Monday, December 11, 2006

our deadliest enemy

it's nearly halfway through the final month of 2006 and i have not even had the chance to blink my eye. i haven't even adjusted to calling this month december and it's already half over. whatever happened to my list of things to do for this year? how about my new year resolutions? for that matter, what were they again?

these last few months have been absolutely crazy. i can hardly find the time to blog. events come and pass; all dutily recorded in the camera but did not manage to find their way into the blog. as time lag, the enthusiasm to post about it also pass. moments to sit down and reflect on my thoughts were few and far between. i have a few words i wanted to leave here.....but the moment was inopportune and so i let it pass.

i was reflecting on how time seem to pass even quicker as one age. anyone who has reach 35 will understand the sentiment and echo my feelings. last night the reason suddenly came to me.

it's because as we age, our interests grow. when we were young, all we wanted to do was to play. the occasional yummilicious ice-cream here, some sweets there and as much tv watching as the adults will allow. that was all. all we cared about and all we wanted. hence, there seems to be so much time. after mickey clubhouse, what time was it again? 3.30pm. after the smurfs? 4.00pm? some rope skipping.....only 4.10pm?

now, as we grow, we want to do everything. see everything, eat everything, try everything and go everywhere. even our friends have increased manifolds, categorised by the different phases of our lives. there will never be enough time to do everything *looking crestfallen*.

can we slow down time by keeping our life simple then? cut down all our interests and activites and our group of friends? we imprison ourselves at home till the faint smell of rotting whiffs past our nose; then we will know that it is us who are starting to decompose. we look at the clock, and it was but two minutes after we last checked. we sit around with nothing to do but stare vacantly into air. time will crawl by.

what will be the point of that then?


sooi2 said...

haven't u heard...that life is like a roll of toilet paper. it finishes up very fast the moment it gets near the end, LOL!

me said...

because of ....erm..technical problems (the computer, not mine) i had to erase the three previous same post. which meant i had to erase may's comment together with it. i reprint her comment here (pls don't sue me for copying):

may said:

we can't help but feel that time passes by too quickly when we have so much to accomplish, yet crawl at a snail's pace when we're idling and waiting for something to happen. yet each minute passes precisely at every 60th second. funny, isn't it? ;-)

Anonymous said...

I was waiting for u to fix the multiple entry duplicates before commenting...

All I wanted to say is, I'm feeling the same way as you do. So much to do yet so little time...

Anonymous said...

If you have too much free time, you start rotting.
If you have no free time, you start burning out.
It's all about priorities. We have to choose with the limited time and resources we have been given. We can't have everything.

Las montaƱas said...

too much time jonzz? that is only in dreams.

me said...

dear sooi2: haha! i hope not! i'm not even half-way thru yet!

dear may: so, i guess it's just how you see it. something consistent, even when viewed with different emotions and perspective, will give different results. that's why humans are so complicated.

dear ian: *grins* should have brought it to my attention earlier :-p i guess it's even more so with you, cos you have to get things done before you take your year-end leave.

dear jonzz: prioritising? ( that spelling correct? i don't have time to look it up) i'm fickle. so by the time i am done choosing which ones first, which ones next and which ones ignore...i would have finished the whole lot anyway! i'm a dumb worker, in life and work :-p

dear monty: it would be nice though, wouldn't it? to just sit idly with nothing next on your agenda.

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...