Saturday, September 16, 2006

the final instalment

a post on saturday?! wow, my cog-wheels must be really turning!

to those readers who were a little concerned about my frame of mind yesterday, don't worry. my thoughts come and goes. i come up with very silly thoughts and ideas and it's just a part of who i am and the creativity that is also part and package of it. it knocks around a little in that grey cranium of mine and then leave without so much as a trace. today is another day.

you know what the problem is with having your birthday (yes, yet another post on that 'b' word!) towards the latter half of the year? when your birthday finally comes around, and your friends pop around with lunch invitations, you begin to wonder if they are returning a favour (because you bought them lunch for theirs) or there is a genuine sincerity to want to celebrate your special occasion with you. it isn't much fun if people are doing it out of gratitude and i suspect that it is the case 98% of the time. unfortunately, you will never know the thruth, unless you choose to ignore theirs in the first place. which, to me, isn't really an option because i like to take that opportunity to show my friends that i really do care.

so, what is a girl to do? what the heck! take whatever you get and shove the crazy logic to the dumps!

come birthday, i get a little eccentric, i think. i can't tolerate flowers (gifts i greedily accept! hahaha!) from mere acquaintance or business associates, especially those that was sent my their secretaries. you look at the card and you go, 'hey, this fella's handwriting didn't use to look like this??!!'. the only personal contact with the sender was probably from the dollar bills that was extracted to pay for the flowers. frankly, spending money like that doesn't impress me one bit.

nor those sent by organisations. try convincing me that they actually care when you popped out eons ago! just more marketing gimmick to this highly cynical lass.

this year, i realised that the best part of my birthday for the past decade and more is waking up to the same voice every year that greets me 'happy birthday' even before i open my eyes :-)

HD and the kids finally came up with the special home-made cake that i wished for, with an ounce of sweetness and a pound of love.

from this.............

to this..........

excuse me whilst i dig my teeth in it. yummmmmmm! Posted by Picasa


Wuching said... i can wish u HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

Helen said...

Happy birthday!!!

Wow, bet someone is even more in pink receiving such a lovey pink cake from her darlings!! lol


may said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!! enjoy that cake, it looks fabulous. I bet it tastes just as great!

King's wife said...

I bet this cake really made your day.

titoki said...


Kudos to your HD and kids for such a wonderful burpday surprise!!! ;)

Las montaƱas said...

wah! your birthday 16 Sep ah!??? congratulations lady! you share the same day as the old man of SG! LKY!

and how blessed u r to have caring DH and kids.. with the nice cake they've made for u!

Fantasy "Sticky" Flier said...

OMG got Smarties on the cake!!!!
Waahhhhh not you got me salivating.
Happy Birdday Kiddo. Definitely younger now.

Fantasy "Sticky" Flier said...

Hey, I just realised, your birdday is the same as my brother's.....

me said...

dear all: eeeeeeee! another batch of birdday wishes. :-0 thank u, thank u. but no need lah. you already wished me a lifetime of happiness loh, so many times now. i know i have talked about nothing but birthdays for the last week and more but just bringing you along with me during the countdown. hope i didn't bore you to bits. the cake was delicious, a tad too sweet but the best i ever had in my whole life.

dear lm: yah, and i just found out today that sabah's governor's birthday is also sept 16. only very clever and important people are born on that day, you know?! harharhar! they are considering declaring 916 as a public holiday - in sabah. maybe i should move....

dear ff: bet you've got a very clever bro. kakaka! they are m&ms btw, and shall i save some for you ? :-)

me said...

dear titoki: heehee. it was hardly a surprise since i practically forced them to do it.

Papilio said...

One day late. But nevertheless Happy Birthday! Aw...I would cry if someone made me a birthday cake! ;)

ian said...

There are people who wish for everyday to be their birthdays. And you're one of them who made it almost come true. hehehe...

me said...

dear papilio: thank you.

lm: psssst, is that i hint for you to start enrolling in a baking class? *wink*

dear ian: merely talking about it everyday doesn't make it my birthday lah. don't think i'll wish it was my birthday everyday anyway, wasn't really that fun. i know, i know. everybody's sick to death about that topic. novelty mah. how many bloggers you know who can talk about their birthday for what seems like endless posts?

titoki said...

MUAHAHAHA You forced them to do it?! You are so powderfool!!! ;p

lickoholic said...

Happy, happy birthday!!!

me said...

dear may: kekeke. of course mah. mothers are always the most important person in the household. make a mum angry, and the house will be sooooo cold. *evil laughter*

dear licky: thank you. and happy birthday to you too.

immomsdaughter said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!! So wonderful of your hubs & kids to make the cake for you. Must be extra delicious!

Fantasy "Sticky" Flier said...

yes yes send by fedex asap!

Robin said...

Happy Birthday.. but I tot it should be later .. right? libra start 22 Sep and may be both of us born on the same day??


On my birthday, I took leave from office.. didn't want to scold anyone on that auspicious day..


lickoholic said...

Yeah, we share the same birthdate.


me said...

dear imd: thank you, but like i said to may, kekeke, i practically forced them to do it for me. nah, actually we had a lot of fun making the cake and recording it down. it was extra yummy, yes.

dear ff: ok. if you see a parcel full of ants and cockroaches, you'll know it's your m&ms. don't know if you can still eat it in that condition though :-)

dear robin: i'm a virgo always scold people in your work ah? eee, so fierce one.

dear licky: are you ff's brother??!!!!! (ff said his bro's birthday also falls on same day) wow! can you imagine that? now i know 4 people whose birthday falls on sept 16. only special people have birthdays on that day - i'm sure you'll agree. kekekeke.

Nine3 Nine3 said...

Ohms..I'm late

late better than never

"HaPPy Belated BirThday LengLui "

me said...

dear 9393: heehee. so malu lah, people always wish me happy birthday. thank u, thank u.

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...