Wednesday, August 12, 2009

friendships are not forever

my daughter is losing her best friend in 9 days time. why do i feel like i am the one losing a best friend? is this how motherhood is suppose to be; feeling her pains and experiencing her joys as if i were under her skin? life's tiresome enough with my own share of emotions, i have to bear another, maybe two more, sets of emotional roller coasters? nobody ever tells you this.

her closest friend, whom she has befriended since primary 1, whom she has spent every minute in school with since she joined three years ago, is moving on to another school, all because of our government's excellent direction in academics. will things ever be the same again? the bond between the families have grown closer over the years, so much so that i will not bat my eyelids in leaving her at their house for the entire day. they have no qualms of me bringing their kids out for the day either. the ease, the comfort, the trust. all those weren't built overnight. will there be another to fill the empty lonely gap when she leaves? she is a tiny girl, with a gigantic punch of confidence and leadership qualities. my daughter seems so much bigger next to her, yet she lacks the confidence to step out and make herself be heard. they fit together like a glove on a hand; compensating where the other is lacking.

will it all come to an end? inevitably. no matter how much they try to keep in touch, no matter how often they visit, the separation is undeniable. 9 more days. to this beautiful friendship, this closeness. another heartbreak and a lesson in life that my daughter will have to go through in this journey called life.

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in the name of friendship

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