Thursday, November 30, 2006

don't make it my business

this post is sexually explicit and is not suitable for minors below 18 years of age. if you are a minor, please read with guidance from adults (that goes for you too, ian). LOL.

his wife called me to find out the whereabouts of her husband.

do i look like a husband-locator device? or a private dick? (as in private detective, okaaayyy?) *rolls eye*

i used to be nonchalant about men having action on the go, whilst having the marital ring around his finger, physical or otherwise. well, it was never my business, why did i care? if he wants to dip his stick in another's pot, and his wife tolerates that, who am i to add any comment?

recently however, i seem to have lost my tolerance for this category of husbands, which is on the rise. they seem to be responsible for a whole range of spousal medical problems, ranging from delirium, transformation into shrewness, delusions, hallucinations, suspicions and all in all, mental breakdown. they turn a perfectly good woman into a demented, frightened, delusional tigress. which is all fine still if it's none of my business, but once it trespasses on my peace of mind, it makes me agitated.

i hate husbands who give their wives reasons for such suspicions, or rather, i look down on them. i lose my respect for them. i try to live my life by not judging other people, try being the key word here. i believe that everybody has their own reasons for doing something and we will never understand unless we have walked a mile in their shoes. however, in the pursuit of your own happiness, if you trample on another being's self-respect and dignity, it just doesn't quite jive. if you don't love her anymore or if you are hungering over another piece of meat, let her go.

i know that there is fallacy in my sense of reasoning but it just seems like mental abuse to me. i don't know, maybe i have never been the type to sit, cross my hands and just whine. i have to be pro-active in the things i want or like. i can't wait for it to come to me. so, it frustrates me to see someone be subjected to a situation where they seem powerless and are constantly hounded by it. for me, the answer will be simple; give that jerk the boot! then again, things are never that easy.

men argue that they are not meant to be monogamous. fine really, so stick with your wild crowd of orgies. don't marry a decent woman and hurt her after she has given you a few good years. human beings have sexual longings, it's the natural order of life to ensure procreation. when you are only answerable to yourself, go hump away all night and day. no one cares. however, when you have promised to love only that one (and who asked you to be stupid enough to say 'i do' that faithful day?!), then you should at least have the decency to refrain yourself from your instincts, even if it means putting your little dicky bird under locks and chains or having cold shower every night and day.

and another thing; an orgasm is an orgasm, is it not? with this woman or with another woman. is there such a thing as orgasm with a rating of 1 to 10? i don't know, i'm not experienced enough to tell from a man's point of view. so, if an orgasm is an orgasm, why should it matter if you have it with your spouse or that cute sexy chick walking down the road? she gets you hot and fired up? rush home and look for the one waiting for you at home.

ok, as i've said, i know my naive point of view has many shortfalls and i'm ready for your onslaught of attacking comments. *shrugs* just my point of view, if you may.

then again, it's none of my business, why do i care?


Anonymous said...

So did you end up tagging along with operation yellow-legged chicken???


Anonymous said...

This time, I've got so much to say even one roll of toilet paper not enough. So...just wanna cut short and tell you I can relate with this post as I had a sicko of a father who was like that. I've said before, my parent's divorce was one of the happiest moments of my life.

"Tepuk sebelah tangan takkan berbunyi", some SYT nowadays are also looking for the shortcut to wealth. Thus, these blood suckers target these "matured & rich" man whom they regard as their bank accounts. Botak, wrinkled & fat also nevermind as long as got $$$

Anonymous said...

I will NEVER marry someone who cannot be trusted! Ok ok, this sounds childish. Such things cannot be guaranteed.
Then again, women are capable of being unfaithful also, no?

Fantasy "Sticky" Flier said...

hmmm men I think are capable of letting go, its the wives who dont want to....thats where it gets interesting...

me said...

dear ian: hello? did you read the warning in red, which was meant especially for you? did you have adult-guidance as you read the post, mr liew? *grins*

haiyah, looking for husband i find so 'farn' already, somemore want me to go catch yellow-legged chicken ah? *pengsan*

dear imd: well, they are welcome to these tak ada quality men. once these SYT get a little older, they will know. the men will move on to the next SYT faster than they can say 'tepuk...'. then, cry also no tears lohhh.

dear poochie: ya, they can all be trusted initially. hahaha! what can we say? things change, times change, people also change. women do too, yes. i just don't want to see one-sided abuse. whichever side of the spousal relationship change, men or women, just try to leave them with some dignity and respect.

dear ff: maybe you're right, i don't know. but if faced with knowing he's sleeping with someone every day or letting him go, if the woman has the financial independence, i don't think that question should be too hard to answer. then again, i'm being very unfair here with all my comments and judgements since i have not experienced it first hand.

