Friday, February 06, 2009

an ode to my hair

goodbye my fair long luscious lock of hair
though thou has been gone for time past
memories of thou remains bittersweet in my mind
and fondness remains in my heart

thou has served me well over the years
so long that i can't remember being without thy softness
primping, colouring and perming,
all the beautiful memories we had together

made me beautiful, made me sexy,
my beautiful long luscious lock of hair
i didn't think things will ever change
but yet, change it did one day

you kept getting caught in my zippers
and slapped the face of the one beside me when i turned
tickled my armpit and poked my eyes
you were really getting quite bothersome

don't even begin about how you shed
all over the bathroom floor
and those split ends and hair bills
it was finally time for you to go through the door

but fondness still lingers when i think of you
didn't have to visit the salon every month
unlike your short cousin that i am sporting
quite a high maintenance relative you have there.

ahhhh.....only when it is lost that one yearns
but still i am hesitant
to return back to your arms once again
for now i feel light and carefree

goodbye fair hair.


Annie said...

You'll want it all back within a few weeks. hahahahahaha you know I know that you know you'll want to grow it back! Hair does deserve a blog entry. I have to agree with you.

Good on you for making the leap!

Annie said...

Of course, Jonzz will want a photograph posted

Anonymous said...

Wow! Glad that you're back.

'Gong Xi, Gong Xi, Gong Xi Fa Cai.''s just about cutting your hair short and yet there are so much to scream about.
*shakes head*

zewt said...

made me beautiful, made me sexy,

alas, with the hair gone... guess you will be the opposite.

Anonymous said...

"don't even begin about how you shed
all over the bathroom floor"

At least your hair is shed only on the bathroom floor, mine is all over the house! I totally agree with Annie. You need to blog about the hair that was cut. The men just don't geddit! heh heh.

me said...

dear annie: wow. i'm flabbergasted. tot this post out of nowhere will fall under the radar but i underestimated technology. thank u for the support. now excuse me whilst i go sweep up the fallen locks and glue them back into a wig

ahhh....but jonzz is not hereeeee... hahahah.

dear licky: ang pow na lai?
hey, this hair we are talking about has been with me since the dark ages leh. nothing comes close to this closeness. *grin*

dear zewt: i admit ah. not so sexy now. timmm ah??? chui meh?? but more alluring ah! :-p

dear shyanyan: hair on the rest of the house is spread over a bigger surface, so i don't get nagged by the other person occupying the place. the bathroom, he's got nothing to do but look at the floor and count the hair and then nag. hahahahaha.

men NEVER geddit. on the other hand, they cry when someone didn't manage to catch the lousy ball.

zewt said...

drop to the floor, grab a fistful of sand...

me said...

Dear Zewt: ewwww, so dirty. got wash hands or not? admit it, there's a small part of u wondering how short hair me looks that not alluring meh??

Jonzz said...

Dang! Discussions behind my back.

Of course I want a photo posted, Annie! HE HE HE

Mamapumpkin said...

Hey, long time no see. Are you bald now?

me said...

dear jonzz: too late, everybdy's left. requests that r submitted past deadline will not be entertained :-p

dear mama pumpkin: rofl.....*gasping for breath*

i see u, but u don't see me.... i still read yr very entertaining posts..just nothing to comment saja :-)

i don't really write here. look at the other blog if u please.

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...