Thursday, July 23, 2009

time for some yummy tummy

what am i doing at 2.38pm on a thursday afternoon?

supervising my workforce of 5 employees who are carrying out their respective duties in my restaurant, which i call yummy tummy. catchy name, huh? easy to remember, cute and straight to the point. it's doing quite good at the moment, from what i can tell. customers are continuously walking through the door and the till is ringing up its collection every few minutes. business being so good, i've been able to do a little renovation here and there since opening day; a very cute giant octopus by the entrance, pink floor tiles, pink walls, change of uniform for my staff (well, i've only been able to afford a change of uniform for one staff so far). if business continues to prosper, i've been thinking of getting a bigger place, more cute uniforms for the staffs and more decoration for the facade.

it's no easy job, supervising the restaurant, but as far as running business goes, i think i'm having it easy. don't have to go down on hand and foot to do any menial work, other than re-allocating jobs when the situation calls for it. a little redecoration here and there to ease the flow of traffic and put more tables into the place, making sure the toilets are clean and the ingredients fresh, working out the shifts of the employees. sometimes, when the crowd gets too much to handle, i have to ask the cute chef to moonlight as the waitress as well, to clear the tables so that new customers can dine. not so much as a whimper from her, can you believe it? no politics in the restaurant, no gossiping, no bitching, no shifting the blame or workload, no goofing off, no scheming and plottings. everybody goes about their duties like mindless characters in computer games. all in return for an apple, a banana, a sandwich or just a glass of water.

i've got to get my head out of the restaurant city game in facebook. sigh. if only things are that simple in real life.

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