Paula said...

Yes ME, you care because you are human and if you care about a friends, you care. Besides, you have an opinion, why not blog it.

You never know who'll cheat on you until you get actual proof, then it hits you like a TON of bricks. Been there, was stunned - moved on - it was good for him murder is illegal or else he'd be a dead SOB. :D

I completely agree ME, leave the other person before dipping somewhere else. It's completely disrespectful and utterly dispicable.

Las montaƱas said...

aiyah.. what if the wife also 2 timer? and she makes it known to the husband.

ian said...

ME: Eh You didn't state what age limit for reading this sexually explicit post... So I assumed it to be 23 years and older.. LOL!!!

Annie: Awww... You've been through that too? Sorry to hear... I think you're doing well now hey?

Anonymous said...

Infidelity sucks whether the guy does it or the lady does it.

Why bother getting married if you can't stick to it? I think it happens because the institution of marriage does not carry the same significance as it does in the past. People nowadays always carry option no.2 in their pockets: Divorce. If it doesn't work, divorce. Our society is becoming so lame...

ah pek said...

go thaicock giu gai count onot?

me said...

dear annie: she's not even my friend. i've never met her and prob talked to her less than 10 times, each less than 1 minute. it's just the injustice and mental abuse i can't stand. i have an opinion, but as with everybody, it's usually biased. so it's unfair to judge others without first hand experience and thus i should keep my mouth shut most of the time. i really hate those that cheat and then deny it vehemently, even going so far as pushing back the blame on the other party.

dear monty: that one different lah. there's no abuse. they are both having a good time and a nice arrangement mah. the more the merrier. kakakaka.

dear ian: not so much physical age, but mental. kakakaka. too innocent, cannot enter. *grins*

sometimes, coming across an idiot like annie's ex is not such a bad thing because then you can differentiate between ass**** and decent people. that's one way of looking at it. still, i believe she would have loved to get her hands around his neck! and if i have been her friend then, i would help her. hahaha.

dear jonzz: marriage is the most difficult thing in the world; harder than getting a PhD in space study or something. the only reason there was less divorce back then is because most women were uneducated and had no where to turn to, no where to run. so what can they do? close one eye lah. women nowadays are more financially independent, so it it doesn't work out, they don't even bother sticking it out. they take the exit route. for those who have stayed married forever, divorce or quitting has prob crossed their minds millions of times. staying married is very very difficult. we shouldn't judge but you're right, infidelity sucks either way.

dear ah pek: *grins* i don't know lah. somehow that doesn't bother me as much. i don't know why. some wives are ok with their husbands visiting 'chicken', though i can't imagine who will be. if the wives are happy (and she doesn't get VD), i don't care. i guess sometimes my opinions conflict each other. better to keep my mouth shut lah.

may said...

humph. and same goes for those "devoted" boyfriends too. doesn't matter if you're married or not, it's the dishonesty and suspicions that irks me.

mslenglui said...

dear may: aye aye, it's the betrayal.

Anonymous said...

Human relationship is a very complex thing..more so between spouses. I have personally known girlfriends, who are educated, but who do NOT dump their spouses when the latter cheat, especially if there are kids involved.
I read that kids brought up with 2 parents ( even though they may not get along so well ) is better off than kids raised by a solo parent.Better off emotionally.

me said...

dear just me: ya, i know it's more complicated than we bystanders will understand, hence i really shouldn't comment. i don't really know if children growing under cold, sarcastic, resentful conditions will blossom. i think it's a lose lose situation either way. for what? a few minutes of pleasure? sometimes there are more to life than just your own happiness. sigh! there's no wrong or right to this, just a difference in choice.

zewt said...

an orgasm is just an orgasm... now, that is a new phylosophy...

as men will always be men... so do women. i have heard of many stories relating to women... dont get me started.

me said...

call it discrimination, whatever. for every women who cheated, there are two men. the men whom i know didn't cheat are down to a handful...and maybe that's only because i don't know of it yet.

being too smart a woman has its downfall.

the only strange thing is...these men are begging to let the secret be known. comeon, if i know of the secret, how long before the wives know? that, my friend, is disgusting. if they wanted the marriage to end, have the guts to tell her. if they want highs, have someone give them a kick in the ba*ls

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...