Monday, July 30, 2007

still blogging

somewhere out there, beyond the freaking cold air surrounding my place, beyond all this noisy construction that is perpetual of this area, someone is wondering....... what's wrong with this blogger. how can she call herself a blogger if she doesn't blog? :-p

sorry, can't help myself. when i try to come up with words, my mind draws a blank. when i come up with topics, the imaginary blogging police in my brain comes up, complete with the whistle and gigantic lollipop stop sign and signals for me to pull over. i can't seem to summon the mood to blog *pouts*'s a sickness, i tell you. i'm not responsible for my actions, or inactions during this period.

ah pek gave me this nice little award recently.....the power of .....(damn! must go back and refer to the title of the award. such is the silliness of the name) the schmooze. thank you. i'm so honoured to be called a bullshitter. i've wanted nothing more since i was growing up, my ambition, my goal, my ultimate point of existence. thing is....i figured i didn't deserve that award since if i don't blog? so, that's what this little post is.

to let people know that i'm ok and have not gone on to the little magical place up there. and to qualify for that award.

there! 220 words essay done. thank you, sir! *flicks hair and walks off with award in hand*


Anonymous said...

*Clap, clap, clap*

Wuching said...

i know u still blog lah..dun be obligated to post sumthing, then it becomes no more fun it at ur own sweet time

Admin said...

don't forget to add the title to your name from now on also.

zewt said...

i didnt noticed you were away ... kakakakakakakakakakaka.....

power to smooch la... i think...

sengkor said...

meaning next time we need to give u award to bait u out..?

me said...

dear licky: *bow* thank u, thank u. don't feel obligated to stop clapping..

dear wuching: hehe, some ppl starting to wonder whether i'm still on the surface of the earth or not mah....

dear ah pek: blogger: ME, p.b. (power of bullshit)..? give me more award, then i can add longer title after my name. :-p

dear zewt: i know you miss me...kakakakakakakaka.....

*slurp* that one ah pek is not qualified to give me the award...

dear sengkor: will help...? the more the merrier. :-p but i don't want anymore of those 'ganas' awards. *shaking head*

Admin said...

you never really read my full post did you? you just accepted the award and quickly cabut. :-(

me said...

dear ah pek: aiyak!! let ah pek 'chak chuen' already!! hehe. read one word, skip one word....also count as reading, right? speed reading mahhhhhhh. hehe. you want me to read the full post? give me more awards! keke

zewt said...

yeah yeah yeah....

me said...

dear zewt: *head pusing* how do you even respond to a comment that goes 'yeah yeah yeah'. *making cuckoo sign to the head with finger* sounds more like the humming part of a chorus... like part of a 80's song.

Jonzz said...

What's the little magical place up there? Nerd-vana? LOL!

me said...

dear jonzz: nerd-vana land? moi? never!! the really cool place where clouds become animals, the world is a beautiful place, everybody is wonderful and sharing and there is no evil. ahhhhh, my dream world.

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...