Tuesday, November 07, 2006

what happened to cinderella?

ever wondered what happened to cinderella after the 'happily ever after'?

the continuation of the story.....

cinderella and prince charming moved into the castle and started their marriage shortly after the beautiful wedding. alas! who was to know that shortly after, a financial crisis loomed and the royal family was thrown out of the palace by a coup. the dashing prince charming was forced to look for work, like any other commoner on the streets. they were poor, but they were in love and they still had each other.

for years and years, they struggled and worked their fingers to the bone to provide a comfortable life for themselves and their five children. cinderella, who had been through a rough life before she became a princess, was used to the hard life and so she continued to persevere, balancing housekeeping with any work that she can find, to earn that extra dime.

prince charming, on the other hand, who was used to all the luxuries in the palace, worked very hard to provide a living too... initially. however, as days passed, the grime of everyday living and the unrewarding efforts disillusioned him. very soon, he turned to wine and gambling, which to his royal form spelt certain doom and so it was that he met his maker shortly before he turned 40.

poor cinderella. she was left all alone to bring up her 5 children. as good as they all were, it was exhausting for a woman to handle. still, she toiled and she hung on.

fast forward to 40 years later....her children are all grown up. there was a lawyer, a teacher, a businessman, all very successful in their lives. finally, all the sacrifices that she had to make have not gone wasted. she was very proud of each and every of them. cinderella is now an old shaky woman, contented to reap the rewards of her toils. unfortunately, as luck will have it, cinderella met with an accident. not one serious enough to claim her life, she should be so lucky, but enough to make her lose the use of her limbs. poor thing!

not to worry, it's time for her to wind down, relax and enjoy the love of her children anyway, i hear you say. it's time that they repay her love and the gratitude of bringing them up. sigh! cinderella has had a very hard life but unfortunately, it doesn't end there.

the lawyer took her in and nursed her back to health. however, the minute that she turned to be naggy and whiny, he gave her the boot! it didn't make a difference to him that all old people are naggy and whiny, he has forgotten all her sacrifices in the blink of an eye. the teacher, upon hearing that the old lady was kicked out of the house, quickly locked his house and drew all the curtains, pretending that his entire family has gone away for an extended holiday. the businessman didn't mind taking her in, after all, he has hundreds of empty rooms and thousands of servants. unfortunately, a quick check with his feng shui master confirmed that cinderella's signs clashed with him and there was a major dark star in her horoscope, spelling certain doom for her in the near future. no, no! death is not good for the family feng shui. so, instead of taking her in her most crucial time of need, he turned a deaf ear too. another son didn't even bother to ask about her condition from the onstart, much less offer his assistance now. the last, but not the youngest, balked at the idea of spending more money on that old lady. after all, she already has one leg in the grave.

what is poor cinderella to do? with a broken heart, she travelled by her loneself to her old dilapidated shack where she spend the rest of her days.

is it me or is there something wrong with this story?


Las montañas said...

Are you writing about yourself?

nice modern adaptation!

why said...

Poor cinderella. May be we can change the story more positive with happy ending. Let us try.

may said...

this is almost like a cross between Cinderella and the Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe story.

I've been jaded once too many times, don't believe in happily ever after anymore.

Wuching said...

why dun cinderella go on welfare?

ah pek said...

Serve her right!! Who ask her to be naggy and whiny.

It's better to be a sweet old thing than to be a naggy old hag.

That's the moral of the story, right?

sooi2 said...

hahah, i think ahpek wud like this non-fantasy, non-fictional story from a woman for once!

happily ever after is only as happy and as long as how much we are willing to work on it. no such thing as enjoying the good times without paying for the bad times eh?

Cocka Doodle said...


Then one day, as if a calling from above, Cinderella met Dr. Jack Kervorkian.....

Anonymous said...

Oh dear...u killed the prince charming. how sad...
moral of the story: even prince charmings cannot be trusted. Heehee

me said...

dear monty: myself? i'm not THAT old and naggy yet lah, much less 5 kids! *pengsan*

dear why: it's not for us to try change it. we can only observe as innocent bystander and do what little we can

dear may: hmmm, she does sound like the old woman in the shoe. no happily every after? maybe it does exist, with a few hiccups here and there. nothing is ever perfect.

dear wuching: sigh! i don't think it's the money she's after. someone to talk to, someone to look after her, someone to actually care; i think those are the things that matter when you get old. give her $1m and she won't know what to do with it.

dear ah pek: sometimes when you get old, your memory fails and you can't help it. you forget whether you have asked the question and if you ask too often, people get frustrated. and your social circle vanishes and you are stuck in the house, so you have nothing to talk about but the three same farts. who doesn't want to be sweet? but life has a way of making fun of you. moral? never ever rely on others for your happiness.

dear sooi2: ah pek used to hearing stories from me, already become boring long-winded tales to him. poor cinderella paid for the bad times plenty, remember? she worked, toiled and sacrificed. she believes in first bitter, then sweet but who is to know that the sweetness doesn't come.

dear cocka: ha, i had to google that name. cocka teaches me something new everyday. one small injection, with nothing but air, is all that it takes. can also do by yourself lah. but the courage it takes to choose death....i rather live..

dear poochie: well, we never know what fate has lined up for us. just when you think forever and ever, prince charming kicks the bucket. moral is...the only person who will be by your side your entire life is YOU.

ian said...

WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! According to the version in my blog, Cinderella's a despicable, evil, stingy, mischevious, spiteful person!!!

She played with Prince Charming who's a gigolo until midnight and made the dash without paying!!! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah ian, i saw the videotaped proof too. Cinderella deserves haghood. Boo!

Anonymous said...

"moral? never ever rely on others for your happiness"....True, true, just this aft, I was just telling the hubs that make sure we have medical coverage to the max when we are old and when we are too old to be covered, make sure we are filthy rich :P

me said...

dear ian: what a timing lah, that blog of yours. ok, ok, make mine a.......sleeping beauty. nope, you have that too....the little mermaid lah!! sheesh!

dear jonzz: ian's version is a conspiracy to undermine cinderella, probably dubbed by her own children!! never believe the media.

dear imd: yes, then you can use the dollars as lure to get the children to come home and look at you once in a while. kakaka. so cynical lah, we. but better be prepared than disappointed :-)

in the name of friendship

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