Wednesday, May 20, 2009


life is so complicated.

perhaps because we make it so.

scenario: i need to get a quote to buy some presents.

price quoted was way over my budget. faint. i replied, too expensive, anything cheaper? another clearance item was recommended. price was reasonable, but stock was outdated, unattractive and well, looks like clearance stock. hey, not acceptable. anything between the two prices? how about i sell you the first item at half the price, he said. half the price? fainter. don't want to exercise my authoritarian muscle that way. that's like daylight highway robbery. ok, it's obvious that i managed to get the quote because of privileged status, a status that i cannot abuse and must be a role model for. i am the black-faced justice pao reincarnated. ta dang! such injustice i cannot be the perpetrator. motto for my life: never take advantage of people nor be taken advantage of. ooooooooooo, aaaaaaaaaa....that's the sound of justice pao's court coming into session, by the way.

(that person must be thinking expensive cannot, cheap also cannot, don't give discount cannot, give too much discount also cannot. go die lah!!! *one hard kick off the mountain ledge*)


in the end, an agreement was reached. which leads to another series of dilemma. how many to buy? should i even buy? to all appearance, it's still a present at the exorbitant price, eventhough it's not going to cost me that much. others in the group may be expecting such offerings in the future. not a very good example to set, especially if i do not intend to follow-up with such a tradition in the future. so how? cheap but looks expensive, also cannot. faintest. so, i asked for the catalog. but not directly. after racking his brain for so long, and dragging him through hell, only to come to an agreement, i'm not about to ask him for the catalog. never die before meh? so, i got someone else to ask for me. she has already called me. yes, i can sense the very swift kick in my behind imminent. must go put on some heavily padded underwear.

i wish a hole can open up in the earth and let me hide inside for a little while. at least until this whole thing blows over. you guys follow my train of reasoning, right? no? even my faithful readers have abandoned me because i am too wishy-washy. justice pao can be wishy-washy, right? no rule in the agreement that when one is exercising justice, one must reach decision quickly, easily and efficiently.

maaaaa, why is life so complicated?

headache over? not even remotely so. such a good buy, get for little princess or not? she would love it. but she already owns one. if buy for her despite that fact, little batman will ask, with shivering lips and teary doggy-eyes, what about me....?

i don't know how to answer the questions anymore. i think i bit off more than i can chew, and i've dug my grave too deep so i'll just go lie in it now and hide from the world.

please don't give me anymore options.

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