Friday, June 22, 2007

lesson to remember


"pssssttt...don't let your brother do the ordering!!!!.....last chance!! better do something about it!" she hissed into my ear.

flipping through the scrumptious pictures on the menu, my ears were only half listening; the growling of my stomach overriding the voice.

"it's ok. i'm hungry. let him order.....but quick. i want to eat".

that was the last sentence i said.....before i exploded!

we ordered far too much. we stuffed our faces, not to mention our stomachs, because no one wanted to admit that we ordered too much. if there wasn't much food left on the table, it wasn't too much, right? our insane logic, anyway.

it helped that my sensibility was temporarily distracted by a couple of ninjas scurrying around. it really tickled me to see the waiters wearing the get-up, complete with the black face mask and webbed shoes. they didn't pull out swords from behind their backs though, much to my disappointment. spoil-sport!

mum insisted on placing pieces of globe fishes on the grill....eventhough it was not meant to be grilled. it came back blackened and burnt. nobody wanted it.

granny, who was a little miffed with the general saltiness of the food, (and was being told repeatedly by moi that japanese food is like that one lah) asked for the fifteenth time..."you all never order rice ah? you all must eat a little rice!"....even after all of us have downed two plates of sushi rolls, some katsu-don (fried chicken with rice), some fancy mixed whatchamacallit rice. nooooo moreeeeee riceeeeee pleaseeeeee! and after her equivalent number of reminders to pack the remaining food, we were seriously considering asking the waiter to pack the single slice of watermelon, soya sauce, some limp dripping pieces of lettuce, little bits of wasabi here and there (if you scrape the plates hard enough), some abandoned sukiyaki soup, a half-eaten sushi.......we finally decided against it. going to the emergency and pumping out our stomachs for food poisoning is not my idea of losing the weight gained from this excessive lunchtime.

i think japanese food makes my family a little crazy, bordering on insanity.

lesson learnt today: supervise when brother is ordering!

also, when leaving comments, please kindly refrain from using the four letter word, that begins with 'f' and ends with 'd', with double 'o's in the middle. violators will be barfed on!!


Anonymous said...

Ah, I get to be 1st today, despite the long queue mentioned in your last response.

The rule is simple - the one who foots the bill, the one who sent the invitation, the most senior person (necessarily in that order to maintain some sanity) gets to choose the dishes, although he/she may voluntarily dispense this responsibility to someone else, say who is more familiar with the menu.

BTW, what is so wacko about sharing a steak with you??

me said...

dear e: sharing a steak is not wacko...being forward with someone you don't know, have never met, know nothing wacko! hahaha. :-p it's scary too.

btw, the queue applies for meals only. my blog stats do not show a long queue for entering into my blog...unfortunately....or actually, fortunately, depending on how you look at it.

Las montañas said...

FOod!!!! yummy yummy!! I would love to have a top notch jap meal.. tuna belly, yellowfin sashimi, snowcrabs, hokkaido specialties!

Jonzz said...

aiya, easiest go for a sushi buffet. LOL... no need to worry about who orders what. what u want to eat, take yourself.

Pay more for peace of mind. KA KA KA

Las montañas said...

This post smacks of a little WC. Wonder whether it would be the same if the sister orders? .....

Anonymous said...

Was I really that forward with you? hmm, maybe I should just tone down a bit...

But we do have one thing in common - posting comments during work hours doesn't say much about us holding down high-powered 25-hour-a -day corporate jobs. Which means, I probably can't afford that steak anyway. Sushi King, can ahh??

BTW, who paid the bill for that meal?

me said...

dear monty: i've always've got expensive taste. go on then, make a reservation at the nearest japanese restaurant....

dear jonzz: but they'll be no more cute ninjas running around. i'm still so tickled by the idea...

dear monty: the only WC that comes to mind is water closet?!?!?! what does WC mean? yes, unfortunately the over-excessive ordering does run in the family :-p i think we were starved to death in the previous life!~

dear e: now he gets itttttt *rolls eyes* heyyyyyyy, what can i say? i'm efficient!!

n for your curiousity, mum paid!! hahahahaha! it's a complicated thing.

Admin said...


Anonymous said...

I love Jap food. Nevermind the excessive ordering mah. ME is not paying wat. LOL.

Annie said...

It's like, it's got "Bulimia" written all over it. Rice is what fills me up early. Monty said the "F" word. Until you said sushi, I figured you can bag the rest and take it home. My rule at a sushi place is order a little, you can always ADD more. We should all do a big smacking upside the head at your brother. LOL

me said...

dear ah pek: i'm not stupid enough to vomit on my own blog...i've got to clean up the place...i'll hop over to yours to express my nausea... :-p

dear pooh: yes, *sob* but ME is hurting her stomach by over-stuffing it with food! heard of the cantonese saying.."people pay money, i pay my life"?

dear annie: thanks for bringing my attention to monty's F word, i overlooked that!! will hop over to his place to barf on him soon. hehehe.

bulimia? heck, no! it sounds like greedy and over-stuffing my face. smack my bro for feeding me? i'm ready for another stuffing already! haha.

Unknown said...

Too much fo.. err.. "over-nutrition" to the hilt.

But I remember my trip to Tao.. stuffed myself too. Cos these people ordered too much.

me said...

dear doc: *phew* close call there. i tot i nearly had to vomit on someone else again!!! that would have been embarrasing.

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...