Saturday, October 01, 2011

doesn't it just incense you? well, it certainly does to me. burns me so deep that i just couldn't resist exploding here.

just received a mail from someone i know. a mail in our national tongue, complete with pictures of this poor little 4 year old child who is in the hospital who needs our most heart-wrenching financial assistance. the poor child's head is fixed in position with metal nails all round to keep it still so as not to hurt the neck further. he is suffering from a weak neck as a result of down syndrome. a most distressing picture, one that you cannot look at long without feeling depressed.

i am cynical, no doubt, but i remember someone saying somewhere that sometimes it's better to be deceived rather than to ignore. to believe that there could be a chance that it is a lie but still extend your assistance rather than sit back and be cynical and lose the opportunity to help. strange thing is that there is no mention whatsoever of where to donate the funds. no account number, no bank name. only the poor little boy's name. so, how exactly are you suppose to help? how are those heart-wrenching pictures circulated all over the internet suppose to help this child?

apparently, by forwarding the mail, you can contribute 1 sen. hello?!?!! how gullible can people be? how can anybody get any money, much less 1 sen, by hundreds and thousands of people circulating mail? i've seen so many examples of chain letters but i think this must take the cake in being the most shallow, most despicable, most contemptable. hurray, you win a title, whoever you are! you must be gloating in your seat. how can anybody ever circulate such a post in the hope of making it into a heart-wrenching chain letter? whatever happened to scruples and morals? forget that! whatever happened to human decency? whoever can exploit this situation must really be the bottomest of the scums.

searching through the internet, there is indeed this poor little child, whose case was disseminated all the way in 2008. that was 2 years ago. somehow, i don't think that poor child is still in that same position all these years. either he has gone for the surgery, or he hasn't. all these years and people are still circulating his photos. i wonder how does he feel about that? how will you feel to have your photos plastered all over the internet? for nothing more than just milking the pity cow.

the person who started the chain-letter is so despicable, but what of those that plainly forwarded them without giving it a second thought except to rid yourself of the guilt of not being able to do anything, or perhaps to cocoon yourself from such bad things happening to your own loved ones. this denial, this lack of responsibility for the things that you send to others, is what kept this mail circulating for 2 years.

dear people, please read and think before you hit the send button. this mail did nothing more than milk people of their emotions and serve no purpose except to.

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