Thursday, July 19, 2007

hairy issue

my hair has gotten really long. all because i am too lazy to make a trip to the saloon and be subjected to all sorts of torture for 4 hours.

as with all long hair, infact as with all hair, it has a tendency to drop. see? it's this strange thing called gravity. as part of the hair renewal process, when new hair shaft is forming the old hair is pushed out. when things are pushed out, it falls down, and not up! (remember the strange thing called gravity?). as it falls, there is always the floor to catch it, so that it doesn't collect as a pile in the centre of the earth. thus, it should be hardly surprising that there are hairs on the floor, no?

yes, long hairs are easier to see....hence, you see them everywhere. under the table, on the sofa, in the bathroom.....there are finer, smaller and shorter hair too, belonging to the other inhabitants, if you care to bring along a microscope to look. however, with the naked eye, it would APPEAR as if all the hairs belongs to the long-haired person. *rolls eyes* if you count each and every strand, it's only a very normal percentage, maybe even a minority, of the entire.

end of class. now everybody understand where all the hair on the floor come from? that it is a very normal process of growth and renewal? class dismissed.

anybody knows where to get a dna kit? i want to get one to prove my innocence! stop telling me it's all my fault!! everybody is shedding!!grrrrrrrr! i'm thinking of dyeing my hair green to differentiate them from others.


Anonymous said...

Prove your innocence? Why, what crime are you guilty of?

I'm sure you already know this - that turning your hair green doesn't change its DNA - but it will endear you to Shrek.

may said...

I'm so totally paranoid that the water here in Oz is different from Malaysia... and I can't tell if it's because of the cold weather that my hair seems to have slowed down in growth! every day I'm obsessed at seeing how much hair is washed up in the shower... *sigh*

zewt said...

since your house has got so many ppl now... cut it short and ask them to pick it up la.

Cocka Doodle said...

Pssst! Don't you go for brazilian wax or at least shave?
Wait a sec! Are we talking bout the same hair here? LOL

Cocka Doodle said...

Reminds me of a rugby song I used to sing...

"one white one, one black one
and one with a little shite on
and the hair of her dicky dido
hangs down to her knees...

If she was my daughter
I'll get her to cut them shorter
coz the hair of her dicky dido
hangs down to her knees"

Jonzz said...

On way to totally ensure your innocence:



Anonymous said...

Wow! you made such a fuss over a few strains of hair?

me said...

dear e: being accused of the crime of littering hair all over the home, covering every possible surface. even the little boy goes ard holding the vacuum cleaner, saying "mum, can you don't drop your hair everywhere?". *grumble* the citizens are uprising agst me!!!

dear may: it's prob the normal amount of hair that is there in your shower. may look like a lot if it's quite long. why do you want yr hair to grow faster? wld hv tot it wld save on hair cut if it grows slower? *grins*

dear zewt: hahaha, that will keep them occupied. but sorry, i look aunty with short hair.

dear cocka: *whistling*...either way i answer that question, it's revealing too much info. hahaha. i'll pretend cocka never asked it. *whistling*

rugby players so humsup one meh?...but i don't get...what's the white and black one? *damn blur*

dear jonzz: actually, that will be quite happening!! unfortunately, i don't have the sharp features to pull it off. *pout*

dear licky: obviously i'm not the one making the fuss about a few strains of hair. someone ELSE *glancing at someone in the house* is making the big fuss and blaming it all on me *pout* i'm being victimised!!!

Wuching said...

i hate to imagine the clog in your shower drain!

Annie said...

That rooster blogger there is sick. LOL

Your hair doesn't look so long in your drawings? LOL! My husband is bald. My daughter's hair is blonde and my son's hair is only an inch long. So, any hair that is 2 feet long is mine and yes, like yours, they are all over. When you have white floors in the bathroom, it's hard to look at. I'm always wiping them up with a wet papertowel.

You paint your hair green? oh goodness. don't do that.

Why oh WHY does it take 4 hours to cut your hair!

me said...

dear wuching: i can't see it, i can't see it *in denial*

dear annie: that's what i keep telling him!! he's veryyyy sick! hahahahaha.

takes too much time to draw i draw myself bald!! haha. you're ocd too, i bet. i can just imagine it...arming yrself with wet papertowels all the time..."there, that's one hair!!!"..."and another!!"...."die, damn hair, die!!".

the green will help me differentiate between the others...and prove that i'm not the only person shedding. i'm being framed over here, i tell u.

there's the washing, then the cutting, then the rollers, then the hot thingy that rotates, then the checking and the 'no, it's not curly yet', and the unrolling, the rinsing, the treatment to save the hair, the blow drying, the mirror don't think we just go in for a haircut when we say we need a haircut, do you??

in the name of friendship

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