Tuesday, September 11, 2007

as a matter of fact

as you grow older,

you realise that there is no such thing as fact.

only one person's interpretation of it.

and that there are also other interpretations.


Anonymous said...

Lady, are you trying to unfasten or loosen up some difficult knots?

Take your time, have a clear mind in doing everything and things will go your way.

Cheer up!

Wuching said...

aiya everyday hear ppl talk about getting old...its inevitable so enjoy everyday like its our last!

Wuching said...

sorry i was rambling...i must be getting old myself, eyes got 'old flower' oredi! hehehehe

me said...

dear licky: wahhhh, so complicated. am i trying to unfasten or loosen difficult knots? i don't know, subconsciously maybe. *shrugs*

it was merely an observation, dear. not a pessimistic or unhappy one.

dear wuching: ya lah, rambling until i also confused. the getting old part was just the introduction lah. hehe, we confuse each other.

zewt said...

so u wanna write your own facts?

Jonzz said...

And therefore, fact is stranger than fiction. Crever or not? HA HA

Anonymous said...

I know this is totally unrelated. But when is your birthday, ME? Or is that subject to interpretation too? :P

Anonymous said...

actually the fact remains, that you are growing older. however, if you focus your energy & attention to more useful aspects of your life, eg. starting a business, doing that MBA, taking on the silk road, etc., maybe, just maybe, you will be too preoccupied or indifferent to even notice or feel the changes. or care about other people's intepretation of the fact.

happy growing!!

me said...

dear zewt: this is such an interesting topic. i posted something vague that i observed and everybdy came up with different interpretations of what i was trying to say. amusing. although it was nothing abt getting older, many couldn't see beyond that very first phrase. interpretation.

dear jonzz: hehe. sounds like a borrowed phrase loh....

dear pooh: haha. i guess that is a fact. i tot my dad's bday was two days before mine, which was a fact to me for 36yrs. then when i asked my mum why his chinese birthday is so far away from mine when his english is so much closer, she told me his english birthday was just a date plucked out from the sky because grandma didn't look at the english calendar then. see, fact is only ever one's interpretation of it. btw, 16th. *grins*

dear e: hehe, i guess that is a fact....though i know some that grows younger as they age. they look younger, they feel younger, they think younger and they act younger because what do they have to lose? so? aging is still a matter of perception. the figure is definitely increasing, but you can actually get younger as you age.*shrugs* btw, the post has nothing to do with aging. it was just an observation that i realise as i mature...hence the 'as you grow older'. funny how so many couldn't see beyond that first sentence and tot it was another post about aging. when u talk abt yr age and getting older, ppl automatically thing you mind and you're worried. i don't bother abt the figure thing, i'm only as old as i feel.

btw, did the mba thingy. next target, silk road. starting a business? i don't have any ambitious bone in my body.

be flattered by such a long reply :-)

Admin said...

The wrinkles are a Fact. The sagging tits are also a Fact. There will be no other interpretations. get those facts into your head.

Anonymous said...

I am flattened by your flattery. **faints**

BTW, do you know that they can transfuse stems cells into you that can turn into an ambitious bone? or, if you want, a chess-player's brain, or even J Lo's butt.

now, that would be something, wouldn't it?

me said...

dear ah pek: some don't see it as such. the lines are only signs of where laughter has been, the sagging tits a provision of nourishment and much source of enjoyment (hehe). a fact is also subjected to interpretation. :-p

dear e: haha. flattened ala road-runner style.

the question then will be what do you want to change? i think a little too much for everybody if given a choice...which ultimately boils down to the question; a different brain, a different pair of legs, a different shape..bla bla bla, are you still YOU? a little like those cut and paste 'film-star features' photo...the result is monstrosity?

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...