Friday, May 11, 2007

looking inside a kaleidoscope

sometimes we forget - simple things which we have taken for granted, can evoke such joy in the heart of a naive child.
i gave this to my daughter. she thinks it looks magical...and she's carrying it everywhere she goes.
i look through it and was brought into their magical world.


Annie said...

you didn't really take that from a camera did you?

Is this a metaphor for your life or are you trying to say you are a fly?


Wuching said...

wah...pwetty pwetty pwetty!

me said...

dear annie: i did, i did, i did (i sound like tweety). i stuck the camera's hole thingy into the eye of the kaleidoscope. hehe, sorry, no heavy stuff or double meaning this time. just wanted to share something beautiful with you all....though it looks way more beautiful with the eye...must be something about the phototaking skill of the idiot who took it.

dear wuching: now YOU sound like tweety. haha.

Cocka Doodle said...

I swear I saw something to that effect after smoking pot in my hippie days. LOL

Jonzz said...

Oooh, I love kaleidoscopes. I saw a kaleidoscope building kit in Jusco the other day and was tempted to buy it. Sigh! (sitting on the kid in me)

me said...

dear cocka: i'm inclined to believe that you still see this image once in a blue moon....esp after you down that 17th cup of alcohol :-p

dear jonzz: ouch! why sit on that poor little child? it's little things like this that sometimes bring back little moments of inspiration, and magic, for us.

Fantasy "Sticky" Flier said...

wah nice!

Annie said...

I'm getting dizzy, dizzy..oh so, dizzy.

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...