Tuesday, July 01, 2008

the funny business of attraction

i don't get it.

zewt has this theory about women generally being money minded and all, preferring richer partners and material gains, all with a price tag on their dignity, the value of which is the only difference between them.

of course, belonging to the fairer sex category, i will categorically disagree with his theory. i do however agree that the ability to afford material items bring a sense of security to certain types of women, which in itself is a very attractive quality to have in men. couple that with the confidence that rich men portray and you have killer qualifications which most women will fall for.

flipping through the papers today, what i don't get is this man that i've seen appear in the papers several times, akin to a local hero of his breed. it's amazing that the local dailies have resorted to glorifying polygamy, a practice that i know is being tolerated by some religion but i still don't get. i would have thought legal polygamy arise from the need to procreate, to continue the line of descendants, to spew forth the next generation. but when the first wife is already fertile, what is the point of having a second one except for more fun and pleasure? yes, more wives more children, hence more of the next generation but i am sure another single and available man, and the keyword here being single, will be able to fulfill the job just as well. this man is placed on a pedestal of some sort, probably by his own kind for being able to take in not one but four wives. four?at this point, men will generally shake their head and mumble 'who wants such headache?', especially if the wife is within earshot. ahhhhhh, but if there is no headache and plenty of harmony to go around? the same group of men will be lining up with their pants hanging around their ankles in a hurry to procreate some more. let's face it, men are not monogamous species, only halted from indulging in so by laws of the country.

so, this man who wants to take in the fourth wife. he is not handsome. far from it, he is 51 years old and can do with some serious makeover, the drastic plastic surgery type. he is not rich; i'm wondering if he is even legally employed. he earns $3000 a month from recyclying abandoned wood. on a good day i will assume. sounds more like he is chopping down wood from someone's forest. abandoned wood? how often can you find those? on a bad day, does he turn in his table and bed for sale? he is not handsome. he is not rich. he is not young. and he is not even single. what exactly are those women seeing in him? at 34, his latest wife should have plenty of suitors and the world at her feet. but she told the judge that no other man can replace him in her heart. wow! a regular don juan. what is her family thinking of? she's not going to be bringing back any food for the table. she'll have to fight off 3 women and 18 kids first. how can her parents gladly marry her off to his man? ok, true love rules and everybody should marry the person they love. but really, the hot passionate type of love only lasts 3 years at most. then it's a lifetime of responsibility and obligation. to 22 other people in the same household. i think i'll chop off my daughter's hair and lock her in the closet first if someone like that asks for her hand in marriage.

normally, his request to take in the fourth wife will not be granted, seeing that he can't even support the other 3 women and 18 children in his life. but the 3 wives are saying that they will help each other financially in order for him to be able to take in this fourth wife. wow! i know, most men are probably saying if only i had a wife like that. well, dream on, suckers. we have to stick to monogamy, so do you guys, so you may as well wipe off all those mental pictures of harem and half-naked women feeding you bunches of grapes.

what do they see in him? a man with no money, no outward beauty, no youth and no sex appeal. his other wives eagerness in getting him another wife, i can understand. after having 6 children each on average, i am quite sure they are very happy for him to turn his 'attention' elsewhere. tonight again??! errmmmm. i think wife no. 3 is mising you so badly. why don't you look for her. i'll just stay here by my lonely self. someone has to sacrifice for harmony in this household, you knowwwwwww.

so, what does a woman look for in a man? fancy words and sweet talk will hardly be enough to pass a lifetime.


Anonymous said...

nah..he uses bomoh power to charm his wives mah. you can't deny such black magic doesn't exist!

zewt said...

the filing room supervisor in the first firm i worked with have 2 wives... and i really wonder how he can support his whole family when i was already struggling with my peanuts fresh grad pay... it's truly amazing. and they consider children as property... which also explains why they have so many...

well, just like how you perceived that most men (except your husband apparently) will become infidel upon gaining riches... so does most of us believe that women will head towards a gold mine when she sees one.

me said...

dear wuchy: does it? i've never really witnessed it with my eyes, only creepy stories told by people who know people. do you get much black magic in your hometown??

dear zewt: and all the kids too!! how do they manage? and yet they do. properties?? no wonder there is more child abuse and incest amongst them.

yet this woman is not choosing a gold mine but rather an old decrepit empty mine. so, what's the deal here? she has defied your theory on women.

Anonymous said...

what does a woman look for in a man? ask this to any woman and i bet none can give you a satisfactory answer, yourself included.

Anonymous said...

beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder - accept that & move on. there's no right or wrong here, even less a conspiracy theory.

me said...

dear licky: *pondering* a little understanding, a little sensitivity, a little warmth, a little space, a little romance...i think we can answer that but the list is non-exhaustive and a little too impossible to comply.

dear e: agree...but conspiracy theory?? u're following the news too closely these days aren't u?!

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...