Friday, January 05, 2007


why do i like coffee?

they taste absolutely vile. it's bitter, like those traditional chinese medicine brew. the ones i had at the modern kopitiam taste even worse than the chinese concoction. no amount of sugar or honey can cover up the taste in my mouth, which leaves my face contorted in the most unpleasant response. those at the chain coffee outlets are even worse; they leave me with a headache and a scratchy throat.

the after-effects are not even orgasmic. i don't get the reported 'high' or the sudden burst of alertness. if at all, i become even more paranoid and edgy.

so, why do i order the same thing, over and over again, despite the many unfinished cups and bitter experience? why do i ask for it automatically, like someone who has been hexed?

aside from the fact that my mouth obviously works faster than my brain, i think it's the rebellious side in me that's responsible for my lapse in better judgement. drinking coffee is like a cry against the pleasant side of me, which is pretty much like tea. i go down well, soothe the throat and gets comments like 'she's so sweet' from people. eventhough i believe they say that because they have nothing else nice to say about me, it still ticks me off. me, sweet?

if sweet is being silent so that people can talk on and on and monopolise the conversation, i'll raise my hand up in a jiffy. the way i figure it, i let most people talk. at the end of the talking marathon, with an appropriate nod from me and a 'hmmm' here and there, they realise they don't know anything about me. nothing to summarise me as a person. so, i'm called sweet....for lack of a better description.

so, coffee is my rebellion against sweetness. against the obedient, loyal and gentle side of me. i can't very well kick the dog by the side of the road, or slap the crying baby, so i drink coffee. it's my way of telling the world, i'm not really nice. you just don't know me yet.


ah pek said...

where got people rebel using coffee wannn???? Use ganja mah.

Anonymous said...

OMG, rebel using coffee. But I drink so much coffee everyday. Am I rebelling? Looks around... Hmmm...

Drink Coca Cola, now that's rebelling! Ha ha ha ha (OMG, I'm crapping.. nvm it's Friday)

Anonymous said...

Awe ME, no worries, we know you're not sweet! You're a spunky little chick with a fire in her belly and a clever wit. *wink*

I'm a Tully's drinker myself. It's a Washington coffee - can buy it online if one gets desperate. It's smoother - less vile and less bitter. I send bags of it to my friend on the East Coast because she says she no longer gets headaches when she drinks Tully's. She gets headaches drinking other coffee grounds.

Now if you REALLY want to offend someone, take up smoking and get yourself a couple of tattoos. :D

Fantasy "Sticky" Flier said...

you just get a big kick out of torturing yourself hor.. ;)

may said...

coffee with fresh creamy milk and a bit of sugar is the best comfort drink evah!!

Anonymous said...

What you need is NOT coffee, lenglui.
You need tranquilizers! LOL

Bernard said...

I've recently acquired a taste for nescafe tarik. Mmmm mmmm. Bitter sweet.

It's a break from the creamy taste of teh tarik.

Anonymous said...

did *fantasy sticky flier* just call you a "hor" ?

Want me to kick his ass? Or is it a her?

Anonymous said...

no, annie, its a 'haul'!!

me said...

dear ah pek: wahhh, that one point of no return. i want to rebel lah, not lose my sanity and dignity :-p

dear jonzz: yes, you are subconsciously just don't know it yet. kakaka. coke? i would say it's rebelling! esp knowing the 6 spoons of sugar that's inside 1 can. damn! i'm crapping too...and it's not even friday!

dear annie: wat a nice thing to say about me *blush* wow! how desperate does one have to be to get online coffee? i can imagine the scenario...annie's hands are shaking, her lips quivering, her hair messy and her sanity barely intact..she reached for her keyboard with all the inner strength she can muscle...where she types in "order tully's", hits enter and drops into a caffeine-deficiency-induced coma. the doctor had to bring her in immediately where they hook her iv line to 2 litres of tully's.....

tattoo? i'm not quite sure i want drooping sad-looking whatever-thingy peeping out of my butt when i'm old and grey.

dear ff: if i wanted to do that, i would wear lycra, knee high boots, carry a whip and some candles....kakakakaka.

dear may: that's to cover the taste of that vile liquid. kakakaka.

dear cocka: wrong. what i need are pills for delusion and insanity. hmmmmm...maybe those tranquilizers will come in handy to calm this manic laughters..

dear bernard: nescafe tarik? is it that instant thingy? i'll try it but i bet it pulls in a big bunch of calories too. :-(

dear annie: what?!?!? who's calling me a hor? who dares to call me a hor? *glaring around* and to think he even winked at me!! (it's a he, btw, and he's got hte best view in the world) but isn't there a 'w' and an 'e' missing for me to get offended? :-p

dear monty: you've lost me there. :-(

sengkor said...

i reward myself by drinking coffee..

me said...

dear sengkor: u small boy mah...*grins*

Bernard said...

Me, what does a lorry "haul"? Not light things. Geddit? Haha.

Nescafe tarik: the milk innit packs the punch.

me said...

dear bernard: is monty calling me heavy!??! where is that monty?!??! grrrr....! *grins*

oic, hmmm...maybe i should try it.

in the name of friendship

i have met up with her probably 2 to 3 times in the last 35 years. she wants to borrow money, this almost stranger. i obliged, in the name o...