Monday, June 26, 2006

the weekend runaround

warning: please be informed that the author has yet to recover from a highly transmittable and infectious disease. please enter and read at your own risk of contamination. the author shall not be liable in the case of an actual transmission and will not entertain any legal claims resulting from it.


no, i'm not up and running again....i'm kind of drifting here and there. the symptoms have since evolved into a full blast common cold. (why do they call it the common cold? is there a rare cold or a special cold? any doctors out there game for the question?) i have a personal portable cloud that is just sitting on my head, following me everywhere that i go like a fashionable beret. i have also resorted to tying a rope around my nose to prevent it from running away. my neighbour thinks that an old cackling coughing man has moved into my premises, taking up the place of the sexy and cute mistress of the house. and lastly, for any readers who are keen to drop by for a quick visit, please stay for dinner as i have tons and tons of wanton all wrapped up and ready to dish.

so, what am i doing behind the keyboard again? as one of my readers puts it, i blog too much. i offer you my solemn vow, to be your faithful blogger, in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad..blah blah blah. and so, even when i am sooooo sick, and in desperate attention of a doctor, i am devotedly commited to bringing you the latest post, to keep your life entertained. erm... now would be a good time to shed an emotional tear or two at my touching rendition.

what should have been a relaxing weekend for me to recuperate turned out to be anything but. it is usually the time for me to catch up on my sleep, and even then, waking up at 8am will be a luxury. however, fate does not accord me that privelege last weekend.

saturday morning started out early with cher-cher's ballet practice at 8:15am. the entire family had to be out of the house by 7:30am and hang around idly for an hour whilst the little girl pranced and twirled to the teacher's instruction. then we set off for another arduous journey to kor-kor's computer class. whilst he was clicking away at the keyboard or whatever games they give him in the pretence of improving his computer skills, we made our way round the supermarket. since my head was forever immersed in the cloudy fog that was still making its home on my cranium, i can't accurately recall whose bright idea it was for me to cook dinner on the very day that i felt so shitty. anyway, decided it was and onwards we pursued. then we caught a quick lunch and some video-renting.

after all that running around for errands in the morning, we came back to home sweet home, where i had a brisk and nice rest. then off we went again in the mid-afternoon to ferry the children to some neighbourhood friendship club. that is the latest synonym for some christianity brain-washing activity where they feed the children delicious snacks and provide amusing entertainment, in return for a chance to convince your children to forever pledge their faith to christianity. i am not in the least bit religious, which is quite obvious from my description of the former, but i have no objection to them being exposed to any religion. and since they seem to derive much pleasure from it, off they go then. plus, it helps keep them out of my hair for a few hours.

there wasn't much point in mummy and daddy dearest returning home for that brief period, so we decided to park our behinds at some popular coffee-place nearby and wait for the clock to tick. we started out by reading the books that have caught our individual attention but as the words flow pass my eyes, the lids got heavier. if anybody passed a cafe last saturday, with a man intently reading a book whilst a lady was snoozing comfortably in the crook of her arms, that will be us. well, at least i had my much desired rest, eventhough the place could have been better.

then, it was time to cook dinner. as i am a novice chef, i needed some time to prepare the dish of the day: baked seafood rice. which was pretty straightforward and easy actually. so confident we were of our skills, that we invited a friend over for dinner. readers out there must be curious whether i bombed at my attempt.'s hard to tell actually because i have lost my taste bud to mr cold. i can't in all honestly tell you how dinner fared, eventhough hubby dearest said it was good. however, man cannot be trusted to tell the whole thruth since they have a tendency to value their life. all turned out well, considering nobody had to run to the emergency ward for diarrhoea or food poisoning but i still think it was a tall task to ask somebody with no taste bud to cook.

seeing that saturday has already taken up such a long story, i shall cut sunday's tale short. as the precedent has been set, sunday was also not a restful day. we had to rush to sunway for cher-cher's tae-kwan-do grading test which commenced at 9:00am, well 8:45am to be exact, but i only realised this fact after we have firmly parked our bottoms in the car, which meant that we were slightly behind schedule. then off we ferried them for the actual tae-kwan-do classes. for those people who are reeling from the activities that my children take up, be assured that i am not one of those over-achiever mum who forces their children to take up numerous activities in order to fulfill their own self-worth or blah blah blah. the story of them taking up these courses is very long and i shall not repeat here, for the sake of keeping the length of this post reasonable. and for those readers that guessed that there is more to come, bravo! after the classes, little kiddies had to rush for a birthday party. this you can see them do with glee and anticipation.

after all that, i had enough for the day. whilst mummy konked out like a deadwood, daddy dearest amused them. then, it was time for mummy :-( to cook dinner again. yes, second time in a row for this taste-deficient person. then again, daddy dearest helped both times. and for the record, he is the better cook.

ok. did i manage to bore anybody to sleep with the tales of my weekend adventures? no? well, i'll try again next week.


Robin said...

oh no, you are not spreading your germs electronically..

or are u?

Take care and drink lots of chicken soup.

Ianfluenza said...

wicked wantons...

Helen said...

So sweet of you to keep us informed when you're still not 100% well.

Nope, u did not bore me to sleep but I'll print it out and make good use of it during those sleepless nights..... beats Valium hor?? LOL

me said...

dear robin: hmmmmm...why do i get the sneeky feeling that you have only read the first paragraph of the story?

dear ian: yup, want me to courier some for your dining pleasure?

dear helen: har har har. so badddd. at least you read till the end.

seefei said...

your most frank post i read so far...i cant help but know you a little more thereafter.

i like...

Wuching said...

ur little cold has turned into a bad flu, u need strong anti-biotics..i hope u have been to the doctor & prescribed some strong medicines for u. have plenty of rest, drink lots of water & get well soon!

may said...

OMG... you're not 100% yet could do up a long post? yes, you are indeed addicted! (then again, so are most of us who blog too... LOL!)

get well soon!

me said...

dear fei: just when you thought it was a boring post about your daily life, some people actually like it. go figure.

actually, all my posts are frank. from the bottom of my heart. even the love affair with mickey. i just chose to present it in an amusing way.

dear wuching: htee htee. dot fru cos no bodi eggs. just bat cold. veli bat cold. cough! cough! (not flu cos no body aches. just bad cold. very bad cold)

dear may: some people, like yours truly, born long-winded. sick also long-winded lor.

ah pek said...


DAMN!! i caught the flu...
*shif* snif* pass the tissue please.

me said...

don wan. i have enough wantons already. thank u.

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...