face?? or text back 'blogger friend asked me to ignore u'. hahahaha.

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...