Wednesday, January 09, 2008

marital apathy

attended a wedding over the weekend. noticed a strange phenomenon and is still pondering over the why and what.

she was a family friend, so most of the extended family members were gathered there. almost like a pre-new year family reunion thing. the bride was perhaps slighted in warm greetings of familiar relatives. cousins, aunties, uncles, close friends.

coming away from the dinner, i had a strange intangible feeling, though i could not place it immediately. retrospective, i realised that almost all women who knew the brides personally came alone, despite the fact that they are married. from 30s to 60s. all forsaken by their other halves. as for those who are friends of the bride, by virtue of connection from the men's side, they attended as a couple. which goes to say that the husbands did not bother to entertain his wives' friends, eventhough both of them are equally familiar with the bride. the wives on the other hand, faithfully accompany the husbands when he has to fulfill his entertaining obligations. is it selfishness? is it self-centeredness? i would love to ask, be it as nosy as it seems. but i couldn't, because of the glaring absence of the 'survey-ee'.

the obvious pattern is intriguing to me, being the only couple that didn't fit into the model. perhaps i married a good man. i know i married a good man. one that didn't see fit to abandon me and let me make my own way to functions on my own, late at night, reluctant as he is to attend such boring functions. maybe it's independence. maybe their wives are strong and individualistic. not one, not a few, but all the married women. those that are my relatives, anyway, for i only have privy information on their marital status. somehow i can't make myself believe, hard as i try, that they will not prefer the company of their spouse, have someone to talk to in a table filled with other couples. when men are married for the longest time, do they become more selfish? do they think that only their own feelings matter? do they become more introvert? if so, beware. marriage should come with the warning label: marriage will make you more unsociable. enter at your own risk. if they think that the occasion will be boring, why send their wives to the lion's den, instead of escorting and accompanying her? whatever happened to 'in good times and bad'? 'through thick and thin'? maybe the small print, the one that all of us failed to see because it was too fine and tiny, read 'disclaimer: in weddings, we flee'.

is that what years of marriage taught us; to each his own? that i can understand. everybody needs their own space. but when that becomes once too often, and every occasion calls for that motto, i start to wonder the meaning of the marriage. looking back, i see them coming alone all the time, be it gatherings, meetings and functions. it seems lonely. perhaps that is preferable to a foul-faced, always-looking-at-the-watch-and-asking-when-do-we-go-home spouse. i would agree. but it seems like along the way the husbands have forgotten the act of compromise, give and take. the husbands have forgotten the feelings of their spouse.

i'm sticking to mine. like industrial strength glue. wild horses couldn't pull us apart. unless he is watching football, that is.


Anonymous said...

there you are, you solved it yourself - that wedding was held the same nite arsenal played chelsea & liverpool played man utd!

the other conspiracy theory is that the bride is such a hottie, the wives told their husbands not to come for fear they (the hubbies) may not keep their eyes off her (the hottie bride).

so there!

Las montañas said...

aiyah, you are one of those very "dair" woman who sticks to their man so very closely right? ;P

Yah, the poor man sometimes have to accompany the wife to some of her girlfriends' gatherings; and get bored to death hearing them gossip about so and so, this and that..blah blah blah.


Anonymous said...

im glad you married a good man. i would love to marry the right man too!

zewt said...

I know I married a good man... wow... what a statement.

Wuching said...

reason why us men don't go with our wives is becoz we know we're going to be grumpy & face black black all night long so to save the embarrassment we volunteer not to go lor..kam tou mm jee meh?

me said...

dear e: what the bride should have done was arranged to have a live telecast of the games on the big screen, right behind the main table. all the men would attend! they would even bring their beer buddies!!! the whole place would be packed with men screaming 'goal, goal, damn you!'.

dear monty: it has yet to be proven who sticks to who yet. *grins*

the poor woman also follows the man to his boisterous friendly gatherings, what. usually, the men gather around and talk ball whilst the women gossip. to each his own. but at least they go together. not in the case of the women i observed.

me said...

dear serene: in due time, all in due time. your time now is to go out and look around, try around, to see which is the best fit. will you want to settle for the one you love the best or the one who loves you the most?

dear zewt: wish jules will say the same about you? 12 yrs. it's a very long time. he makes up for all my shortfalls and i him.

dear wuchy: i know the black face & grumpiness. i've seen a lot of that. but i feel sorry for the women. a man that can't let a woman enjoy herself without giving her the guilt trip surely isn't worth loving. life is not always about the men. we give some, we take some. the man should be flexible enough to entertain himself for just one night. and if he really can't, it's just ONE night.

Cocka Doodle said...

I still give her back rubs after all these years.
So am I the right man or not jek?

me said...

dear cocka: it will seem that it is your only claim to spousal loyalty.

Q: do you love her?
Cocka: i still rub her back after all these years.

Q: did you change the diapers when your bb was small?
Cocka: i still rub her back after all these years.

Q: do you spend enough quality time at home?
Cocka: i still rub her back after all these years.

Q: would you change your wife for someone 20 years younger and with a body to die for?
Cocka: i still rub her back after all these years.

Q: is cocka a good husband?
Mrs Cocka: oh! you mean that man that sometimes come to my house? i tot he was a masseuse offering extra services!!

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...