Saturday, October 03, 2009

drama unfolding

a new drama is unfolding in the household. a new series involving the chef and the house manager. she is caught in the middle of the throes of passion by the maids. they glimpsed a very naked her running in the dark room and waited by the staircase until she emerged from the room. house manager was very angry, to say the least. what are you all doing here?! to spy on you; that definitely won't be the obvious answer. to catch you redhanded, only if any of them wanted to die at the very immediate moment. she was only rubbing oil for the chef, spew forth the excuse. so lame. so very lame.

others held their tongue. one, the one who witnessed it first, couldn't hold it in, knowing that revenge was imminent. she tattle-taled to the highest level of authority that she could access. the boss was informed. but yet no action was taken? there is always wisdom in waiting and seeing.

many months later, another maid tattle-taled. it seems that she didn't do the necessary sucking up and pleasing to keep their mouth shut. they are still very displeased with how they are being treated. you can actually tell, who she has treated especially bad by seeing who walks to the front to tattle-tale. you wonder. those that keep quiet, is it because they are being treated better, or they are so much more of an expert political maneuverist, holding in details and only divulging when it is to their favour. i certainly hope i am reading too much into it.

still no response from the powers that be? they must be really dense. ha! then came the text messages. one to the boss. one to the second lady of the house. why not to me? i also wonder. someone seems very keen for action to be taken against the two leading actor and actress of the drama.

what will happen next? will they be relieved of their jobs? both or either? we will have to catch the next episode to see how the drama continues.

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