your sole purpose in life is to be eaten by me. you have exist thus far so that you can fulfill your reason for existence. you should be honoured that i am going to eat you, that i even consider putting you in my mouth.
ready or not, here i come. *chomp*
*chomp* ?!!!!
oh my, you eat through the banana leaf wrap too!
If you don't open up the package, how are we to know whether the contents are yummy or not? Maybe just some plain rice and a dollop of sambal?
Ms Lenglui feeling playful today
Dang, u just reminded me of my nasi lemak craving!
Eat me! Eat Me...please!!! Ohhhh...
yEA!! swallow me all!!
dear monty: u know, i like those very basic ones. it's all in the sambal, it makes or breaks the whole dish. trust me, it was yummmmmmmy :-)
dear wuchy: not me lah. some naughty person wrote on my food :-(
dear jonzz: go, go. every whim and craving must and should be fulfilled for a happy and satisfied life.
dear cocka: don't start imagining yourself to be a nasi lemak, ok?
dear ah pek: another peen thai middle age man with his sexual dreams!
dear annie: food that talks?? actually, it's quite yummy...but hot as hell.
the nasi lemak seller sure got a sense of humour. if i find one liddat i will laugh until i fall off my chair.
cocka, how we wish we can be the nasi lemak...ooohhhhhhhh........
dear fei: not the nasi lemak stranger but rather the man who bought it for me. something that brought a smile to my day.
u fancy being in my stomach region and being burned alive with hot gastric fluids? your skin dropping off pieces by pieces, slowly drowning and suffocating to death? strange perversion you have, mr fei.
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