Wednesday, May 06, 2009

m.i.a. report

i am seriously quite worried.

i seem to have lost my sense of humour. i've looked everywhere. under the blankets, in the cabinet, in the oven, under the sofa, even in the hamsters' cage, but it's still as elusive as ever. i would make a police report, hoping that the extra manpower will be able to aid me better in the search, but i've only realised it's disappearance in the last 24 hours, and our men in blue won't accept a missing humour report until at least 48 hours. sigh. what can i do?

i'm beside myself with anxiety, wondering where could it have gone? could someone else have picked it up by mistake and perhaps abuse it? i dare not imagine such atrocity. i can only hope, i can only pray, that it will turn up in due time. perhaps it was the stress, the routine of the daily grind; i have not been paying it enough attention. maybe it felt slighted, and has resorted to running away to gain my attention. well, gain my attention it sure did. i have a very funny feeling that it eloped with my laughter as well. whatever will i do without the both of them?

i should have known there was a problem when i seldom see it hanging around anymore. people will tell jokes, and what that they will get in respond is a 'ha!', or a grimace at most. the funny bone refused to be tickled. i tried stephen chow, i tried the return of the pink panther, i even tried joke books. i tried all i could to bring a closer bond between the two of us. somehow, i feel that all the efforts have gone unappreciated.

i can only hope that this is only a temporary break, that it will return once again when it has seen enough of the outside world. i have tried substituting 'lol' with the missing echo of the laughters ringing in my ear, but it seem shallow, fake and cold. how many days can i go on without my sense of humour, i do not know.

please, hurry home, i miss you so.

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